
Friday, May 31, 2019

Genetic Observations Through The Studies Of Hybrid Corn, Single Gene Es

Genetic Observations Through The Studies of Hybrid Corn, Single Gene Human Traits,and Fruit wingThe basic foundation of modern divisortics was led by Gregor Mendel (Corcos,1993). Mendel was not the premier(prenominal) to experiment with heredity, and our LymanBriggs biology class will not be the goal to deal with genetics. Genetics isthe science of heredity. In our lab, we had three main objectives. First, weevaluated our data on monohybrid and dihybrid corn cross seed counts againstMendels theoretical expectations of independent variety and the segregationof alleles. Next, we used the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem to provide a theoreticallyexpected value for allele frequencies for single human gene traits. Lastly, wedealt with Drosophila melanogaster and we examined red and white fondness alleles todetermine if this gene is sex-linked or autosomal.During the mid 1800s Mendel bred garden peas to study inheritance. Hechoose these plants because of their well defined characteristics an d theability to be magnanimous and crossed (Campbell, 1996). Mendel wanted to know thegenetic basis for variation among individuals and what accounted for thetransmission of traits from generation to generation. Mendel followed traitsfor the P generation, F1 generation, and F2 generation. The P generation is theoriginal true-breeding p arnts. Their hybrid offspring is the F1 generation,the first filial. The F2 generation is the second filial and is the self-pollination of the F1 hybrids. It was predominantly his research on the F2generation that led to Mendels Law of Segregation and Law of Independent categorization (Campbell, 1996).Mendels Law of Segregation states that alleles sort into separategametes. He formed this through performing monohybrid crosses. The F2generation will have a 31 phenotypic ratio. By considering more than one traitMendel formed his Law of Independent Assortment. He questioned whether traitswere inherited independently or dependently. By performing dihybri d crosses hefound that genes are independent and will form all possible combinations .Crossing two different traits resulted in a 9331 phenotypic ratio (Campbell,1996).Thomas Hunt Morgan also had a major contribution in the study ofinheritance. He was the first to associate a sp... ...ross, Mendels Law of Independent Assortmentillustrated that four possible phenotypes form a 9331 phenotypic ratio. Forthe single gene human traits experiment, we used the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem andequation to find the allele frequencies. For the experiment with Drosophilamelanogaster we examined a fruit fly cross between red-eyed males and white-eyedfemales. We determined that this trait is sex-linked when the offspring werered-eyed females and white-eyed males. Throughout the genetics lab each purposewas determined and explained. A lot was learned about Mendel, genetics, and thehereditary process that makes us who we are today.Cited LiteratureCampbell, N.A. 1996. Biology. The Benjamin Cummings Publis hing Co., New York, pp.238-279.Corcos, Alain F. and Floyd V. Monaghan. 1993. Gregor Mendels Experiments onPlant Hybrids. Rutgers University Press, New Jersey, pp. 45-46, 76,105-112, 133.Davis, M. 1996. Genetics. LBS 144 Laboratory Manual. The Lyman Briggs School,Michigan State University, East Lansing, pp. 25-36.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Mirroring an Exposed World :: Dance Dancing Art Papers

Mirroring an Exposed WorldI recently saw a photography piece, Dancer by Irving Penn on scupper at the Whitney Museum. The striking thing about the photos was not that they were of a nude Alexandra Beller, but that hers is not what one would typically think of as a naked dancers body. Shes not tall and thin with well-defined muscles and barely developed breasts. No. Shes fat.Beller took a big risk posing nude for Penns camera. She dared raft to see her as a dancer, not just a fat woman. She dared people to see her as a sex symbol, not just a fat woman. She dared people to see her as an emotional woman- sensitive, powerful, frightened, bold, shy, loving, rebellious. She owns her body, and she challenges the audience to own their hesitation and move past it to see her exposed for the woman she truly is.The exhibit made me immediately curious about Beller and her work. Formerly dancing with Bill T. Jones company, Beller is now choreographing her own works. When I heard she would be pr esenting her latest work, Its Not You, Its Me at the Joyce Soho, I got out my umbrella and waited for over an hour in a standby line to see her perform.My friends had teased me for wanting to see Bellers show, saying Wouldnt it be weird. I mean you saw her naked, and Do you think shell dance naked too? But that was one of the reasons I wanted to see the show. I really identified with Beller in many ways. I was deeply impressed with her confidence to pose nude in the first place. Obesity, seen as repulsive, is despised at best, nevertheless politely ignored. But Beller will not be ignored. I wondered what it was that gave her this confidence in her body. And I wondered what she would express with her body in her dance works. I was compelled by the risks she had taken with Penn, and compelled to see what else she would risk.When I saw Its Not You, Its Me, particularly the last piece, 50 Ways to Find a Mate, I was bombarded by feelings of pain, sadness, confusion that trace with reje ction, insecurities that are connected with bodies and body images. I got the feeling that Beller, though a beautiful and talented dancer is still an imperfect woman who struggles with her self-confidence, especially in romantic relationships.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Challenger Disaster :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Challenger DisasterIt was on January 28, 1986 at 1138 A.M. that the shuttle Challenger, NASA flight 51-L, the twenty-fifth shuttle flight, took off. It was the t separatelyer in Space mission. At lift-off, the temperature at ground level was 36 Fahrenheit, which was 15 Fahrenheit cooler than any previous launch by NASA. It was the Challengers one-tenth flight. Take-off had been delayed several times. Finally the shuttle had taken off. The shuttle had climbed high in the sky thirty-five seconds after take-off, and it was getting hit by knock-down(prenominal) winds. The on board computers were making continuous adjustments so the shuttle would stay on course. About eight miles in the air, about seventy-two seconds after take-off, concourse watched in fear and horror as the shuttle was engulfed by a huge fire ball. All the crew members were killed instantly. Engineers and scientists began trying to find what went wrong or so right away. They studied the film of the take-off. When th ey studied the film, they noticed a small jet of shine coming from inside the casing for one of the rocket boosters. The flame got bigger and bigger. It started to touch a strut that connected the booster to the big fuel tank attached to the space shuttle. About two or tierce seconds later, hydrogen began leaking from the gigantic fuel tank. About seventy-two seconds after take-off, the hydrogen caught on fire and the booster swung around. That punctured the fuel tank, which caused a big explosion. crimson though people knew what had happened, they didnt know why it had happened. Gradually people found the answer. Heres why it happened the rocket boosters casing was made in different sections. These sections were attached to each other and sealed together with o-rings-rubber rings. The o-rings were held in their places by the pressure of the hot gasses, which were from the rocket booster after it was ignited. On previous missions of the Challenger, the o-rings were found to be p urposeless away by the hot gasses. The o-rings had been tested and the results had shown that the o-rings were a lot more likely to fail in shabby or freezing weather. That was what happened on the cold morning of January 28, 1986. The people on board the shuttle on January 28, 1986 were Lieutenant Ellison Onizuka, an Air Force Officer Commander Michael Smith, a Navy officer Christa McAuliffe, a high-school teacher in New Hampshire Dick Scobe, a Navy officer Greg Jarvis, an engineer Judy Resnik, an astronaut and Ronald McNair, an astronaut.

