Thursday, February 28, 2019
Leadership †Does Gender Matter Essay
Does sexual urge affect the ability of an individual to become an utile run shorter? Some researchers gestate that good leaders are undecomposed born while others believe that effective leading can be get a lineed. But few of these researchers discuss the difference that gender may switch in becoming good leaders. When we take a look cover version through history, we can see that the evaluation of wowork force leaders was slow. Today, only 2. 4 percent (Gettings, Johnson, Brunner, & Frantz, 2009) of the caboodle 500 Companys are lead by women which is an increase from the 1. percent (www. m one and only(a)y. cnn. com) of womanish Chief Executive Officers in 2002.The gender differences in the corporate world posses several issues for the Human election Managers such as management tendency differences, pay off equity, promotion fairness, and work-life balance. Women began unveiling the workforce in the late 1800s. During that time, women were employed in what society considered young-bearing(prenominal) specific tendingers such as teachers, nurses, and seamstresses and women made up a precise small portion of the workforce.This all changed with the on- gravel of erecting War II. While the men left to ful cope with their military obligations, women stepped up to the plate and filled frames in industrial factories across the nation doing jobs typically performed by men. Following World War II, some females continued to work and over the decades yield set career aspirations which have led them to the top. As time went on, it became obvious that the gender differences in the work place required Human Resource management intervention.Historically, the workplace was predominantly masculine when it came to organizational theory. Organizations were structured on centralised authority, specialization and expertise, and division of labor. Aggressive and dominating leadership styles became less prevalent among organizations. The era of masculine leadership styles thusly gave way to the newly want feminine way (Lowen, 2007) of leading. In the late 1900s, organizations became more feminine in nature utilizing concepts such as delegation of authority, collaboration, and empowerment.In addition, social traffic became a focus for organizations and such things as trust, openness and concern for the on the whole person kicked off the feminization of leadership (Frankel, 2007) and in 1963 the Equal net income Act was named which mandated equal pay, regardless of gender, for workers performing the same job. This became extremely great as women began to hold top take positions at heart organizations. Women possess many gender specific qualities and characteristics which enhance their leader effectiveness in at onces feminized leadership. According to a consider conducted by Caliper, a Princeton establish management consulting group, women leaders are more empathic, flexible and possess stronger interpersonal skills. The st rong interpersonal skills of women enable them to be objective in pickings in information from all sides and then take this information and deliberateness the concerns and objectives of their people. Empathy and genuine concern make subordinates feel valued, supported, and understood.In addition, this same study noted that women were able to be more persuasive and assertive in taking risks as compared to their male counter parts. This often leads to women coming up with more innovative solutions to problems, and ultimately, getting things accomplished. Many studies conducted across the country within various businesses have concluded that women executives are rated higher than men in the areas of producing high quality work, setting and achieving goals, and mentoring subordinates (Sharpe, 2000).These studies overly found that women were not as concerned with self-interest as men and did not accomplish tasks or achieve goals based on what was in it for them, but instead for the gui leless enjoyment of their success. It is this type of attitude which inspires companies to employee women in their executive positions. In addition, one of the areas in these studies showed that women excelled at teamwork and motivating teams in getting results. But these studies also included areas where men were stronger such as strategic and technical ability. hands also seemed to be better at giving punishment and were found to issue double the amount of punishments as compared to women. With so many differences in management styles between men and women, it was necessary for Human Resource Managers to radiation pattern diversity programs which included education on gender differences, as well as, racism, discrimination, etc. Women are slowly making their way into the corporate ranks of Fortune 500 Companies. According to CNN Money, there are currently 13 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 500 and 26 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 1,000.Believe it o r not, the compute of female Chief Executive Officers has doubled compared to 5 years past when there were only 6 female Chief Executive Officers in the Fortune 500. But, if women make equally effective leaders as compared to men, then why are there so few employed in top management positions? In Tischlers article Where are the Women? , she negotiation about how women scale back their work in exchange for a balanced personal life (Tischler, 2007). She also discusses the competiveness of men compared to women and how that might apply to the larger number of men holding top executive level positions.Most often, women simply dont want to deal with the work-life balance. illuminate executives put in grueling long days and their lives are controlled by the companys success or failure. Women have a raw(a) instinct to nurture and often put their family life before their career. When I read Morris article, Trophy Husbands, it made me stop and telephone how husbands could assist in hel ping their spouse to balance the work-life balance. In Morris article, she discusses how husbands have given up their careers to assist their female spouses in reaching the top (Morris, 2002).I think that this is a huge step in elevating women to the top ranks of the corporate world. These husbands stepped follow out for many reasons, but some stepped down because they knew their wives had the potential and determination to fill these top positions. They were supportive and wanted to assist by elevating any family link up stress by ensuring that things on the home front were taken care of. In fact, although the number of female Chief Executive Officers appears to be low, the rectitude is women are successful leaders.There are over 9 one thousand thousand women-owned businesses in the United States and women hold over 45 percent of the managerial positions within large corporations. Indeed, women can and are successful at leading. that there is still a large difference in the pay scale of female and male executives. Is it simply a blatant decisions that these companies make, or is it a simply mistake because these organizations do not have an naturalized pay scale system? Human Resource Managers need to be cognizant of pay differences and promotion bias.According to Stites article, one way to vitiate this dilemma is to establish systematic pay systems, ensure equal portal to promotions, and document discrepancies with legitimate business reasons (Stites, May 2005). So, does gender matter when considering leadership effectiveness? According to the text, men and women are equally effective at leading, but each gender utilizes different styles in their leadership abilities (Northouse, 2007). It is my position that gender is neutral. Males and females can both possess the skills necessary to be effective leaders and I believe that women can lead companies to success good as well as men.To be an effective leader, one mustinessiness know how and when to app ly the many different styles and characteristics to each unique situation. some(prenominal) men and women have unique qualities about them, but the ability to learn from the opposite gender will enhance ones leadership abilities. I believe that men and women can combine and adapt their unique styles of leadership to increase their strengths and minimize their weaknesses within the workplace. Regardless of gender, developing a leadership style is a difficult and challenging feat for all managers.In researching the many definitions of leadership, I have determined that leaders are defined as those who inspire workers and develop their skills and creativity to achieve goals. Of the many definitions I read, not one referred to male or female gender when defining a leader. Male or female gender shouldnt matter when it comes to find out an individuals ability to lead. The Human Resource Manager must ensure that they are concerned and aware of the gender differences and difficulties whi ch must be dealt with in the business world.Indeed, gender does matter, especially since women have become a large percentage of the work force and are now touching up the corporate ladder into top level positions. Gender differences create many issues that Human Resource Managers must be able to prevent, mitigate, and/or resolve. Todays Human Resource Management education programs have increased the ability of individuals to fill these vital management positions. In consecrate for Human Resource Managers to accomplish this task, they must be aware of gender specific management styles, pay equity, promotion fairness, and work-life balance.
Rhetorical Analysis Model of Christian Charity
In John Winthrops sermon, Model of Christian Charity, Winthrop uses glib diction and gures of speech to reinforce his idea of a city upon a hill, which is having absolute unity and conformity in able for the colony to prosper, in which others will look to as an example for guidance. His entire sermon is in a rst person plural to refer to the Puritans that he is speaking to and proverb that they are a group that is not diverse. Winthrop states that they must be break down together, in this work, as one man, which means that every individual is meant to confound a commitment to the group that those individuals are meant to work together as common destiny. By referring that the Puritans must embrace the ideas of being the city upon a hill, suggesting that they all come together no matter what their differences are to stimulate a much larger entity, in which others around them will follow for guidance. Not only does John Winthrop insist on the unity in the midst of and among the i ndividual Puritans, he in addition searches in a unity in the midst of graven image and humans.Winthrop talks about the deep trammel net that the Puritans hire with God he is not only binding them together, but he is also showing the higher purpose that God intends to have. Winthrop states that is order to keep the bond with God they must follow his ways and keep their Covenant with Him, so they will be able to prosper. Winthrop is combing politics with religion that foreshadows this part of theocracy to come and also dramatically setting this as an example of a spiritual and physical unity that Winthrop seems to impulse on among his people and mingled with his people and God.Winthrop shows his desire for his city upon a hill through his motivational speaking to the Puritans and suggesting them to have this sense of community to succeed their goal and to have faith in God and in his ways, to succeed in this dress of accomplishment.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Island Report
settle As requested, this report is an assessment of the suitability of Fiji Island for package holidays. The report summarizes the principal(prenominal) attractions as well as the accessibility and accommodation. Location and access The Fiji islands be located in the Pacific Ocean off the eastern gliding of Australia, therefore the well-nigh convenient way of traveling to the island is by shroud or by boat. Once on the island, traveling from the airport is possible by using the public transportation such as busses or taxis. Busses run from the airport or the center of the island to any attraction each(prenominal) 15 minutes during the day and every1 hour during the night.Accommodation and restaurants The island aims to provide traditional and reliable Fiji accommodation. This is achieved through the use of bungalows instead of hotels with lined ceilings and thatched roofs. The result is stylish, comfortable and caters for all tastes. There are a lot of restaurants on the i sland and Fijis nutrient is a veritable melting pot of cultural influences from all everywhere the world. However, because of the islands politics, most of the restaurants close before 10 pm and if tourists indispensableness a certain type of restaurant, they have to make a arriere pensee in advance.Tourist attractions Fiji Island offers a wide range of attractions and activities that visitors enjoy such as sailing, scuba-diving, dolphin watching or shopping tours. Also, the island is provided with an open-air fitness where the tourists nooky relax. However, the prices of this facility are higher in the summer period collectable to the big number of visitors. Recommendation In conclusion, due to Fijis immanent beauty as well as the modern facilities, it represents one of the most visited islands and would be able to provide the facilities necessary for a perfect case holiday.
Childhood Obesity Analysis
Pargonnts & Child Cargontakers Obesity in the States is liter bothy a outgrowth problem, affecting e really age grouping. Children are the most venerable group because they welcome no control over where they have dinner or how often they have warm food. Parents and guardians make decisions about food and are responsible for the wellness of tikeren. childishness corpulency has more than doubled in the last twenty years. This is concerning because Type Two diabetes is a horrible, crippling malady that is affecting children and teens dramatically whereas the affection was primarily seen in adults.Children are verbalize to have a shorter life span than their parents for the first time ever. In the United States sixty-six percent of adults are lumbering and nonpareil in three adults are overweight. Children that are overweight usually become overweight teens and possible obese adults. With an increase in processed food and truehearted food chains springing up everywhere every one must be very cautious of what they eat and how often the eat agile food. Parents must be especially careful with deciding upon what their children exit eat for dinner and current(prenominal)wise meals away from prepare.Fast food restaurants are convenient and an obvious pick when parents are short on time getting children from one puzzle to the some other. While time may sometimes be short flexible childrens health for the sake of a few minutes is not worth it. It is critical that florid meals are provided for children to ensure their future health. mixer Service Organizations Social Service Organizations such(prenominal) as the Center for infirmity Control and Department of Health and Human Services agree that puerility obesity is a growth epidemic. gibe to Dr. William Dietz of the CDC, the number of children between the ages of 6-11 who are obese has more than doubled over the onetime(prenominal) 20 years. The principal(prenominal) interests of these organizat ions are children and their health. In todays society, children are simply not as physically active as they were in the past. Other factors such as growing fast food industries, time and money constraints, and increase numbers of single parents have contributed to obesity within our children.In invest of battle to help children achieve a goodish lifestyle many organizations have created programs that provide school children with healthy snacks, while others sponsor programs designed to get on physical activity. In order for these programs to be successful, it is important that children are mindful of the health risks associated with obesity and the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle. These organizations try to school children using pamphlets and instruction within the school systems. legion(predicate) have created their birth cartoon characters to promote eating fruits & vegetables, and engaging in physical activities. These characters were create to compete with current advertisements that use characters such as Scooby Doo or Spongebob Squarepants. Children, standardized many adults, arouse be swayed when advertisements use attractive sources. Although neither of these organizations demand that advertisements are one of the contributing factors to puerility obesity, they do believe that advertisements can help them to battle the epidemic.These organizations have also yet to hold the fast food industries to blame, they contribute the escalating numbers to be a factor of the surround these children are being raised in. The environment could include anything from the neighborhood the child grows up in and the neighborhood grocery stores excerpt of fresh fruits & vegetables to more recently adapted things such as the fast food restaurants on every corner & video game systems in most homes. As give ind earlier, the main interests of these organizations are the children and their health.Based on these interest, Social Service Organizations across t he United States are actively promoting healthy lifestyles and will continue to battle this growing epidemic. commonplace Policy Makers Public Policy Makers are pushing efforts on all levels, to include federal, put forward, local, and biotic partnership organizations, to combat the growing disease k forthwithn as childhood obesity. consort to the Centers for Disease Control and cake, childhood obesity effects more than 9 trillion children and teenagers between the ages of 6-19 in the United States with another 8 million considered at risk of becoming obese.These staggering figures have cause groups to strain all across the country and organize their efforts to prevent this disease. One such organization is the Leadership for Healthy Communities, which is a realmal program of the Robert woodland Johnson Foundation (RWJF). The RWJF holds summits comprehensive events calling on policy leaders nationwide to advance healthy eating andactive living options in their communities . According to the RWJF, a special emphasis has een placed on collaborative plead and community policy approaches that address childhood obesity among vulnerable populations disproportionately affected by the epidemic. The RWJF also has a panel, which consists of its chairmen, doctors, lawyers, but more importantly politicians on the state and federal level who are taking childhood obesity head-on and working with organizations like the RWJF to promote healthy, cost sound change in communities nationwide. atomic number 18, as well as many other states, has adopted command preventing the sale of fatty foods within its public schools. Arkansas Act 1220 was adopted and immediately implemented in 2003, creating the states first Child Health Advisory Committee, which coordinates Statewide Efforts to Combat Childhood Obesity and related Illnesses and works to improve the Health of the Next contemporaries of Arkansans, and banned the sale of fatty foods and soft drinks within public sc hools of all levels.The amount of legislation passed and adopted grew dramatically from 2003 to 2005. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention performed a nationwide scan of legislation from all 50 states to construe how much, if any, legislation had been or is in the process of being passed by state governments to combat childhood obesity. From this ascertain, the CDC identified 717 bills and 134 resolutions that focus on childhood obesity. The results pulled from this study are as follows 17% of bills and 53% of resolutions were adopted on the state level.The CDC statistically grouped all legislation and resolutions passed into topic areas with most legislation focusing on school nutrition standards and vending machines, physical procreation and activity, and studies, councils, or task forces created for the prevention of childhood obesity on the community level. Community related topic areas adopted through bills were walking and biking paths, which accounted for 37% of bills passed, farmers markets, which accounted for 36% of bills passed, and statewide initiatives which focus primarily on model school policies and safe routes to school.Overall, the government, all both the federal and state level, has actively pursue and combated childhood obesity and will continue to do so until the disease is under control and decreased. amends Companies Growing obesity rates equals growing healthcare costs. Health insurance rates have been rising, with double-digit increases in the past 3 years. Obesity is known to considerably increase your chances of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health problems. According to the Surgeon Generals office, obesity cost the economy more than $100 billion a year.Insurance companies are aware of these costs associated with obesity, therefore, if you are an overweight individual laborious to obtain health insurance, you may either be denied or will be forced to pay more for coverage, up to twice as much. We cant blame all of the rising costs of health care on the obese population but if the majority of our nation is obese and it is substantially more expensive to insure an overweight individual, one can begin to see the impact it plays on our costs as a whole.According to the Department of Health and Human Services, a new revised Medicare obesity coverage policy has been put into effect. Medicare will now be able to review scientific evidence in order to determine whether the specific treatments related to obesity would be covered by Medicare. Lawyers Lawyers along with others are suing companies that are making what is on Americas plates. Fault is being thrown around the court room as to whos really to blame for the obesity epidemic in America today. Lawsuits for unhealthy foods being marketed to young children are bout up everywhere.Many believe that cartoon characters used to market these foods are to blame in this mess of lawsuits. Lawyers are also saying that it may not be the l ack of will but the addictive nature of the food create obesity. On the other hand lawyers representing food companies say that this conclusion is cast out science and the behaviors of those who overeat are not similar to those with addictions. With all of these lawsuits turning up there are many food companies changing their marketing strategy along with their image and actual product to be healthy choices.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
12-Corporate Ownership, Governance and Tax Avoidance
The fact is that revenue enhancementes deductions from the cash flows available to a firm, and therefore the dividends distributable to the sh beholders, propose that firm owners would attempt to increase their wealth through various taxes to carry on away from these Practices. Such types of advantages of enhanced cash flows from tax avoidance practices are ingenious with certain Non-tax costs.This required the costs/benefits considering of such type of practices and the extract of tax avoidance if the interest outweigh the linked costs. Therefore, the benefits and the associated costs with integrated tax avoidance are discussed here. Prior to explanation, little awareness are provided on the meaning and measures of unified Tax avoidance to give congruous ground for the discussion in detail. The corporate tax avoidance lacks world-wide definition as it might connote divers(prenominal) thing to different People (Hanlon & Heitzman, 2010137).The reality is that there is signi ficant tax impacts on solely settlement of a Company, meant to enhance its profit, could account for such shortness of common definition. , they have different definitions of corporate tax avoidance put up by researchers in present times (for a review of these definitions keep an eye on Salihu, tribal sheikh Obid & Annuar, 2013 Salihu 2014). Here, explain corporate tax avoidance as a decrease the clear cut corporate tax liabilities.This definition is in line with Hanlon and Heitzman (2010) It explains tax avoidance as a continuum of tax arrangements policies where something ilk municipal bond Investments are at one side (lower graphic tax, perfectly legal), Therefore , the terms Such as tax precaution tax planning tax sheltering and tax aggressiveness are translatable use with tax Avoidance in the literature (see for instance subgenus Chen et al. 2010 Lanis and Richardson, 2011 2012 Minnick & Noga, 2010 Tang & Firth, 2011).Similar to its definition, there have been many ways of corporate tax avoidance used in the prior Literature. These ways are mainly depended on the estimates from the financial statements and could be categorized into three classes/groups. The firstly group adds those measures that examine the multitude of the gap between book and taxable income. All these consist of total book-tax gap residual book-tax gap and tax-effect book-tax gap.The secondment group has to take up with those establish the evaluate the proportional center of taxes to business income. All these having effective tax rates (this comes in several(prenominal) variants like accounting ETR current ETR cash ETR Long-run cash ETR ETR derived function symmetry of income tax expense to operating cash flow & ratio of cash taxes Paid to operating cash flow). The third group comprises some other measures such as optional permanent differences (PERMIDIFF)/DTAX unrecognized tax benefits (UTB) and tax shelter estimates.Other than this plethora of measures of corporate tax avoidance used in the tax literature, its conforming aspect remains un-captured as closely of the measures are computed based on items that are affected by accretion accounting Procedures. To this part, Hanlon and Heitzman (2010) proposed a measure for conforming tax avoidance as the Proportion of cash tax paid to operating cash flow. Salihu, Sheikh Obid and Annuar (2013) documented the significant difference of this measure from other similar measures. This field suggested the use this measure for the Empirical investigation given the context of the study.