Great Expectations: A thematic analysis :: Great Expectations Essays

Great Expectations A thematic analysisAs the reader begins the book, demon instills in the reader a bondwith Pip as it is th earthy his eyes in a first person narrative.Dickens use of Pip as the narrator is real significant to the tellingof the story. We are able to keep an eye on the progression of Pip as he grows upand his views on the characters in the book. We form an idea nearlysomeone from their outward bearing, so having Pip as a narrator itcreates a one-sided view about a character because we only see theworld from Pips eyes and we feel most strongly what Pip is feelingand we feel, about other character what Pip feels about them.Dickens creates sympathy by telling the reader that Pip has never seenhis mother & father, instead he sits on their graves trying to findclues that reflect their appearance and personality. Pip at this pointis trying to emphasize that his father is superior to his mother, asthe antithesis is shown with Joe and his sister. Dickens also tries tomak e the reader feel sympathy by referring to Pips name. On one levelhis name shows how isolated Pip is, this empathize that Pip createdhis own nickname. However on a typic level his name Piprepresents the start of life, a seed, as it grows toward its fate.Dickens is trying to emphasize to the reader the solitude of Pip, byusing extended reprove structure to increase the tension and prolongthe suffering. He also restates that Pip is all alone by usingrepetition on the word exsanguinous, implicating the loss of 5 of Pipssiblings, as they died before they were born. The prolonged sentencestructure also leads to an ominous word savage lair. This sorryfallacy foreshadows the encounter which will make Pips life a lotworse.When Magwitch is first introduced, a sad and lonely atmosphere isalready established. The fearful connotations in the atmosphere placeovergrown with nettles, the isolated graveyard dark flat wildernessand the symbolic place of death the marsh acres makes Magwitchappea rance even more memorable. Magwitchs social status becomesapparent when Dickens describes his handling of Pip. He addresses Pipin a very rough manner, shaking him and using harsh words. Keep stillyou little devil or Ill cut your throat .This portrayal of Magwitchemphasizes the fact that he is of a lower social class and this tiesin with a stereotypical view that someone in the lower half of thesocial divide will be more likely to commit a crime. This reflects the

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Autism in the Classroom Ess

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Autism in the ClassroomWhen teaching it must be expected that there will be students that have behavioural disorders. These disorders must be taken into consideration when giving these students the best education possible. Teachers must conciliate to these children and incorporate them into the daily classroom. Every teacher has their own methods of doing this and discharge use their creativity to come up with these strategies for teaching. Some strategies may non work, so instructors must put much thought into how they be going to accommodate to these particular students.A very common disorder in children is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. These students have a difficult time retention attention due to the lack of the ability to concentrate. These students tend to act impulsively, have attention deficits, and sometimes exude hyperactive behaviors. Children that have ADHD do not qualify for special education unl ess they also have another disability. Approximately 7.8 percent of children from the ages of 4 to 17 have been diagnosed with ADHD, research also shows that males are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD over women. These ratios vary from 41 to 91. These students with ADHD can be impulsive, which means they act before they ideate or before considering the situation that they are currently in. They also have a hard time concentrating and find it difficult to sit still. There are medications for ADHD, and they are prescribed often, there are also a variety of drugs that have been proven to make a child with ADHD more attentive and improve their academic performance. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as weight loss, blood pressure chan... ...ed or wanted. I would also encourage parents to cypher their child in to sensory therapy such as occupational therapy, sensory integration, and developmental optometry therapy to help with possible vision issues. Med ication wise I would encourage parents to prescribe their child to Prozac to assist in lowering anxiety, I would encourage this in older aged students. Both ADHD and autism are disorders that whole teachers must be educated in before going into this profession. It is important to know the different strategies that can be used to be the most reformatory instructor to these students. It is also very important to incorporate these students into the classroom and encourage good social skills with peers. By paying close attention to these students instructors are equal to come up with the best strategy to provide the best education to these individuals.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder & Autism in the Classroom Ess

Attention Deficit Hyper moivity Disorder & Autism in the ClassroomWhen teaching it must be expected that there will be students that have behavioral disorders. These disorders must be taken into consideration when giving these students the best education possible. Teachers must accommodate to these children and incorporate them into the daily classroom. Every instructor has their own methods of doing this and can use their creativity to come up with these strategies for teaching. Some strategies may not work, so instructors must put much thought into how they ar going to accommodate to these particular students.A very common disorder in children is worry deficit hyperactivity disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These students have a unwieldy time holding attention due to the lack of the ability to concentrate. These students tend to act impulsively, have attention deficits, and sometimes exude hyperactive behaviors. Children that have minimal brain dama ge do not qualify for special education unless they too have another disability. Approximately 7.8 percent of children from the ages of 4 to 17 have been diagnosed with minimal brain damage, research in like manner shows that males are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD over women. These ratios vary from 41 to 91. These students with ADHD can be impulsive, which means they act before they think or before considering the molduation that they are currently in. They also have a hard time concentrating and find it difficult to sit still. There are medications for ADHD, and they are prescribed often, there are also a variety of drugs that have been proven to make a child with ADHD more attentive and improve their academic performance. Unfortunately, these drugs have side effects such as weight loss, blood pressure chan... ...ed or wanted. I would also encourage parents to enroll their child in to sensory therapy such as occupational therapy, sensory integration, and develo pmental optometry therapy to help with possible vision issues. Medication perspicacious I would encourage parents to prescribe their child to Prozac to assist in lowering anxiety, I would encourage this in older aged students. Both ADHD and autism are disorders that all teachers must be educated in before going into this profession. It is important to know the different strategies that can be used to be the most helpful instructor to these students. It is also very important to incorporate these students into the classroom and encourage good social skills with peers. By paying close attention to these students instructors are able to come up with the best strategy to provide the best education to these individuals.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Equality and Diversity in the Care Home Setting

Our work place policies, procedures, codes of practice and principle requirements for- Diversity is respecting and maintaining the dignity and privacy of clients recognizing issues associated with the identity needs of other advantage white plaguers as well as the clients protest interpretation of dignity and respect and the right to express his/her own identity, culture and lifestyle. comparison is ensuring populate are make do with fairness no what their age, race or gender treating people according to their individual needs.To protect the rights and advertise the interests of clients and employees respect for individuality proving and promoting equal opportunities recognizing individuals needs of bang and preferences. Supporting clients to take control of their own life choice and independence. For example I was facilitating a throng regarding substance mis phthisis and a client told me she didnt need to be thither as she never used drugs and wasnt a junky but every ang iotensin-converting enzyme else did.I explained to the client that intoxicant was a drug and that the group was to inform everyone of the possible luck of any drug and that it would be beneficial for her to stay and similarly within the unit no matter what substance a client used everyone was here for the same reasons. Inclusive practice is approximately the attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to ensure that people are non excluded or isolated. It means bread and butter diversity by accepting and welcoming peoples differences, and promoting equality by ensuring equal opportunities for wholly in all.I use this daily in my job by including all clients in activities that I am belowtaking for example a quiz or relaxation, everyone is welcome and to those who are too poorly I reassure that there will be other activities on during the week. Discrimination is upholding public trust and confidence in hearty care services and not abusing, neglecting or exploiting clients or colleagues. Not discriminating or condoning discrimination or placing yourself or others at necessary risk.Providing clients and employees, a work place with freedom from discrimination on the initiation of race, sex, ability, sexuality or religion. Again I use this on a daily basis as we dont discriminate over against anyone. Everyone can use our service providing they meet the criteria (ie substance misuser). We begin groups for everyone and ask for participation off everyone. If a client was needing any external services ie for religious matters we subdue to accommodate as best we can.The following legislation relates to all of the above and is used everyday where I work by myself, my colleagues and some by the clients that use our service. The Human Rights exemplify 1998- This covers many different types of discrimination, including some that are not covered by other discrimination laws. Rights on a lower floor the Act can be used only against a public authority, for exa mple, the police or a local council, and not a private company. However, court decisions on discrimination ordinarily have to take into account what the Human Rights Act says. The Equal Pay Act 1970 (amended 1984)- This says that women must be paid the same as men when they are doing the same (or broadly similar) work, work rated as equivalent under a job evaluation scheme, or work of equal value. The Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (amended 1986)-This makes it unlawful to discriminate against men or women in employment, education, housing or in providing goods and services, and also in advertisements for these things. Its also against the law, but only in work-related matters, to discriminate against someone because they are married or in a civil partnership. Race Relations Act 1976 (amended 2000)- This states that everyone must be treated reasonably regardless of their race, nationality, or ethnic or national origins. Disability Discrimination Act 1995. This states that a person wit h a disability must not be treated less fairly than someone who is able-bodied. Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003. This says it is unlawful to discriminate against people at work because of their religion or belief. The regulations also cover training that is to do with work. Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006- This says it is unlawful for an employer or potential employer to discriminate against you at work because of your age. The Residential Care and Nursing Homes Regulations 2002. This protects the rights of people living in care homes. Health and Social Care Act 2008. This Act established the Care Quality Commission (CQC), whose remit is to protect and promote the right of people using health and social care services in England to quality care and to regulate its provision.In October 2010 a new legislation began that was the Equality act 2010 this involves most of the above legislation and brings them all together into one act. This means that w ithin my workplace each particle of cater has to adhere to this legislation and ensure that everyone that comes into our building is treated with dignity and respect, they are not discriminated against in any way and everyone receives the correct level of treatment as and when needed. The most parkland forms of discrimination are racial remarks, slurs, being called insulting names and being the butt of hurtful jokes.Studies have found that discrimination, racism and harassment may have significant mental and physical health consequences such as frustration, stress, anxiety, depression, possible nervous breakdown, or high blood pressure that can cause amount attacks. Effects of discrimination physically and emotionally Depression, Anger, Loss of self-esteem, Isolation, Feeling stressed or unable to cope. Stereotyping is another form of discrimination for example we stereotype a teenager, with a hood up, as being lamentable and up to no good.This is wrong they could just be cold. But if this teenager is told over and over again that they are bad there is alship canal a possibility that they could think well if I am getting labelled I may as well do it. This is a damaging effect of discrimination and one that happens every minute through come out of the closet the world. Inclusive practice is best practice. Health and social care workers demonstrate inclusive practice by working in ways that recognise, respect, value and make the most of all aspects of diversity.Having a sound sensation of and responding sensitively to an individuals diverse needs supports them in developing a sense of belonging, well-being and confidence in their identity and abilities. And it helps them to achieve their potential and take their rightful place in society. Inclusive practice involves having an understanding of the disastrous trespass that discrimination, inequality and social exclusion can have on an individuals physical and mental health. Having such an understanding ensur es appropriate, personalised care and support, thereby enabling an individual to develop self-respect and maintain a valued role in society.Because people who fail to support diversity or promote equality are usually entirely un certified of their attitudes and the impact of their behaviour, inclusive practice involves reflecting on and challenging ones own prejudices, behaviours and work practices. It also involves challenging those of colleagues and other service providers, with a view to adapting ways of thinking and working and to changing services to build on good practice and to better support diversity and promote equality. If I suspected a colleague was discriminating against a client within the nit I would report this immediately to the nurse in charge and hence report it to the clinical consider and management. I would cover the client support and advice and also reassure them that inappropriate behaviour from round is not tolerated within the unit and I would also off er them a complaints form and reinforce them to report any further incidents to staff on duty immediately. However if I feel I am the one that has been discriminated against I should then raise a grievance in accordance with the grievance procedure or through the bullying and harassment procedure.Information, advice and guidance about equality, diversity and discrimination can be sourced via the internet, companies policies and procedures, employee handbooks, line managers and managers, also from colleagues. I have found working on my NVQ I have had to research a lot. Therefore the internet has been invaluable. It is also amazing what resources I have found at work when asking colleagues advice and found there knowledge a bad help when discussing iot with them. Duty of care means providing care and support for individuals with the law and also within the policies and procedures and agreed ways of working with your employer.It is about avoiding abuse and defect to individuals, thei r family, friends and property. I have a duty of care to safeguard individuals from disparage, reporting concerns of abuse/ neglect this may include evidence or suspicion of bad practice by colleagues or managers or abuse by another individual- worker, family or friend. It means that when someone is a patient or even under care in a residential home or their own, the care giver has a duty to provide whatever care is best for themThey should learn that they are treated with respect, provided with help when needed, granted medication when required and generally looked after. We have a duty of care to everyone that walks in the building including colleagues and visitors, everyone has there own duty of care to themselves and the others around them. For example if the fire alarm was to sound we have a duty of care to ensure everyone gets out of the building including ourselves. A potential dilemma I have faced recently was that I overheard a conversation between two clients.One client telling the other that they had inebriated over the weekend, but had not told a member of staff and when they returned to the unit on Sunday evening, had not registered on the breathalyzer, therefore had not been found out. The client did not realise that I had over heard the conversation and went back to his room. I mat it was my duty of care to inform his keyworker of this but felt it was his right as a person to tell her himself, as I had only overheard the conversation, it was not directed at me.I went to see my line manager with a hypothetical scenario and asked her advice. She advised me to speak with the client and let him know that I had overheard the conversation and I was leaving it up to him to decide what he would do. So I did this. I advised the client that I had overheard him and I felt he was putting himself and others at risk because he thought he could do this again and get away with it again and other clients would start to do the same. He agreed with me and ask ed if I could tell his keyworker he wanted to speak to her.He told her everything and was put on a no pass for 4 days. Another potential dilemma is if I suspect a client has been using drugs or drinking alcohol within the unit I am able to breathalyse or urine screen whenever I feel the need. This is providing a duty of care to all clients. Assessing the levels of risk are always done before a client enters the building, the referrer has to send a level 3 sound judgement before the client has an judgment in the unit or admitted a level 3 assessment provides all the information about the clients past that health professionals must be aware(p) of.The risk assessment is studied carefully and if the client has a high risk record towards staff or other clients they will be refused an assessment or admission to the unit. Risk assessments are done by a nurse before the client even enters the building if they think they may be a threat to themselves or others they will not be permitted t o use our service. If the nurse feels there is no threat and that client is allowed in the unit then a care plan is drafted on admission and the client is do aware of any circumstances that will be involved if any risk is felt throughout there stay.If the client is low to medium we would put in place to appropriate action and steps into place to avoid any staff or other clients in the unit of any risks for example staff members working in pairs and monitoring the client at all measure reinforcing to the client any inappropriate behaviour towards clients or staff will not be tolerated and company policies and rules must be followed at all quantify while they are a res ident in the unit. If the client was to breech company rules or intimidate a client or member of staff they would be immediately discharged and they will be made aware of this on admission.Managing risk associated with conflict or dilemma is done by in the first place doing risk assessments. On some occasions this m ay need to be done on the spot and action taken immediately for example if a trip was going ahead and two clients were arguing you have to think on your feet to calm the situation down firstly and then think of the next step for example saying that neither client is now coming on the trip and explain your rationale behind the decision whether it is that you do not feel the clients will be able to get along outside of the unit and may start arguing again therefore putting themselves and others at risk.Or that you decide both clients come on the trip but think of a care plan for while you are out so everyone is aware of what is happening and what is going to happen. We have had examples of risk on several occasions the main one being if a clients visitor is under the influence on arrival to the unit and not allowed to visit. They must be escorted off the premises as soon as possible and sometimes they become very violent or agitated because of this.If this was to happen I have to th ink on the spot and work out the best plan of action it could be lecture rationally and explaining the nature of the building and that there is no way we could let a visitor in that was intoxicated even if they would cause no harm it is unfair on other clients having to smell the alcohol. I would explain that they could return the next day if this was convenient as long as they were not under the influence. If this did not work I would try to talk to them again and explain if they did not leave then I would have to phone the police.All clients are made aware on admission of the companies complaints policy, forms are available from any member of staff and will also be within the client handbook given on admission. If a client asks for a complaints form then I would ask them if there was anything that I could help with firstly or another member of staff if they wish. If they say no then I would get the complaints form and reiterate the policy that the complaints form should only be g iven to the person in charge of the building at that time and that if that person can deal with the complaint then this would be done if not another member of staff may need to be involved.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The War on drugs Essay