Artificial Birth Control
Definition of schmalzy Birth Control soppy soak up a bun in the oven control can be defined as all product, procedure or practice that utilisations bleached or un lifelike authority to prevent pregnancy. Barrier methods such as condoms and diaphragms, hormonal methods such as the pill and IUDs, and surgical sterilization procedures such as a vasectomy or hysterectomy argon all considered to be artificial consanguinity control methods. Artificial bear control is also refers to the use of any medication, barrier or device to prevent pregnancy.Many sight use it instead of or in addition to natural family planning, which relies on tracking menstrual cycles, body temperature and unison of mucus discharge to determine when a woman could conceive. The term artificial birth control is most frequently heard in copulation to religious teachings on family planning. Many religious groups encourage the use of natural family planning as opposed to artificial birth control, believing t hat development artificial contraception is contrary to Gods will. Certainly, though, there be also non-religious people who choose not to use artificial birth control for personal, ethical or medical reasons.Barrier manner The barrier method is one causa of artificial birth control and as the name implies, barrier contraceptives use some sort of barrier to prevent sperm from reaching an testicle. ready(prenominal) barrier contraceptives are male condoms, female condoms, diaphragms, cervical caps and contraceptive sponges. spermicide acts as a chemical barrier and therefore also waterfall into this category. It is also to prevent pregnancy by killing ejaculated sperm. Spermicide is much utilize in conjunction with barrier birth control. Hormonal Method Any type of hormonal contraceptive is considered to be artificial birth control.Although the birth control pill is probably the most common hormonal contraceptive, its far from being the only one. Other available hormonal co ntraceptives are the birth control patch, the vaginal ring, Depo-Provera injections, Lunelle injections and the intrauterine device (IUD). Intra-uterine devices (IUDs) are tiny devices inserted in a womans uterus. They prevent the fertilization and/or implantation of the egg by changing the mucus around the cervix and the uterine lining. They live for several years. Surgical Sterilization The final type of artificial birth control is surgical sterilization.For men, the sterilization procedure is called a vasectomy. For women, both tubal ligations (also known as having ones tubes tied) and hysterectomies cause sterilization. Its important to understand, though, that a hysterectomy is typically performed for medical reasons, including cancer or endometriosis. For this reason, a hysterectomy is not usually considered artificial birth control. Alternative Methods If you have decided that artificial birth control methods are not right for you but you arent yet ready to have a child, yo u may want to consider natural family planning.Natural family planning involves tracking your temperature or cervical mucus changes to determine your fertile days. On those days, you abstain from wake up to avoid pregnancy. The rhythm method finding your ovulation date based on your menstrual cycle and withdrawals are also considered by some to be natural family planning methods. History Artificial birth control methods have been used for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians created vaginal suppositories thought to prevent pregnancy, and many cultures used condoms made of linen or animal intestines.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Contributing factors toward SWB of the Institutionalized Elderly Essay
Apart from delineating the cognitive and affective indicators of SWB, this study alike attempted to identify the possible factors which contribute to SWB. A host of factors were set in the largely westbound literature. These are presented in the succeeding pages. strong-arm Health Health is unity of the most important variables in predicting whether wad are happy (Campbell et al. , 1976). The World Health Organization defines health as, the optimum military operation of the human organism to meet biological, psychological, ethical and spiritual postulate (Emeth & Greenhut, 1991).In this study the elderly were said to bugger off optimal functioning when he or she had basic competence, which was necessary for maintenance of independent lively (Martin, 2001). In the case of the elderly in the study it was denoted by their king for personal care on their own. It also pertained to mental health, which was a tell apart where the elderly were not pr one to depression, or other m ental illness, and did not have any major cognitive impairments. Autonomy Autonomy could be equated to having the capacity for selfdetermination, independence, internal locus of check, and internal regulation of behavior (Ryff, 1989).Having a backbone of being in control (autonomy) means that ones thoughts and actions are ones own and not determined by others. It is related to somatogenic health too as it gives a smack of mastery over situations. It is important for all and particularly for the elderly to swear that sense of control or autonomy because a sense of losing control of ones life or ones force play is to in some ways lose ones worth, which give the bounce have detrimental effect on ones physical as well as psychological health. Money/Income Income or money is importantly related to a sense of upbeatin ancient age (Diener, 1984) and the elderly in the study may or may not enjoy financial security Money is important likely because of the sense of security that t hey experience when they have enough money which could implicitly affect their sense of autonomy and self-worth. Family Relationships Family is a natural institution eonian across time and space which is a very close and well-read group and ones sense of well-being is sustained by membership in this primary group, as it provides a sense of security, connectedness, and be hankeringness to the aged. in that respect are no substitutes for the close family in the experience of well-being in the case of the aged. In the case of the elderly in the study, family kind is limited to this intimate group consisting of the spouse, children and grandchildren as the extended family is almost missing in the given mount. Friendship Friendship or close relationship with members of the same age group often sharing personal characteristics, life styles, values and experiences is a source of enjoyment, socializing, and reminiscing the past promote a higher(prenominal) satisfaction among the older adults (Sorensen & Pinquart, 2000).In the given situation it could be long standing friends from the past, and or the friendship developed among the co-residents of the home. hearty Support and Social Interest To experience a sense of well-being persons should have bass feeling of sympathy, and affection for human beings (social interest/altruism). That is, their ability to go beyond the personal to interpersonal establishing deep, profound interpersonal relationships and social support, to transpersonal, which is relating to the Divine in the social context of ones life.These play a material role in maintaining their psychological, social, and physical integrity over time (Witmer & Sweeny, 1992) and then the sense well-being. Attitude toward Death Death can be understand as a natural process of transition from one typify of life to another. Depending on the meaning people attach to stopping point, they fear destruction or embrace it as a natural transition with a sense of acceptance and surrender (Atchley, 1997). Accepting old age and death meaningfully makes life happier. Fear or acceptance of death is near related to general satisfaction.According to (Moberg, 2001), when life is lived to the full, death becomes a fulfillment, a completion. Religion and Spirituality Subjective aspects of religion and spirituality include religious identification, religious attitudes, values, beliefs, knowledge, and mystical/religious experiences. Religious experience provides a sense of meaning and purpose in daily life (Polner, 1989). Spirituality unremarkably refers to a unique, personally meaningful experience of a transcendent proportion that is associated with wholeness and wellness (Westgate, 1996).Spiritual wellness is the dimension that permits the integration of ones spirituality with the other dimensions of life, thus maximizing the potential for increase and self-actualization (Westgate, 1996). At this point of SWB research, there is already an idea o f the variables which correlate with SWB. However, a better understanding of parameters that influences the relationships, the directions of influences between variables, and the different influences interact are quieten needed (Diener, 1984). Given the assumption that these features are deepcross-cultural, universally applicable, load characteristic features of well being sought by the aged, the researcher believed that the institutionalise care for the aged and their subjective sense of well-being is also context specific. An understanding of psychological well-being necessarily rely upon the moral visions that are culturally embedded and frequently culture specific (Christopher, 1999). In this context, one top executive ask how the institutionalized aged of Gladys Spellman experience the transition from mathru-pithru devobhava(mother and breed are like gods) to institutionalized care, what their experience of the subjective well-being consisted in, and what might be the spec ific factors that would contribute to their sense of well being. It is possible that the western culture-specific factors of subjective well-being outlined above may not have the same relevance for the population under investigation. This study was expected to aid understand the contextspecific aspects of well-being of the institutionalized aged.
Continuous Assessments Essay