The war on drugs has been ongoing in America for over 30 years, but it hasnt been working out the way people thought it would be. Im against the the War on drugs. The War on drugs is ineffective and needs to changed.The War on drugs needs to be changed because it costs the government way too such(prenominal) money. gibe to Havards Jeffrey A. Miron an economist, and doctoral candidate Katherine Waldock, in the U.S alone legalizing drugs would save roughly 41.3 billion per year in government expenditure on enforcement of prohibition (Bandow, 2011). This means that the government could save a dish of money if they would effective stop the War on drugs. Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs. According to Professor David Nutt of Britains Bristol University and colleagues, heroin, split and crystal meth are deadliest to individual user, but when their wider social effects are taken into account, alcohol is the most damaging, followed by heroin and crack (Hu nter, 2010). This means that more people are using alcohol than heroin or crack because of that alcohol has cause more damage to people the governments just being hypocrites about the War, theyre fighting something that are less dangerous than the things that already are legal. The current drug laws promote additional crime. According to The Cato Institutes David Boaz and Timothy Lynch, addicts commit crimes to pay for a habit that would be easily afford up to(p) if it were legal (Bandow, 2011). This mean that people are committing crimes to construct the money so they can pay for the drugs at a high price in the black market. Overall the War on drugs hasnt been helping people in the U.S at all.See moreCapital budgeting essayDrug use may not be wise, and it could even cause death. However, the War on drugs has cause the U.S turn into a prison state, putting more Americans in prison each and everyday. According to Lisa Trei at Stanford University in 1980, about 2 million people in the United States were under some kind of criminal justice supervision. By 2000, the figure had jumped to about 6 million, the jump is more often than not attributed to the governments ongoing war on drugs. The War is not stopping people from using drugs, just a program to watse money.If I was able to in charge of a country I would try to make drug use legal.By having drugs legal the crime rate pass on drift off because people can buy them legally for cheap money. I would also set an age limit on people that could use drug. This way kids will know when they grow up they will have a chance to try it, that will decrease youth drug use. Lastly, I would set a limit on how much people could buy. By setting this restriction drug use wont able to harm people as much as before. These laws could help out to country.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Port Chicago Disaster