unremitting discernment is an on-going process of company and interpreting information near learners teaching that you use to make decisions approximately what to teach, how to teach and how well students piddle learned. Basic characteristics of sustained Assessments include the followers * It is an on-going process * It comprises of a mix of assessment methods * It gives timely feedback * Its aligned with course of instruction and * Its collaborative with students. many differences between Continuous Assessments and Formal Assessments Continuous Assessments Examinations current in the classroom throughout the year Usually at the finis of a unit, semester, term, year or cycle Many distinct tasks wholeness exam or few tests per subject Carried out by the instructor Can be administered by someone other than the teacher may be developed by the teacher May be pen by persons other than the classroom teacher Marked by the teacher May be marked by persons other than the c lassroom teacher Teachers use assessment results to improve teaching Dont serving teacher to identify student weakness Are connected to the plan being taught May not be always be connected to what is taught.General Advantages of Continuous Assessment * Learners allow be assessed using different and appropriate assessment methods and this allow provide a more reasoned assessment of the learners performance. * Assessment will now treat place in an authentic context i. e. the learner will be assessed in a graphic situation, which is integral to the learning process. * During assessment, there will be immediate feedback into the learning process, thus promoting the formative role of assessment. * Opportunities be provided that would be impossible in a once-off external examination.* A variety of skills can be assessed by internal assessment, which otherwise would not have been considered for assessment purposes. * Assessment is on-going and therefore learners are compelled to motion consistently and this will contribute to re-instating the culture of teaching and learning. * The educator who works closely with the learner will now carry out judgment of the learners performance. Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Learners * Monitor student progress * interrupt study behaviour * Identify misconceptions * Motivate improvement Have realistic expectations.Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Parents * Involve in monitoring tikes progress * Understand students strengths and weaknesses * Strengthen learning partnership with school Seek assistance for their child Specific Advantages of Continuous Assessment to the Teachers * Evaluate effectiveness of their lessons * Modify teaching strategies * Improve judgments about what students have learned for final grades Evaluate effectiveness of programs How is Continuous Assessment Used? Continuous Assessment is usually used for the following plastic purposes * Diagnosis identify ski lls that students can do.* Diagnosis identify errors that a student is making * Help decide how to change the lesson / unit plans * Provide students with pattern * Help decide where to begin teaching * Modify students behaviour Continuous Assessment is usually used for the following Summative purposes * Grading and forward motion * Assigning final grades * Selection of students for programs * Provide superiors with data * Give awards (formally or informally) for work well done / effort made * Student compartmentalization Some Concerns of Teachers* Continuous Assessments is time consuming and requires a great issue of preparation and record keeping * A few students do not do well on projects during the term, but do well on final examinations the zero on projects brings down their final grade * Some students are de-motivated when they do not see the rate of progress they preclude * Lack of trust that the assessment tasks, such as projects and home work assignments that are not do ne under good supervision are the students own work *.Students seem overwhelmed with so many school-based sustained assessments that view towards their final grades, if every subject gives a project or a term paper, thats a lot of work * The marks from continuous assessment are inconsistent across teachers Some Examples of Alternative Assessments * spiritual domain written examinations *Seen written examinations * portfolio development * essays * projects * strategic or business plans * fieldwork * writings searches * journal article analysis/critiquing * oral presentations * dissertations * book, article, multi-media material reviews * laboratory reports * expression studies * group/team work * audio/video tape production.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Kilogram and Density
CHAPTER 1 1. List the seven SI base quantities, units, and symbols. TIME here and now (s) 2. Give the correct SI derived units of the following quantities. Density Speed quickening Force Pressure kg/m3 Energy 3. Convert the following ? m (Ans. 1. 22) a. 1. 22 x 10-9 km = b. 6. 523 x 10-4 nm = c. 2. 5x 10-9 nm3 = d. 30. 5 cm/? s = e. 9. 6 ng/mm2 = 4. Mm (Ans. 6. 523 x 10-19) mm3 (Ans. 2. 5 x 10-27) km/h (Ans. 1. 09 x 106) kg/m2 (Ans. 9. 6 x 10-6) effect the following calculations and report each answer with the correct number of hearty figures and units. b. 2. 457 m x 1. 2 m x 2. 45 m d. 3. 6050 cm x (24. 10 cm 23. 0 cm) a. 3. 45 m 3. 4 m c. (50. 214 g 49. 93 g) x 1. 224 cm / 55. 22 cm3 e. 4. 0 x 102 cm 3 cm f. ?2. 7612g ? 2. 7601g ? 2. 20cm 3 g 26. 167m ? 83m 5. 100m h. 12. 64 cm 48 mm + 0. 246 m (answer in meters) 7. 87 g/m2 (16. 1 m 8. 44 m) i. Ans. a) 0. 1 m b) 7. 2 m3 c) 6. 3 x 10-3 g/cm2 d) 3. 61 cm2 e) 4. 0 x 102 cm f) 5. 0 x 10-4 g/cm3 g) 21. 4 g/m3 h) 0. 324 m i) 1 . 03 g/cm3 5. The element beryllium is con berthred toxic at a concentration of 3. 0 x 10-12 g/cm3. What is this concentration in ng/m3? (Ans. 3. 0 x 103) 6. The number concentration of the earth is 5. 52 g/cm 3. What is its assiduousness in a) ? /mm3? (Ans. 5. 52 x 103) b) lb/ft3? (1 lb = 453. 6 g 1 in = 2. 54 cm) (Ans. 345) 7. Diamond has a density of 3. 513 g/cm3. The plentifulness of diamonds is often measured in carats where 1 carat = cc mg. What is the pile (in cm 3) of a 2. 5 carat diamond? (Ans. 0. 14) The density of a liquid alcohol is 0. 79 g/cm 3. A tank measuring 3. 2 m x 0. 0020 km x 4. 1 mm is filled with the alcohol. What is the mass of the contents in kg? (Ans. 21) The density of gilded is 19. 3 g/ cm 3. A 3. 4 mg sample of luxurious is hammered into a square stay that is 8. 6 ? 10? 6 cm thick. What is the length of a side of the square, in cm? Ans. 4. 5) A 14-karat gold ring contains 58. 3% gold and weighs 12. 41 g. If gold sells for $276. 00/ounce, what is the value of the gold in the ring? (1 oz = 28. 35 g) (Ans. $70. 4) A packing material has a density of 12. 8 kg/m 3. How some(prenominal) lbs of this material are needed to fill a 2. 00 ft3 box? (1lb = 454 g 1in = 2. 54 cm) (Ans. 1. 60 lb) 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. A jogger leaves at an honest speed of 6. 5 mi/h. (1 mile = 1. 609 km 1 in = 2. 54 cm) a) How fast is she running in m/s? (Ans. 2. 91 m/s) b) How many kilometers does she run in 98 min? (Ans. 17 km) c) How long should it take her to cover 12 km? (Ans. 1. h) d) If she starts a run at 1115 am, what time is it after she covers 4. 75 x 10 4 ft? (Ans 1238pm) 13. Manganese makes up 1. 3 x 10-4 percent by mass of the elements found in a normal healthy body. How many grams of manganese would be found in the body of person weighing 183 lbs? (2. 2 lb = 1. 0 kg) (Ans. 0. 11 g) If 5. 00 lbs of mercury cost $175 and mercury has a density of 13. 6 g/cm3, what is the cost of 2. 00 L of mercury? (1 lb = 454 g) (Ans. $ 2. 10 x 103) If a raindro p weighs 65 mg on average and 5. 1 x 10 5 raindrops fall on a lawn every minute. What mass (in kg) of rain falls on a lawn in 2. h? (Ans. 5. 0 x 103 kg) A concentrated sulfuric acid source has a density of 1. 84 g/cm3 and contains is 95. 7% H2SO4 by mass. (Note density of a solution means mass of solution divided by volume of solution. ) a) How many grams of pure H 2SO4 are contained in 1. 00 gallon of this solution? 3. 785 L) (Ans. 6. 66 x 103) (1 gallon = 14. 15. 16. b) How many mm3 of this solution contain 100. 0 mg of pure H2SO4? ( Ans 56. 8 mm3) 17. A gold corrupt has a density of 12. 4 g/ml and contains 75. 0% gold by mass. Calculate the volume of this alloy that cigarette be do from 255 g of pure gold. (Ans. 27. 4 mL) 18.Whole milk contains 8. 0 % butterfat by mass. If 5. 0 g butterfat supplies 15 calories, how many calories are contained in 1. 45 gallons of on the whole milk ( density of milk = 0. 8 g/ml 1 gallon = 3. 785 L) (Ans. 1. 1 x 103 cal) Earths oceans have an a verage depth of 3. 800 x 10 3 m, a total theater of 3. 63 x 108 km2, and an average concentration of dissolved gold check to 5. 80 ng/L. 19. a) Caculate the volume of the oceans in cm3. (Ans. 1. 38 x 1024) b) How many kilograms of gold are in the oceans? (Ans. 8. 00 x 109 kg) c) If a recent legal injury of gold was $370. 00/troy oz, what is the value of gold in the oceans? 1 troy oz =31. 1g) (Ans. $ 9. 52 x 1013) 20. When combining the masses 0. 0562 kg, 124. 213 g and 1635 mg, the total should be reported to ______ significant figures. (Ans. 4) 21. What is the best answer to report for the following numeral operation? 15. 415 ? 14. 515 + 0. 0402597 (Ans. 0. 300) 3. 465 22. How many vials of volume 24. 2 mm 3 can be filled from a bulk sample of 0. 525 kg of a liquid of density 0. 900 g/cm3? (Ans. 2. 41 x 104) It is estimated that uracil is comparatively common in the earths rancour, occurring in amounts of 4 g/metric ton. A metric ton is 1000 kg.At this concentration, what mas s of uranium is present in 1. 0 mg of the earths crust? A. B. C. D. E. 4 nanograms 4 micrograms 4 milligrams 4 x 10-5 g 4 centigrams 23. 24. Which of the following are intensive properties? W. mass X. density Y. volume Z. change state point Which one of the following is not a physical billet of water? A. B. C. D. E. It exists in solid, liquid, and gaseous forms It reacts with sodium to form sodium hydroxide It is clear and colorless It freezes at 100? C at 1 atm pressure It boils at 100? C at 1 atm pressure 25. ANSWERS 23 A 24 X and Z 25 B.
Application of a Communicative Competence Skill Essay
IntroductionI will first divulge the components of Communicative Competence then the four spheres of Multiliteracies Pedagogy then quit by applying a skill.Communicative CompetenceCommunicative Competence has louver components1. Discourse Competence The selection, sequencing, and arrangement of words, structures and utterances to achieve a unified mouth or written text. Examples of Discourse Competence skillsA. CohesionB. DeixisC. Coherence2. linguistic Competence The basic elements of languageA. SyntaxB. MorphologyC. LexiconD. PhonologyE. writing system3. Actional Competence Conveying and understanding speech acts.Examples of Actional Competence skillsA. Interpersonal replacementB. SuasionC. Problems4. Sociocultural Competence The knowledge of how to communicate appropriately in spite of appearance the social and cultural context of confabulation. Examples of Sociocultural Competence skillsA. Social contextual FactorsB. Stylistic Appropriateness FactorsC. Cultural Factors5. S trategic Competence The knowledge of communication strategies and how to use them. Examples of Strategic Competence skillsA. Avoidance or reduction strategies.B. exploit or compensatory strategies.C. Interactional strategies.The Multiletracies Pedagogy impersonate1. Situated Practice It provides duck hunting for students to develop familiarity for the activities and learn by doing.2. Overt counseling It provides direct culture from the teacher to let the students learn the important features of the learning activities and focus on the structure (grammar) of the activities.3. Discourse Analysis It helps students analyze their activities and know how to benefit scoop out from the materials.4. Transformed Practice it give an opportunity for students to use what they learned in new situations.Applying the modelI chose service encounters to apply to the multileteracies pedagogy model 1. Situated Practice show the students a service encounter on how to order in a restaurant or book a room in a hotel via video or a design play.2. Discourse Analysis Let the students have a discussion on how to do service encounters well and what kind of language they should use.3. Overt Instruction Explain the structures and expressions used in service encounters, for example the use of I want , please and How much ?4. Transformed practice Have the students do a role play as employee at a survive agency and a client, or a waiter and a customer. savant can also record a service encounter on the phone or a digital recorder calling for a takeout meal or the mobile service company to wedge a complaint
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Common Law and Equity
The Development of Common uprightness and equity Common Law has been functioning in England since the 1250s, two centuries subsequently William the conqueror defeated Earl Harold Godwinson in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and became King. It was then(prenominal) in 1066 that Law began to be standardised. There were, however, problems with the Common Law organization and hoi polloi were becoming dissatisfied with the remedies distributed by the move. As a result, the Court of Chancery was established and could pull up stakes whatever recreate best conform to the grounds.This type of umpire became known as equity. When William the Conqueror gained the English raft in 1066, he constituted the Curia Regis, an instrument he used to direct the country and a act for deciding disputes. Representatives from the Regis were sent out to the opposite localities of the country to check local administration and were smart seted to make sound judgment of the effectiveness of the cu stom rights functioning in their designated locality and report ass to the King in Westminster.When the representatives were summoned back, they were able to discuss the various customs of every last(predicate)(prenominal) locality and were able to form, through rejecting unreasonable polices and accepting those that appe atomic number 18d to be rational, a consistent body of rules. During the process of sifting, the principle of stare decisis was created, which translates to let the lastity stand. Whenever a untested problem of law was to be decided, the ratiocination formed a rule and it was mandatory that the rule was followed in all similar gaucheries. By 1250, a ballpark law had been established, that ruled the wholly country.However problems soon arose regarding the remedies distributed by the Common Law Court and people soon became dissatisfied with the brass. One of the first complaints was concerned with the writ system. In the public law moves, civil action s had to be started by a writ. Early on, new writs were created to suit new circumstances, however this stopped in the thirteenth century. Litigants had to proceed their circumstances to one of the available types of writ. If the case did non fall into the animated writ, the case could not be taken to romance.Many people found their cases to be rejected for the reason that in that location was no writ to satisfy their case and so they were not given justice. A second complaint was link to the remedy of damages. What the court did not realise was that money was not endlessly an adequate solution to every problem. A final problem that arose with the system was that it was inflexible. The principle of stare decisis meant that when a decision was given in a case of a certain kind, the same legal principle had to be followed in subsequent cases, no matter what the situation of the claimant.As a result, people started to petition the king who was thought of as the fountain of justi ce. later on a while, the king passed on these petitions to the Chancellor who was usually a ingredient of the clergy and was thought of as the keeper of the kings conscience. out front long, litigants began to petition the Chancellor himself and by 1474 the Chancellor had begun to make decisions on the cases on his own authority rather than as a substitute for the king. This was the first base of the court of Chancery.In the court of Chancery, litigants appeared before the Chancellor and he would deliver a verdict on the presented case based on his own mannequin view of the situation. Unlike the Common Law court, the court of Chancery could provide whatever remedy best suited the case and this type of justice became known as equity. Before ingenuous rules could be use, equity devised maxims, actual to certify that the verdicts made were morally fair, which had to be contemplated prior to a final court decision.One of these maxims, He who comes to equity must come with cle an detainment, states that claimants who have in some way been in the wrong in the past will not be granted an equitable remedy. An example illustrating this maxim would be the D+C Builders v Rees (1966) case, were the Rees was denied an equitable estoppel as they had taken unfair advantage of the builders financial difficulties and thus had not come with clean hands. A second maxim, He who seeks equity, must do equity, articulates that anyone who seeks equitable relief must be prepared to act fairly towards their opponent.In the Chappel v Times Newspapers ltd (1975) case, newspaper employees applied for an injunction to pr upshot their employers from carrying out the threat of sacking them unless they stopped their peach action. The court said that in order for them to be awarded the remedy, the learnrs should withdraw their strike action if the injunction was granted. The employees refused and so the injunction was not granted. Another maxim is Delay defeats equity. This maxim states that where a claimant takes an unreasonably long beat to bring an action, equitable remedies will not be available.This is exemplified in the hitchhike v International Galleries (1950) case where the claimant, Leaf, had bought a painting for a right smart amount of money however he found, five years later, that it was not the genuine constable he thought it was. When he claimed the equitable remedy of rescission, it was refused as the delay had been too long. In response to the complaints regarding the remedies offered by the plebeianalty law courts, equity increased the number of remedies available to the wronged party.Instead of just macrocosm given then remedy of damages, claimants could now be granted an injunction, which is an order given to defendants to do or not do something, specific performance, which compels a part to fulfil a previous agreement, a rescission, which restores parties of a bosom to the position they were in before the contract was signed and rectification, which is an order that alters the row of a document which does not express the true intentions of the parties to it.These remedies offered by the court of chancery are discretionary. A claimant who wins a joint law court case is given the remedy of damages as of right, however the courts may choose whether or not to award an equitable remedy. Equitable remedies are therefore not given as of right. Due to the improvements made by equity regarding remedies, the court of chancery became very popular and caused some gall amongst the car park law courts.The lawyers of the rough-cut law courts argued that the quality of the decisions made in the court of chancery wide-ranging with the length of the chancellors foot, nitty-gritty that the outcome of each case depended on the qualities of the individual chancellor. The tension mingled with the two courts grew to an all-time high in the Earl of Oxfords case (1615), where a judgment of Chief Justice Coke was allegedly o btained by fraud. The master Chancellor issued a common injunction of the Chancery prohibiting the enforcement of the common law order.The two courts became locked in a stalemate, and the matter was eventually referred to the attorney General. The Attorney General upheld the use of the common injunction and concluded that in the event of any conflict between the common law and equity, equity would prevail. Equitys primacy in England was later enshrined in the bench Acts (1873-75), which provided that equity and common law could both be operated in the same court and there would no longer be divergent procedures for requesting remedies from equity and the common law.To conclude, it was William the Conqueror who came up with the initial idea of establishing a common law and by and by two centuries of sifting through the custom laws of the numerous localities of the country, a common law had been established that ruled the whole of the country. However problems in the common law s ystem soon arose regarding the writ system, the inflexibility of the system, and the remedy of damages. The court of chancery was established and it is here that equity functioned.Equity brought in new equitable remedies such as injunctions, specific performance, rescissions, and rectifications however before these remedies could be granted, the case being presented had to conform to the equitable maxims which were developed to certify that the verdicts made were morally fair. The court of chancery became very popular and caused some resentment amongst the common law courts, whose lawyers argued that the quality of the decisions made in the court of chancery varied with the length of the Chancellors foot.As a result of the Earl of Oxford case, whenever there is conflict between the common law courts and equity, equity will prevail, which allows for the further development of equity today. The Judicature Acts of the 1870s provided that equity and common law could both be operated in the same court and there would no longer be different procedures for requesting remedies from equity and the common law. In short terms, if it was not for common law and the faults found in its system, equity would cease to exist.
The Advantages of Starting Your Own Business
The advantages of starting your avow line of descent Many people dream of owning a rail line and see it as a way to control their own destiny. Starting a business is an exciting thing that offers many benefits. However, you should as well as analyze what it takes to run a successful business or how a great deal it costs to start up. Although, having your own business is still more near since you john do what you enjoy doing, you can manage your turn tail enrolment and last of all you can name a higher earnings from your own business.Owning a business gives you the fortune to study in a field you enjoy. Workings in an bea you are passionate about helps you better handle responsibilities in your business. Owning your own business allows you to take a shit and contribute, which gives your ain satisfaction. Most entrepreneurs working in a field they enjoy likewise bring in their expertise, which allows them to offer innovative products and services to customers. The sec ond scene is independence. Entrepreneurship gives you the control over your own business.If you operate a project, you can constrain the final management decisions regarding your company. Owning a business gives you the power to control solely business. You can participate in every step of the decision-making process. Moreover you can manage your time and adjust your work schedule. For instance, if you have to do something else during the work hours, you can leave and re-schedule your obligations for some other day or after(prenominal) 5 pm. When you work for an employer, you know your annual salary and little opportunity is available to earn more m acey on your job.Starting your own business gives you the potential to earn a high salary. Productivity, pricing and marketing plans are all in your hand, and the income you earn relates to those activities. Although earning a high salary is non a guarantee forever. However, if it becomes successful, the abide bys will be much grea ter than work for a company. However, there are also disadvantages when you have your own business. sensation is having the risk of losing not just your money, but also the time and vigour you put up if the business does not work out.Another is the overwhelming feeling, in the beginning, of learning several things to start and run the business. And since the business is yours, you are the one take responsible for everything about it. In consequently, starting a business can be scary. But great rewards await entrepreneurs who are aureate enough to create successful businesses not only you can earn earn more salary and become self-independent but also you reward your own life. Although only you can decide if you are ready to create something, here are some of the rewards of going out on your own.
Friday, February 22, 2019
History of Database Technology and Data Models Essay
Imagine that you stimulate bank and along with that, you stimulate your banks credibility to your 100,000 clients. Just writing down apiece clients information in a piece of piece would not be very secure and practical nowadays. Thats how an electronic informationbase system comes in the picture. In this fast growing world, a engine room like a database system is very necessary for establishments that hold a huge amount of data. However, the development of the current database technology and database models underwent an intricate transit before it comes to a full bloom.In 1964, the word database technically denoted collections of data shared by end-users of time sharing computer systems and was coined by workers in a military information system. In addition, around 1960s, private companies started to own computers because of their increasing storage capabilities. two data models were introduced earnings (CODASYL) and hierarchical (IMS) model. During that time, database anx iety systems were unsystematic. There no actual theoretical model about data organization.There was more emphasis on the processing of the records rather than the overall structure of the database system. During the 1970s, many astonishing breakthroughs on databases were witnessed. It was about the 1970 that E. F. Codd proposed a relative model for databases. The presented a system that separates the sensible organization (schema) of a database from the sensible storages and since that, it has been a standard in the field of computing. The term Relational Database perplexity brass (RDBMS) was coined during this period.Theories about databases had finally made its way to the mainstream research projects. Two main prototypes for RDBMS were created Ingres that was developed at UCB and this system utilize QUEL as query language and System R that was developed at IBM San Jose and this system apply SEQUEL as query language. Meanwhile, in 1976, P. Chen suggested the Entity-Relatio nship (ER) model for database rule which was proved to be vital in conceptual data models. This proffer enabled the designers to focus more on the data usage rather than its logical table structure.Commercialization of database systems for businesses began during the 1980s as demands for computers boomed. In addition, Structured motion Language (SQL) became a standard for database systems during these periods. DB2 became IBMs flagship and development of IBM PC paved the way for more database companies and products like Dbase III and IV, Database Manager, OS/2 and Watcom SQL. The network and hierarchical models for database similarly started to disappear in the background. When the 1990s came, only a few surviving companies began to offer complex products at higher prices.Developments on database systems were more focused on client tool applications such as PowerBuilder (Sybase), Oracle Developer and VB (Microsoft). Some personal productivity tools related to database counsel w ere also created such as Microsoft Access and Excel. Some prototypes of Object Database Management System (ODBMS) also arose in the 1990s. It was also during the 1990s that the World Wide clear appeared. Large investments were made by Internet-related companies on Web and database connectors. Examples of these connectors are energetic Server Pages (ASP), Java Servlets, JDBC, ColdFusion, Dream Weaver and Oracle Developer 2000.A good growth of database applications was still observed in the early 21st century. threesome companies continually dominate the database market Oracle, IBM and Microsoft. In the near future, it is generally seen that databases management will be more sophisticated since huge systems (systems with storage calculated in terabytes) are currently existing today. Most of these systems are used by most projects with science databases (genome projects, space exploration data). However, the next vast thing on is the usage of XML with Java and other emerging tech nologies as a way to store data.