The Port sugar Disaster On the 24 of July 1944, a inscription was written from Captain W. S. Parsons, USN to Rear Admiral W. R. Purnell, IJSN. It was a report on the most destructive explosion on United States soil at that time. It was existn as the Port Chicago Explosion. Captain Parsons worked in the Bureau of Ordnance as their Liaison Officer. So he was a prime scene for the Job. Rear Admiral Purnell was the head of the Military Policy Committee. This memorandum was non intended to incarcerate people, determine its cause, nor report defects in the design of munitions computer memorys.Its sole urpose was to catch data from the damage done and to find the exact time when the explosion happened. Captain Parsons determined the exact time based on seismic activity. He determined the time of detonation occurred at approximately between 2218-2244 on the 17 of July, 1944. It was found that approximately 2000 tons of high explosion were present on the dock at the time of the explosi on. He also determined that light damage extended approximately 1500 yards from the explosion. This was minor damage but significant no(prenominal) the less.From ground zero and out to approximately 1000 feet it was determined that there was total destruction. However, at 1000 feet there were 3 civilians that remained alive these were the closest survivors to the blast. This flagitious calamity could name been prevented, only if certain factors were addressed accordingly. Within the confines of the munitions depot at port Chicago, there was racism. Akers states The general classification test active at this time placed the depressed ratings at Port Chicago in the lowest twelfth of the Navy.According to their superiors, these men were unreliable, emotional, lacked capacity to understand or think back orders or instructions, were particularly susceptible to ass psychology and moods, lacked mechanical aptitude, were suspicious of strange officers, disliked receiving orders of an y kind, particularly from white officers or petty officers, and were incline to look for and make an issue of discrimination. For the most part, they were quite young and of limited education. 1 Black men, no matter what they scored on their classification test were baffle into these laborious work parties.If they scored high enough and there were empty billets, they would be transferred to a nonher duty station. Therefore, there was a lack of good leaders to be had. This is a prime example of discrimination. Another example of racism at this munitions depot is that Negroes in the Navvy dont mind lade ammunition. They Just want to know why they are the only ones doing the fill up They want to know why they are segregated why they dont get promoted. 2 This stated that the racism was stark(a) and the moral of the black sailors was very low.When morale was low, they started to ask question and the quality of work that and more prone to accidents. In addition, white officers were p ut in burden of these loading parties and the black sailors did not like them. On top of that, the commanding officer, Captain Kinne, demanded a quota often tons per hatch per hour. These white officers deemed this goal, of the commanding officer, withal high. But they had to fulfill it nonetheless or else their Jobs were on the line. Allen stated, officers sometimes raced working divisions against each other to speed up loading. 3 This caused workers to work at an shaky speed and often times a shell would drop to the deck. Allen also stated As Carr the wench maintenance personnel looked on, one man lost his magnetize on a shell it dropped two feet and hit the deck with a thud. This showed that the rate at which they loaded ammunition onto the ships was unsafe. It made the possibility for a hap very high. Still the Captain Kinne, the white officers had quotas to fill so they ignored these ominous signs and kept on pushing. Only if they could construct slowed down the load rat e, this disaster could have potentially been avoided.Another factor that could have prevented this disaster would be development. According to Julius J. Allen in his court martial trial he stated, There was no training in ammunition discourse. 5 These black Junior sailors were not trained to handle igh explosives, at the same time, the white officers were inadequately trained to supervise the loading process of high explosives. According to Freddie Meeks When those bombs, slathered in grease, bounced down the plank, theyd bang into other bombs and everyone would pray to Almighty God. They made terrible sound.Sometimes, you thought they would explode. Youd almost have a heart attack to hear those bombs hitting together Id ask the lieutenant about it and hed say dont worry. 6 The black sailors were weary of working with these explosives but were told by fficers that the larger munitions were not active and could not explode and that they would be armed with their fuses upon arrival at the combat theater. Because of the inadequate training of the white officers, they disillusioned the black sailors. The black sailors would believe them because of their lack of training with explosives as well.Therefore, this made for carelessness in the handling of the high explosives because all personnel apart of the loading parties did not know that the shells had the potential to explode because the training was negligent. Another aspect is the equipment used for handling of the high explosives. Handling of these larger explosives such as bombs and shells involved happy chance individual munitions out with levers and crowbars from boxcars. The shells were packed in tightly with packing material, and they were heavy cylindrical shapes.The black sailors would roll them along the wooden pier, packing them into nets, lifting them with a windlass and boom, lowering the bundle into the hold, and then dropping the individual explosives a short distance by hand into place. This se ries of actions was rough enough that naval shells were sometimes damaged and began leaking identification dye from their ballistic caps. This should have been a major warning that an explosion was explosives. Therefore, the explosives were more prone to damage because of the kind of crude equipment they were using.In addition, the ply winches used on cargo ships were used to speed up the handling of heavy loads. One winch was operated at each of the ships five cargo holds. During loading operations, the winches were worked hard, requiring steady maintenance in order to remain operable. Winch brakes, a safety feature provided for stopping the load from falling if the winchs main fountain was lost, were not often used by a skilled winch operator s the load could be more quickly maneuvered using various power settings than by application of the brakes.Disused brakes sometimes seized up and stopped working. Additionally, the winches on the SS E. A. Bryan were steam-powered and showed signs of wear, even though the ship was only five months old. Equipment could have been a factor, but also the lack personal protective equipment was another factor. In many cases there was no personal protective equipment provided by the munitions depot. In an oppugn with Carl Tuggle, he stated that If you wanted to wear gloves, you purchased them. That was the only way you had gloves o wear and to use while you were working.At night we were provided clothing to keep us from the elements on the dock at night because it was cold, but otherwise we supplied everything else ourselves. 7 Since the black sailors often were not promoted they remained stagnant with the position of Junior sailor. Therefore, they would not make a lot of money and not have money to buy proper personal protective equipment. This made the work parties more prone to accidents. It was so grave that even Commander Paul B. cronk, head of a Coast Guard explosives-loading detail tasked with supervision of the ork ing dock, warned the Navvy that conditions were unsafe and ripe for disaster.The Navvy refused to change its procedures and Cronk withdrew the detail. The Navvy still put a blind eye to the munitions depot at Port Chicago therefore the disaster was waiting to happen. This may have been the most destructive explosion, but it was almost expected as Captain Parsons reported, Port Chicago was designed for large explosions. 8 He stated that the munitions depot designed at Port Chicago was designed for large explosions and because of the design there was a very minimal loss of life outside of the munitions depot.Nonetheless, it was in conclusion determined that 320 of the men on duty at the pier died instantly, and 390 civilians and military personnel were injured, many seriously. Surprisingly, this was a major loss for the black sailor friendship in which, roughly 15 percent of all the black casualties in the US Navvy during the entire war. 9 Shortly afterwards the disaster, Port Ch icago assigned white sailors to work alongside black sailors loading ammunition. This was the first step towards desegregation. To fix the lack of training, the Navvy instituted new training and safety procedures for the handling of high explosives.If and only if the Navvy listened to the Coast Guard Explosives-Loading detail supervising the loading of the explosives, the Port Chicago explosion would have never happened and this memorandum would have never been written. 1. Regina T. Akers, The Port Chicago Mutiny, 1944, in Naval Mutinies of the Twentieth Century An International Perspective, ed. Christopher M. Bell and Bruce A. Elleman (London Frank Cass, 2003), 200. 2. Robert L. Allen, Final Outcome? Fifty Years after the Port Chicago Mutiny, American Visions 9 (1994).http// search. ebscohost. com.http//search. ebscohost. comhttp//montfordpointmarinesandhonor.blogspot.com/2013/09/http//search.epnet.com/Login.aspx?lp=login.asp&ref=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Egoogle%2Ecom%2Eua%2F&authtype=ip ,uidhttps//ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88%E3%82%B7%E3%82%AB%E3%82%B4%E3%81%AE%E6%83%A8%E4%BA%8B

Friday, May 24, 2019

Salvationist Governance

3. Explain how people (ministers, affable workers, other employees, board members, volunteers) can be involved in governance in their day-to-day activities The organization of the salvation forces calls for participation of key individuals in matters of governance. Being a registered charitable organization in many countries means sufficient participation of concerned parties in religious denominations and international capacity. Participation of parties in matters of governance in the day to day activity serves a very cardinal purpose of Salvation regular army.The spread of gospel is a major concern of the ministers especially when dealing with society members. (Stephen, John, 2006, p. 6) Visiting the sick, providing food and other basic commodities to individuals serve a very important aspect of ministers involvement. The convention is a very important element that needs the support of ministers in rating of certain tasks. Serving the entire society or congregation calls fo r full participation of different stakeholders. Such individuals involved in Salvation Army imply social workers, volunteers, employees and board members.These individuals are involved in various activities such(prenominal) taking care of the sick old and disadvantaged members of the society (Milkler, 1997, p. 21). For instance, volunteers participate in activities such as cleaning the sick, feeding the poor, providing clothes to the poor, and constructing houses for less disadvantaged especially the disabled. Social workers and other employees at Salvation Army organize social activities such as games that lead to socialization. The board members are involved in making decisions that keep the organization strong and going (Holktzman, 2003, p. 24). 4.In your opinion, what aspects of private celestial sphere organizations governance can be transferred to the Salvation Army? Governance in private arena calls for implementation of certain policies in the running affairs of the organ ization. Since Salvation Army is similar to private sector certain governance components can be adopted. Some of the leadership policies that can be borrowed from private sector embroil directors who are independent and diligence. This means that the board of directors is supposed to show signs of commitment to management and should not be given any other responsibility.In addition, the directors should be diligent in their governance models to ensure that affairs of Salvation Army are well addressed (Charities Review Council, 2010). Application of good leadership models such as proper channels of communication is another major governance policy that can be borrowed from private sector to Salvation Army. What aspects of the Salvation Armys governance mechanisms can be transferred to other nonprofits and what is peculiar to this organization? The Salvation Army is a non-profit making organization that aims at serving its congregation and the entire society in matters of religion.Thi s being the case, some non-profit making organizations can borrow certain governance models from Salvation Army. One outstanding mechanism is almost auditing of accounts by qualified auditors a common practice in Salvation Army (Where Most require, 2009). This involves preparation and presentation of strong, accountable and transparent financial statements reflecting the use of funds and assets of the entity. The congregation support activities of Salvation Army through contributions and this call for preparation of financial statements which are subject to auditing by qualified auditors.Adopting this measure by non-profit making organization builds confidence of its stakeholders which leads to proper dissemination of duties to the entire society. Another possible mechanism that can be adopted by the private sector is participation in charitable activities like visiting the sick and old in the society (Siegel, 2007). These are peculiar activities carried on at Salvation Army and can be applied to non-profit making organizations for purpose of promoting the dignity of relevant stakeholders.BibliographyCharities Review Council 2010, Got Standards? So Do Charities, Viewed August 24 2010 from Holktzman, M 2003, Internal command in the Talmud the Jerusalem Temple, The Accounting Historians, Vol. 30, p. 23-25Milkler, G 1997, Financial Accounting and Management in Governments, public Service and Charities, John Willey and Sons, New YorkSiegel, J 2007, Is There a Duty To Gentrify? The Salvation Army As Real Estate Tycoon, Viewed August 24, 2010 from Stephen, G. & John, H 2006, Corporate Governance Consultants the Issue of Qualifications. The CPA Journal, Vol.76, pp.1-15Where most needed 2009, Salvation Army Embraces Centralized, Corporate Management, Viewed August 24 2010 from

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Should marketers…..