Indian Removal Act Essay
The Indian remotion Act of 1830 was a heated topic in Congress. Defend the career or rejection of the Act with reference to the moral, political, constitutional and practical concerns of a congressman.The Indian remotion Act of 1830 was at the time, thought to be justified and acceptable. in that location were two groups, the people who wanted the Indians gone, and the people who believed they should be allowed to stay. I believe forcing the Indians out of their territory was immoral, had no effect on the state of Georgia, and it was an abuse of power.When the Indians were being removed from their territory, they were lead out at gunpoint by our military. Its immoral because at that place were 17,000 Indians and 4,000 died due to dehydration, starvation, and disease. The Cherokee had rights inclined to them. They were granted their separate existence, as a political community, undisturbed self-denial and full enjoyment of their lands, within certain boundaries, which are duly d efine and fully described and the protection of the United States against all in halt with, or encroachments upon, their rights, by any people, State, or nation, argues a Maine Senator. The Indian Removal Act disregards every set of promises we piss given to them. What is the population of Georgia, where there is no room for these few Indians? It is less than seven to the square mile.We, Sir, in Massachusetts, have seventy-four to the square mile, and space for a great some more, states a Congressman. The occupation of Indians in Georgia had little effect on the auberge or development of it. Georgia wanted to consolidate their society but they werent going to strengthen their community by bitch people out. President Andrew Jackson and President James Monroe, both were for the Indian Removal Act. President Jackson asks, What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our coarse republic?The Constitution of 1789 gave Congress the power to regulate commerce with exotic nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes. Yes, this is part of the Constitution, but the abuse of power comes in here. We force them out of their territory that we occupied, with guns to their heads, no food, and the separation of their families. I have always surmised that the Indian Removal Act was inhumane, unfair, and ill advised, but I never really knew why I thought that. After rendering about it, looking at both sides, its clearer. The Indians were forced out for a reason that had no effect on the states, and it was abusing the power that the United States had been working for.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Effects of discriminatory practice in Health and social care Essay
The above case take in is highlighting inconsistency. This is the unequal treatment amid individuals and it is a negative action towards members of a certain group. The solutions of favoritism complicate culture, disability, mount up, loving class, gender, sexual orientation, health status, family status and cognitive ability. The discriminatory execute used in the case of Jeta is predjudice. This is judging someone and making an trust without having any solid evidence to support the judgement, on the basis of their manner or what group they belong to. Jeta is experiencing this as her teacher is making a false assumption about(predicate) her thinking that she is lazy and naughty as her standard of performance in school assesments is decreasing.There argon some contributing factors that can lead to the predjudice that Jeta is experiencing. One of these factors is social background. Jeta comes from a jolting background, lives alone with her mother who is a single pargonnt and her father is in prison. Another factor leading to predjudice could be socialization. This is when the media create demeaning stereotypes about specific groups of plurality. The media assumes that if someone is in prison, they atomic number 18 associated with bad behaviour and are automatically given a negative impression on. As Jeta is tie in to someone in prison, the teacher is assuming that shes equally as bad and discriminates against her. The teacher is almost blaming the father situation on the paltry school work produced by Jeta.Another discriminatory practise that Jeta is experiencing is stereotyping. Stereotyping is a widely held but fixed oversimplified im be on or idea of a certain type of person. Stereotyping can have a demetrial effect on the individual involved.They involve generalizations about the most common characteristics of members of the group. There are many factors which could suggest why Jeta is world separate. The first is social categorization. T his is classifying mess into groups based on common attributes that individuals share. In relation to Jeta she is being stereotyped as lazy because the standard of her school assesments are dropping. She is also being stereotyped as naughty and this could be payable to the social expression that her fathers in prision meaning she is being percieved as this naughty electric shaver.Another base for discrimination is age. Age discrimination occurs when someone is treated unfairly due to their age without any given justification or reasoning. The fact that the child concerned in this study is of quite a young age of 9 years old means she is to a greater extent vunerable to age discrimination and this usually occurs because the child is seen to have less social power. Jeta is experiencing age discrimination because she is seen to have less of an authoritive figure compared to her teacher. Children in todays society are more likely to face discrimination due to their dependance on a dults and the decisions that are made for them. Children experience discrimination on other grounds including race, gender, social class, health status, disablities and many more.Jeta is being stereotyped as this lazy case and due to her age, the teacher isnt listening to her despite being told many times by Jeta that she cannot see the board from the back of the classroom. Jetas age could be an indicator as to why she is being stereotyped as she is insignificant compared to the teacher and has little or no power so her opinions and views are simply ignored. Another discriminatory practise that Jeta is facing is inequality. This is where people are not treated the like because some individuals have more power, authority, money etc. Jeta is experiencing this as she is not being granted the same opportunities to education and secures to learn as everyone else in her class. Due to this inequality she could be left in a vunerable position as she could be at a risk of falling behind in class and doing make up worsened in assessments than before. The main base for discrimination is this case study is Jetas diability. She has poor sight and this explains her lower-ranking standard of work in lessons. She is being discriminated for having this disability and this could result in her feeling vunerable and cause low self esteem.She is being segregated from the rest of the class being direct to the back of the classroom and this could knock her confidence. This is also making the situation worse as Jeta will not be able to focus on the tasks set in class as she cannot see what is is being taught. kinda of providing Jeta with the correct additional learning support she requires, the teacher has placed her right at the back of the class, segregated from her other classmates. The Disability Discrimination flake (DDA) makes it unlawful to discriminate against someone who has a disability. This act is covered by most sectors including the education sector which means it should be covered in all schools and organisations. The DDA covers eyesight problems so Jetas needs should be met. Initially, Jetas teacher is being unlawful as she isnt adjusting to the DDA standards to suit Jetas needs. If no changes are made, Jetas eyesight could deteriate and worsen. Jeta currently has no provide or any form of equipment to help imporve her eyesight so being at the back is not helping the situation in indirect request to Jeta.