Should marketers be allowed to conduct market research with young person nipperren? Why yes/ why no? What argon the implications? What are the advantages? basisLet us try to understand how the minds of children work, through an allegoryThe old man (guard) near the village church well, was shoutingChildren, children, listen to me,Waste no water, waste no water,Theres a ghost in the church well,If your spill the water, he will lift you to hellThats how he controlled and watchd the minds of children who were wasting water near the church well in a water-starved villageProblem StatementThe impressionable minds of children can be influenced easily, for better or worse. To bring up a child is a continuous experiment. Its care begins from the cradle. Till the age of 5 or until such time a child is admitted to the school, the child looks forward to the parents for guidance in every aspect of its necessitate. The habit take a hopation has already begun in the child. The child feels good about certain things, and the forage habits once initiated, may continue for long.Children are highly cause by the advertisements and programs in television, and in the school, by the contents of the lunch-boxes of other children. They wish to imitate and emulate. lifespan is full of choices and making the right choices is important for the children. Dr. Bernard Shaw said, Your food is your grave. Here is the message for the parents about the food items they need to give to the children. The neediness of food discipline amongst the children and the lack of its awareness among the caretakers (including parents) is one of the grave problems of the modern era, influenced by the materialistic civilization, the electronic media and the internet revolution.No control exists over the sources of information that the children receive leave past other sources, over 500 TV channels running 24 hours a day alone is sufficient either to build or get by the children, depending upon the progra ms they are habituated to view. Consequently there is no control either, how they assimilate and utilize such information in their personal lives.This is the age, when children begin to outsmart the parents or either controlling authority. Market researchers are, therefore, having the field day, to serve the expansion programs of the multinational giants, and provide those data as per specified classifications. In each child, they see a latent customer for their products.EvidenceMarket research in any area related to young children is a welcome step. In the absence of strait-laced data, any decision, any policy on issues relating to the children would be fallacious. On the basis of the data collected, the right procedures for the future benefit of children need to be adopted and they essential be implemented with all sincerity Whether one likes it or not, manufacturing and marketing of food products exclusively for children has come to stay now the question is what type of food products needs to be supported and what are to be rejected, by the free exercise of market forces and by creating proper awareness amongst the children. In an experiment conducted to decide the influence of branding vis--vis the taste preference, it was found that branding has deep impact on the minds of the children.The children preferred the branded packaging, than the unbranded packaging. Perhaps the imaginative packaging system back up by the influence of the advertisements for that product, which the children recalled while making choices did the trick and the market researchers scored their anticipated goals. Here is the danger of the container dominating over the contents of the product. The manufacturers of such products must be thanking the television sets in the homes of children.AnalysisThe advantages of research on young children is inclusive not exclusive. What is important is the tangible action taken on the findings of the research. In a recent report published by th e World Health Organization of UNO, energy-dense foods and fast food outlets is the cause of increasing overweight and obesity amongst young children. This is the inherent danger of branding of food products as the children stick on to a particular brand of food, and it becomes the regular part of their food intake.The giants of the food and beverage industry who spend much than $ 10 billion per year count on such children and the drug industry must be making proper projections for expansion on the basis of statistics of obese children The drug industry must be thanking the fast food industry for providing them raw material in the form of obese children. This is how, evil begets the evilBeginning from the age of 2, the children have begun to identify the brands, and by the age of 7-9, they have mastered brand names, logos, characters, packaging, color preferences, carton characters and everything that contributes to the valet de chambre of fantasy of the children. They have form ed opinions their requests for products have turned to nagging, begging and even quarrellingDiscussionThe necessity of parental guidance has never been felt more, as in the conditions prevailing today. Marketing organizations bring out fictional characters to influence the minds of children and make them slaves of their own imaginations. The impact of the advertisements and the promotional campaigns, hype of gift schemes is so much for example we are prepared to pay ten times of the cost of pure lime juice, to a bottled drink of lime, treated with preservatives.And the company advertises Now this drink has the taste of sweet-flavored lime The enslaved minds of the children refuse to think why we cant have he fresh limejuice from the natural lime itself Similarly we pay a good sum for a fancy pack of potato chips, which is harmful for the health of children, viewed from any angle. The models, who are part of the advertisement campaigns, charge hefty sums and we pay to opine their tissue of lies beamed through TVs, created by the imaginative copy-writers.This is the tragedy of the market research, as the findings are utilized for harming the health of children. Well-intentioned market research for the benefit of children is good. The motivated campaigns to tap and exploit the tender emotions of the children will harm them, the parents, the family and the society in the long run. Over emphasis on early learning is not desired and the market researchers need to do their job as human beings, not as the cut-throat competitors serving the tough strategies of the companies whose sole aim is to beget more and more profits. Such motivated market research campaigns are not conducive for the long-term welfare of the children.ConclusionThe ultimate aim of all research, including that on children, is to create a healthy and happy society. Therefore, nothing related to the children should be done in a hurry. To achieve this end, take lessons from Nature Hurry is not co gnize to all creative expressions in Nature. The sun rising, the moon setting, the blossoming of the buds, the arrival of the fruits, the germination of the seeds, the fetus in the womb, the bird in the egg, all have no hurry, and each takes is own time to grow and emerge out. So, the market researchers and the product manufacturers need to perform with care, taking into consideration the ultimate welfare of children.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

An Analysis of Homer Hickam’s “Rocket Boys” Essay

Each of us has our own dreams. Most of the time, we start building our dreams dapple we are still in childhood. However, close to of us realize what we want to be and to do the moment we become a teenager. Clearly, adolescence is one, or perhaps, the most of the essence(p) period of our lives. This is our turning point from being a child going to an adult. From this period, we start to shape our future, our fate. From this period, we begin to draw the lines of our palms and our destiny.It is during the same period when retired NASA engineer homer Hickam fully realized what he wanted to be. His adventures were all written in a memoir that he wrote and entitled Rocket Boys. Set during the middle of the twentieth century, Rocket Boys tells the grade of a group of teenager boys in West Virginia who followed their dream of becoming an established creator of rockets. Hickam used his own point-of-view in retelling the tales from his town. In this book, the routineor tried to narrate how he draws his destiny by following his ultimate dream.The book is very heart-warming and inspiring, and yet not too dramatic. The events, which the author described, were seriocomical themselves. The book, moreover, offers a lot of realizations and lessons in life. Because of this, Rocket Boys received a lot of appraisal since the time of its publication in 1998. In f suffice, the book has already been accommodate into a movie entitled October Sky the year after its publication. How do the elements of the story, particularly the fibers, help in the appraisal of Hickams Rocket Boys?One of the most powerful aspects of the novel is the portrayal of the characters. Although historical ones, the characters in Rocket Boys seem to be fictionally created. There are certain parts of the story wherein the characters seem to act and behave as if they were characters from a dramatic TV series. The portrayal of the main character, for example, is perfectly executed that one would think tha t Homer is a fictional character living at the turn of fictional events. With this, young carnivores actions seem to be believable.At the onset of the story, the readers would really get hooked by the authors first sentence Until I began to build and launch rockets, I didnt know my hometown was at war with itself over its children and that my parents were locked in a amiable of bloodless combat over how my brother and I would live our lives. (Hickam, p. 1). Clearly, this line would give the readers an impact of how rookies life looks like. What he said was true, and then making the first line believable already, which the readers could relate with.Sonnys diverse friends also add flavor to the story and to Sonnys life, as well. As we could remember, Sonnys adolescence was very colorful. It has its bright mode. For example, he experienced most of his happy memories with his friends. One of the most memorable scenes of the boys in the story is their act of chasing rockets using th eir old car. It only means that as teenagers, they were focused in chasing their dream. In addition, chasing rockets while chasing the two beauties of Coalwood makes the scene a bit light.In addition, Sonnys family plays a vital role in his life. Sonnys father could be said as a responsible man. However, he could be also categorized as strict and realistic. Thus, these traits were also shown with his relationship with his family. Sonny, for example, could not go to college because he lacks scholarship. Unlike his older brother, Sonny has no blood for sports. or else of encouraging his son to look for other ways in entering a college, Mr. Hickam never did.He was even not in favor with Sonnys dream of building rockets, an opposite stand that Sonnys mother takes. Sonnys attitude, as well as his friends, could symbolize modernity while those of his father could mean conservatism. It was nice that Sonny did not have to balance the two. He just simply yielded to what he thinks is most s uited for him. Because of that, the story became more believable. His actions became consistent since he is focused in one thingchasing rockets and chasing his dreama very beautiful story told through the voice of a certified Rocket Boy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