Formal Characteristics
SOC/120 Evolution of Formal makeups Due 12/11/2011 Nancy Keta The way that I leave behind conduct my research is to first apologise how formal presidencys turn in evolved over the early(prenominal) century. Second, what differences were t here(predicate) in organizations a century ago, and comp are to todays organizations. And lastly I exit also tell of the trends in todays formal organizations in modern society. I go out describe how each of the characteristics for formal organizations will need to evolve or change in Micahs organization to be much open and flexible.And I will give an general prediction based on my research on how organizations like Micahs may evolve in the future. The evolution of formal organizations over the past century has changed due to the advances in technology and politics. There will eternally be changes in organizations as era passes and goes on it can be influences from the outside cosmos like consumers, or inside forces such as productivity. The outside influences are always ever-changing due to the consumer and ever changing market is demanding a service or product every time they feel there is a need for something new, or something that they may desire.making the companies aware of these desires and demands is a key factor in determining what ineluctably to take place within the organization and turn them into being productive. Organizations that were here years ago did withstand all the advancements and technology as they do now. If you think approximately it almost upper wariness handled just intimately everything in writing and managed tasks according to manual and procedures. Technology today has increase the speed of processing information and completed various other tasks that management had to do manually or by hand.Computers and the internet were here about 10 years ago, tho not 100 years ago, but even 10 years ago many things had to be make by hand. The speed of technology has increased quickly and w e are no longer waiting for the internet to connect thru dial up operate we have advancements in technology that connect us to the internet in a matter of a second. Medical equipment in todays world uses software that will calculate birthdates and sex of fetuses, and can cross-file us what an unborn child may look like at the time of being in the womb. There was not even a thought of this technology a century ago people went ff aged(prenominal) wise tales to find out what the sex of the child was. Looking at the medical coding field that has erupted in education institutions, technology is winning over the someoneal side of things, pretty soon there will be only machines working rather than manhood. In many companies, this has already taken place many positions that were previously filled by humans have become computer automated. In todays world the advancement of technology is leading the way, getting jobs done faster and more efficient than the way they have been done when our predecessors were in the work force.From the live point of a formal organization it is important to understand that most factors of the organization are built on traditions some methods of doing business have been the same way for many years. Work methods are not as modern because everything stays the same and not much improvement has been make with this font of organization. many an(prenominal) believe that a formal organization is an elderly way of thinking, and these organizations are opposed to the new way of thinking which is more modern and technologically driven.Formal organizations often have a put in standard or rule book in which their business is conducted and ran. Organization is key and highly important within a formal organization. When assessing the hunt of leaders within a bureaucratic organization, it is important to picture or a pyramid type order. Within the pyramid format, everyone has a supervisory program that they report to and have to answer to. Thi s pyramid is constructed with supervisors being at the pass away of the pyramid and employees are at the bottom. Within this pyramid each person has designated tasks, and job expectations.Generally a person can see how relationships surrounded by co-workers are minimal to maximize work ethic and cut round on fraternization of employees. Within a bureaucratic organization communicating is left on an impersonal note consisting of email, telephone, or letters. It seems that succession readiness is fit a major trend among major corporations. Many companies are strategically proviso processes and corporate policies. This is not just for the upper ranks this is becoming a proactive management of the corporations entire giving pool.Leadership development, integrating with talent management, and career development programs, succession training is going beyond the reactionary replacement of employees. Effective succession proviso is making it possible for the success of a organizati ons talent, on demand, and as needed, recompense now and in the future. The biggest hindrances to organizations are time and resources. It seems that the day to day challenges of runnel these companies over power the organizations ability to effectively bring in succession planning.Many other obstacles occur when management feels jeopardise because they are asked to train their successors this is also in addition to being capable to predict the needs of the company in the company in the future. Many places do not have the interior(a) career development programs to garter employees take over available positions in the future or have clear career pathways defined. Being able to identify internal candidates with the recompense skills, experience, and abilities to handle various needs is a big challenge for many organizations.Connecting the collection and retrieval of such data enabled the implementation of succession planning activities. Identifying these skills and abilities ne eded for various positions, and relaying this information to the workforce, organizations have the ability to proactively recruit internal talent, and employees are enabled to manage their own careers within the company. In the execution of these actions employee retentivity and morale seem to be higher and the company is better take out and more profitable in the long hall.More organizations are offset printing to realize that there is a need for the developing some type of succession planning. With the upcoming need to have new managers ready to acquire positions because of massive numbers of baby boomers retiring, companies need to move and act fast. Citations * fertilization SUCCESSORS. estimable textbook uncommitted By Heffes, Ellen M. Financial Executive, Sep2002, Vol. 18 emergence 6, p21-24, 4p, 4 Color Photographs * MANAGEMENT BY WONDERING ALOUD. Full Text Available By Galagan, Patricia. Training & Development Journal, Jun86, Vol. 0 divulge 6, p4, 1p * Organizing f or finale Support System Support The End-User Services Alternative. Full Text Available By Watson, Hugh J. Carr, Houston H. Journal of Management Information Systems, Summer87, Vol. 4 Issue 1, p83-95, 13p * transformation Through Reorganization The Value of Inconsistencies Between Formal and Informal Organization. Full Text Available By Gulati, Ranjay Puranam, Phanish. Organization Science, Mar/Apr2009, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p422-440, 19p, 3 Diagrams, 2 Charts, 5 Graphs
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Hamlet by William Shakespeare Essay
You annoy decision e reallyday whether it is choosing what you necessitate for breakfast or choosing what you want to be when you grow up. It is natural in humans to make decisions and act on what they believe is to be true. This non simply applies to humans, still authors use them in their books or maps to create different types of characters. In angiotensin converting enzyme of the greatest works by William Shakespe ars crossroads, there are characters that make legion(predicate) different kinds of decisions that determine their role in the book.In the play, the athletic supporter hamlet, after his begets death, is angry almost his flummoxs hasty marriage to Claudius. He sees a ghost of his father whiz night and tells him that Claudius had murdered him. juncture plans to shoot Claudius simply he has vex making decisions and through extinct the play, his poor decision making sputting to deaths bring dilapidation to himself and many others. E genuinely tragic hero has a tragic shortcoming and junctures tragic flaw is his inability to make decisions. Hamlets inability to kill Claudius after hearing from the ghost, that he had killed Hamlet Senior, contri hardlyes to his stubborn indecisiveness, which brings close to his own ruining.His indecisiveness leads to many characters deaths such as Rosencrantz, Guildenstern, Laertes, Polonius and his own mother. He had many chances of killing Claudius entirely he constantly over thinks the situation thus delaying his major line of work of killing Claudius To take him in the purging of his soulWhen he is scene and seasoned for his passage?No.Up, sword, and know thou a to a greater extent horrid hent.When he is drunk a eternal rest, or in his rage,Or in th incestuous pleasure of his bed,At game a-swearing, or almost some actThat has no relish of salvation in tThen trip him, that his heels may kick at heaven (III.III. 85)This is an modelling of Hamlet being indecisive on whether or not to kill Cl audius in the Church after the Mouse Trap play. He decides not to kill him there because he is praying and therefore will be forgiven for his sin. This results in delaying of his main task and also made more room for shift suchas killing Polonius and also getting sent to England, which leads to Rosencrantz and Guildensterns deaths. If Hamlet would lay down decided to kill him then, he would not start created the mess he ends up making at the end.Hamlets inability to talk and discuss to Ophelia approximately what is happening, after she starts rejecting his messages, leads to losing his love and lastly ends up to her demise. Even though they were in love, when Ophelia begins rejecting Hamlets messages because Polonius told her to, Hamlet tells Ophelia that she was not cost anything to him. This leads her to believing that Hamlet does not love her anymore. As a conclusion, she goes crazy and out of control for exampleBy Gis and by Saint Charity,Alack, and fie, for shameYoung men will do t, if they uprise to t.By Cock, they are to blame.Quoth she, Before you tumbled me,You promised me to wed.So would I ha done, by yonder sun,An thou hadst not get hold to my bed. (IV. V. 40)This is the scene where she has become disturbed. She sings about how a man promised her to marry her before they went into bed together but he left her. On top of Hamlets rejection, Hamlet has killed her father, Polonius, so she has shadely lost control of herself. She sings a very mournfulness song in front of many people and also gives out fake flowers to people. After this scene, she ends up committing suicide at the lake. If Hamlet had talked with Ophelia about what was going on and why she was ignoring her messages, she would get down not become insane and Hamlet and Ophelia would still be in love.Hamlets nett flaw is his inability to decide whether life is worth living or not, which contributes to his stubborn indecisiveness, which ultimately leads to his own downfall. Hamlet is very confused about his own life and is out of his mind. He is very depressed from his fathers death and the feeling of betrayal he has from Gertrude, his mother, who remarried right after his fathers death. He does not know if life is worth living or notand this is obvious when he says To be, or not to bethat is the questionWhether tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous mountainOr to take arms against a sea of troublesAnd by fence end them. To die, to sleepNo moreand by a sleep to say we endThe heartache, and the thousand natural shocksThat flesh is heir to. Tis a consummationDevoutly to be wished. To die, to sleepTo sleepperchance to ambition ay, theres the rub,For in that sleep of death what dreams may comeWhen we fork over shuffled off this mortal coil,Must give us pause. (III.I.56)This is his historied soliloquy on the topic of life. He compares life and death and he cannot decide whether or not to stay alive or to be dead. He believes that death is the counsel to escape all his troubles and his depression but then on the other side, he knows he needs to complete the task of killing Claudius. His indecisiveness about his own life delays his live up to from doing what he really wants to accomplish. Even though Hamlet kills Claudius at the very end, as a result of his indecisive behavior, he has taken way too much time to accomplish one single task. Also, it killed many innocent people he could have prevented from killing them. If Hamlet would have not been so depressed and actually decide whether or not he should stay alive or die, he might have had a better chance accomplishing his tasks much faster and efficient.Clearly, Hamlet is very indecisive all over and his indecisiveness brought about his own downfall. His mothers death, his loves death and his friends deaths are all caused by Hamlet. If he were to be decisive and straightforward, he could have killed Claudius much faster and he also could have prevented all of the deaths that happened. more theories attempt to explain why Hamlet takes so long to kill Claudius but out of many theories, Hamlets indecisiveness is the only one with full satisfactory answers.Every book or play has a tragic hero and every tragic hero has a tragic flaw and in the play Hamlet, there is no exception. These themes stand for in many of William Shakespeares plays are relevant even today. thither are times when we are indecisive when it comes to difficult situations. To be competent to decide and to act on what you decided to do is what we try to ram for, however, since Hamlet did not complete this, he led himself to his own downfall and also many others to their downfall as well.
Compensation practices & organizations Essay
by means of the use of compensation practices, organizations effort to both reward and motivate assorted types of behavior. Compensation practices comprise impart and benefits, and contemporary total compensation approaches plump the definition of compensation to comprise a variety of favorable outcomes go through by the employee (Milkovich & Newman, 2002).As of the importance of pay to employees, compensation and benefit programs mass provide as a major indicator of possible inconsistency in the organization. However, pay policies can also be used to fall discriminatory behavior and encour get on diversity. Though potential race and age discrimination in compensation is a significant concern, most of the utilise and research attention has been aimed at sex related issues, particularly parallel worth and pay equity (Treiman & Hartman, 1981).Organizations can lessen the negative effects of their compensation practices by auditing their policies and then, base on the result s of the audits, distill their procedures to eliminate bias, and where necessary, model the pay of minority free radical members. The type of audits that organizations can engage in will correspond to the three major theories, approaches, or techniques used in significant pay discrimination.The three major approaches or types of audit atomic number 18 (a) an equal pay audit, (b) a pay equity audit, and (c) an analysis of all-inclusive problems. Employee and Labor Relations The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 ( NLRA) specifically stated that the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) was empowered to indemnity unfair application practices by the issuance of cease and desist, and reinstatement and back pay orders, and by ordering affirmative bodily function in effectuating the policies of the NLRA.Though the NLRBs authority is trammel by the statutory requisite that its orders should effectuate the policies of the NLRA and should be remedial, not punitive, the principle is one of governmental flexibility and authority to compulsion affirmative acts by a party who has violated the law, so that an abominable act is efficiently remedied. Such affirmative acts include, inter alia, the employment of individuals who were not hired or were fulfilled for discriminatory reasons, and, in cases linking unfair labor practice strikes, the reinstatement of striking employees yet where the discharge of striker replacements would be necessary.Interestingly, in that location is little or no evidence that the use and principle of affirmative action in the NLRA framework had any bearing on or resemblance to the use of those words in the context of favored intervention of minorities and women. For employee, surgical procedure appraisal can be conceptualized as an organized exposition of an individuals mull-relevant strengths and weaknesses that is their job performance. Though job performance info can be obtained either objectively (hard criteria) or judgmentall y (soft criteria), the term performance appraisal is characteristically used in the context of, albeit not limited to, the latter.Performance evaluations can result in discriminatory outcomes via two mechanisms, (a) little or ineffective appraisal or rating practices and (b) intentional aberration resulting from motivational and political factors. Concerning the former, two strategies have traditionally been advocated to address the problems with judgmentally based performance data rating scale development and rater training. The results of rating scale comparisons indicate that format modification alone does not result in much improvement in performance evaluations (Woehr & Miller, 1997).Though, frame-of reference training, which emerged from the social cognitive approach to performance appraisal, appears to be quite effectual as a rater training approach to increasing the accuracy of ratings (Woehr & Huffcutt, 1994). In addition to rater training, job analysis must serve as th e basis for constructing the appraisal agent and the appraisal process so that employees are appraised only on job-related factors. evidence EEO and affirmative action in its classic form is mandated for companies entering into system with the federal agencies by executive orders 11246 and 11375.Yet the term has come to allude a much broader range of policies. Affirmative action has become a blanket term that refers to any number of active policies approved by organizations to remedy the effects of discrimination. In spite of of the multiplicity of affirmative action program types, however, the perception of affirmative action remains comparatively undifferentiated. In particular, many continue to associate affirmative action with quotas. There seems to be a widespread assumption that affirmative action is little more than than favored selection based solely on demographic group membership.The objective of this paper has been to review and confer HR practices that can be used t o achieve diversity in organizations. Practices pertaining to staffing and human resource development discussed in terms of reducing negative effects resultant from these practices and repair the behaviors of organizational members by these practices to lessen discrimination and increase diversity.References AARP (1993). How to recruit sometime(a) workers. Washington, DC Author. Arvey, R. D. , Gordon, M. E. , Massengill, D. P. , & Mussio, S. J. (1975).Differential dropout rates of minority job candidates due to time lags amidst selection procedures. Personnel Psychology, 28, 175-180. Avery, D. R. (2003). Reactions to diversity in recruiting advertisingAre differences smuggled and White? Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 672-679. Delahoussaye, M. (2001). Leadership in the 21st century. Training, 38, 50-59. Doverspike, D. , & Arthur, W. junior (1995). Race and sex differences in the reactions to simulated selection decisions based on affirmative action. Journal of Black Psych ology, 21, 181-200.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Since the dawn of civilization, people agonize for? Essay
information processing provides the bases for a festering and ripening of sociable networking service. The approach for communications has been reduced by change simultaneous transmission of multimedia heart and soul. On professional level, videoconference systems preserve gibe pile from entirely over the world to organize meetings and arrange their business, beca ingestion the issue of distance and time has been eliminated. On ain level, people locoweed contact with their friends at anytime without considering the economical problem or the distance, especially when mortal is resident of a foreign country. Also informatics , allows us to store, break down and search through with(predicate) massive amounts of data on very niggling time. In addition, informatics links various devices much(prenominal) as smart-ph onenesss, tablets and own(prenominal) computers.Modern devices argon adjusted for usage of the same protocols and standards, which overcomes hardw be resi stence. Moreover, information science has strong contri exclusivelyion on the development of algorithms, applying it on cryptography. Besides that it is utilise for computing, biometrics and primarily for graph algorithms, which solve problems related to scheduling, connection, transportation, games and network analysis. Algorithms are further associated with neural networks. That makes it flush more efficient for data study, decision-making physical process and machine learning. As the complexity of solution grows and the number of people entangled in the project increases, so does the further development complexity. Even there, informatics responds with various solutions by software engineering and IT management.Neverless, the characterrs dont exigency a perfect workingly service, it also has to be interesting and handy for their needs. Therefore, informatics has to offer solutions and ideas on the business line of exploiter-user interaction, which is actually based on user-service interaction. legion(predicate) companionable games or virtual worlds, where we can interact with other users analogous in the real world gives us the feeling that we communicate this instant with other users, but such services piss many tasks goat the scene. Users create groups and share interests, experience, feedbacks, habit. In the backend, the amicable networking service may collect, break down and learn from data. For instance,chat service can build database of words we use the most and add them in auto-complete functionality, which speeds up search and messaging.The main terminus of user interfaces is simplified user-service (human-machine) interaction and therefore, better user experience. A mixer networking service has to be easy to use, attractive, competitive and scalable. It must treat users as spoiled, lazy and always unsatisfied. They want real-time monitoring, the feeling of a arctic and effective application. The best systems for neighborly n etworking are those, which make it realistic for users to use it easily in spite of their age, previous computer skills or proper(postnominal) demands.Also those, who call for special needs, such as people with visual, audience or any other disability, should benefit from it. Since users have become more demanding, various browsers do non support same JavaScript Functions and HTML5 with CSS3 has brought immature options, such as web storage, canvas 2D drawing, geo-location, responsive design etc. frontend development became more complex. Static generated pages have been replaced by dynamically lopsided content and scripts. We can choose from a variety of open-source JavaScript frameworks that differ in purpose, speed, assertion, community size etc. Smart devices make the user experience flush more diverse and exciting by exploitation sounds, vibrations, digital camera and other built in hardware.3. Social networking services threatsSocial networking services as a ware of Informatics and societal networks gave us unimaginable opportunity to connect with people. On the other hand, they have many disadvantages. The illusion of safety, often make us forget the possible consequences. Heedless of the danger, we share our ain data with people who we do not know, therefore a lot of misuses appear. Companies trade information just about users, there are many cases of identity thefts, in brief, social networks offer a chance for various criminal offenses. We know very little about how and where they store our personal data and who has access to them. Even when we adjust our settings for all private accounts, our friends or services may inadvertently leak our personal information. We do not know whether they testament ever actually bedeleted.Immense amount of users is not only bullied interest in networking, but also invaders, who attack and abuse either from personal satisfaction, or charge receive payment for their work. They use various attack method s, based on personal profiles, trust or exploits, e.g. social networking worms, such as Koobface.4. Influences corresponding to Newtons third law of motion, one can abstain that everything connection receives, passes on in the environment. The advert of the social networks on society indirectly affects other nationals like economy (PayPal Inc. 2013), education, politics (Shirky 2011), enjoyment etc. These fields see social networks as an opportunity to betterment to the crowd, mostly for the purpose of use (Benham, Edwards, Fractenberg, Gordon-Murnane, Hetherington, Liptak & Mintz 2012). The most common use of manipulation can be seen in setting imaginary guidelines, viral selling and targeted advertising (Mitra & Baid 2009, 366-372). Referring to paragraph three, companies have free access to some of our personal data, or they can reach us by low cost targeted advertising, offered by social networking services (Eddy2012).It may be based on specific personal profiles, such a s sex, interests, education, status, age, geographical location and even on private messages content.Motivated by Domingos and Richardson Viral Marketing Model (Richardson & Domingos 2002, 61-70), legion(predicate) companies are searching for cheapest ways to adopt a new product or innovation, whilst seeking for smallest subset of individuals, which may trigger a large cascade down of further adoptions. They are interested in individuals who have the greatest meeting on the target social network (Kempe, Kleinberg & Tardos 2003, 137-146). Moreover, the use of technologies offered by social networking services can reduce the development costs (Churchill & Halverson 2005) or can simplify the use of applications e.g. registration system with the existing user accounts from social networks.Furthermore, with clicking on the like buttons one contributes to profiling users (Hung, Huang, Hsu & Wu 2008), which is especiallyinteresting and useable in research, determining trends, positioni ng in the search engines etc. fresh studies, based on a dataset of over 58,000 volunteers suggest, that easily accessible digital records of users behavior in social networking systems, can be used to automatically and accurately predict a range of highly sensitive personal attributes (Kosinski, Stillwell & Graepel 2013), e.g. religious and political views, intelligence, happiness, parental separation etc. However, the economy influences social networks by adapting social networking and its services according to the needs of the users. Economys investments in the most prospective social networking services have a significant influence as they allow further development, starting new projects, research and changing habits of users.5. TrendsThe expansion of new research areas in the field of Informatics led to re-implementation of social interactions in social networking services. Therefore, changes in the field of social networks are incredibly fast to keep up with. Nevertheless, in fewer detain years, we may notice two main trends that have emerged visualization of content and mobile use and sharing (Bullas 2012). For trend of content visualization we can find the reasons in exceptional progress in technologies for detecting patterns in digital witnesss. Thus allow analysis and image processing on servers where social networking services can get even more personal information about users.This motivated investments in deeper research, and in further years we may expect DNA data sharing, through which social networking services may link us and connect to all our near and distant relatives. Mobile use and sharing trend get out continue to grow, since use of smart mobile devices is increasing. Better user experience, mobility, availability, as well as faster and cheaper mobile data transfer are just few of many reasons. Recent technologies, like digital spectacles (Google Inc.2013), may allow us to record and share each minute of arc of our life. Despite str ong efforts of the health sector, where currently more than 350 million people suffer from addiction of social networking services (Bullas 2012), at the continued growth of those services trend is likely to continue.6. ConclusionOnly a few decades ago, we have not even intuited how important role will Informatics have in our daily life and how huge contribution will have through its social networking services on us, social networks and world-wide economy. Social networking services as part of social networks are one of the hottest research topics nowadays. We have poor insights in their long term impact on society, since we have witnessed true expansion only in the last few years. However, the first negative implications, like privacy issues are already visible, as well as first solutions, which aim to limit misuse. Recently, orchard apple tree has published a patent, which targets social network stalkers and spammers. The excessive use of social networking services promote narciss ism (Buffardi & Campbell 2008, 1303-1314). As one has thousands of virtual friends, this could mean that in real life he does not have them at all (Tong, Van Der Heide, Langwell & Walther 2008, 531-549). And finally, one of the studies suggests that frequent use of social networking services may lead to asocial user behavior (Orr, Sisic, Ross, Simmering & Arseneault 2009, 337-340). These are just some of the findings of studies pointing to major changes in society.
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