After Wwi East Asia and North Merica Ap World History Essay

After valet state of state of war bingle East Asia and North America responded similarly to economic growth and social structure, bit taking opposite decisions concerning politics and international relations. Both countries grew economically due to industrialism and their standard living improved by opting for western lifestyle. But japan was elusive in war and with no thoughts of stopping while the United States was remaining out of it. To start with, United States and japan had similar ideas regarding their social structure. As the linked stated was evolving in improving standard living, japan was moving towards western cultural values.In the United States womans rights and labor was beginning to be a normal idea and even birth control comes into the picture. While in japan gender equality, freedom of expression and dignity of the individual where world embraced. All of this because allot of men had to fight in war and people where needed to do work, women took a step and d id it becoming not only competent for working but also economically independent. In other words countries standard living was rising with more people being comfortable with their substance of living and not rebelling because of having more rights.Moreover United States and japan had their difference regarding their international political position. While japan gets involved in war, the United States opts for isolationism. Although world war was over and japan had seen the deaths and devastation they decided to invade Manchuria a city in china and one year later invades Shanghai because of a minor conflict but also because Japanese where waiting for an excuse to conquer china for resources, after the battle of Shanghai 22 major battles followed. slowdown the United States stayed in their side provoking little problems. Not forgetting to mention that Japan and war one. Like that the United States and japan where in opposite sides of the war after The Great War, japan inside and the united states outside. In addition United States and japan both grew economically after world war one because their industrialism. Both of them got involved in the war very late that gave them more advantage because they had more weapons. Also their industry grew allot making more weapons to trade and also they had more manufacturing.As well the United States was giving out loans to countries that where in a bad shape after war. These made both countries economically grow and become economically superior from other countries. In conclusion the United States and japan where similar regarding social structure and economics, they had their differences in their decisions to enter war again. Even more important is what would happened next and that despite their similarities they would end up as rivals and fighting against each other. Was that really the right choice?

Monday, May 20, 2019

The Nature of Business

The Nature of headache IMAX This business concern report will analyse and explain certain significant areas in business milieu in reference to the Sydney IMAX sphere. We will look at the business life cycle, the main elements of the businesss environment, the indispensable and extraneous influences on the business and the social responsibilities of the business. 1. Classify the business and summarise its stage in the business life cycle, include a brief history The Sydney IMAX Theatre is a large in private owned business.IMAX is a proprietorship limited business this means that IMAX has a separate legal existence, evident from its owners, managers and operators. It overly has its own income tax liability, separate to your personal income tax. Effectively, a company has the powers of an individual and can suffer and dispose of property and other assets Enter into contracts Sue and be sued The Sydney IMAX Theatre is currently in the maturity stage of its proceeds life cycle. As the business was officially opened in 1996 it has well surpassed its governing body and growth phase.The company is keeping its sales steady by taking payoff of its homogeneous product and the inelastic demand for its product. IMAX is currently owned by Worlds Biggest Screens Pty Ltd. The history of Sydney IMAX Theatre all set forths with the IMAX Corporation that was formal in 1967. IMAX Corporation started out as the industry leader in the creation and production of risque end rides, attractions and projection technology. The company then went on to be a world leader in the production and design of surround sound technology.The Sydney IMAX Theatre was opened in 1996 and was instantly booming with a very short establishment phase. IMAX very quickly became a tourist attraction and a must see for all people living in the Sydney area. IMAX then saw a large cosmic string of theatres open all over Australia in 4 years putting a great attain on the company. As a result Cinema Plus Ltd was liquidated in 2000 because of cash flow problems. This small town saw all cinemas except Sydney close and saw Worlds Biggest Screens Ltd devote all its season and energy on Sydneys IMAX theatre. 2. The Main Elements of the business environmentThe Sydney IMAX Theatre is located in on the waterfront in the heart of Sydneys Darling Harbor. This location has many benefits as it is an entertainment hotspot. The attractions include many restaurants, bars and cafes, the Sydney Aquarium, Sydney Wildlife World, The Australian National Maritime Museum, The Chinese Gardens of Friendship and The Powerhouse Museum. IMAX uses its unique location to its advantage by building particular relationships with other businesses nearby hence providing extra advertising and offering customers special deals that will provide extra sales.The IMAX provides its customers with the biggest cinema screen in the world. With this large screen comes a gigantic array of newfound possibilities that nurtures the picture quality and the viewers experience. This is the reason for the logo Movies show you, IMAX takes you there. The IMAX provides customers a wide variety of films that are from many different genres. This wide variety increases the buttocks market therefore having a larger and broader variety of people. The IMAX also includes a snack bar located in the initiation that provides consumers with food and drink.This not further increases profit per person but also attracts unintended customers. 3. Internal and outer influences on the Sydney IMAX Theatre External influences Influences that a business cannot control Financial markets exchange rate changes usurpation profit income as film costs and royalties are based in US dollars Economic factors An sparing downturn can influence people to save and not spend. People cut costs on going out therefore reducing the amount of people going to IMAX. An frugal downturn also reduces the amount of tourists in the theatre T echnological advances in IMAX technology may produce whole new range of films that may or may not attract new audiences. Social changing patterns of untenanted will impact greatly on attendance varies also with the time of year and cycles of school holidays. geographic changes to theatre access, parking or public transport will impact on attendance Consumer tractableness in scheduling allows the theatre to respond to changing consumer demand for films (reputation and word-of-mouth is very important is influencing the triumph of any new film)Internal Influences Influences that a business can control Technological expansion of e-commerce in marketing activities for example the online ticket purchase system has been extremely effective since its introduction at the start of 2004. New Systems & procedures introduction EFTPOS and credit card payment has increased sales. New timetabling methods allow teaches to give their students ofttimes time in the theatre. Financial New budgets w ill affect how a new film is marketed and how much advertisement it gets Product changes in programming and film selection will influence attendance levels. The discipline of new products such as education talks will broaden the theatre market. The widening of the target market can potentially create new streams of people visiting the theatre. Both the Internal and external influences on a business are very important in a businesss survival. The IMAX needs to focus on improving their internal weaknesses without forgetting to figure out a way to stabilise its strengths. Only then will the business succeed. 4.The Ethical and Social Responsibilities of The Sydney IMAX Theatre The main purpose of business is to generate maximum returns for its owners and shareholders. So therefore the business has the responsibleness of pursuing all activities that enhance profitableness and increase the value of the business for the owners and shareholders. But a business also has responsibilities to their consumers, local communities and society as a whole. It is not right just to operate within the letter of the law. Businesses should also try and respond their local club and help its mployees lead better lives. IMAX has the social responsibility for all of its actions, their consequences and impacts on the community and the business itself. IMAX should examine every decision they make not just based on favorableness but on long term respectable business value and social responsibility. The Sydney IMAX Theatre has the responsibility of introducing policies in place that take care of your employees and the local community, long term this will still enhance their business brand and over time lead to higher profitability.The IMAX shows its honest responsibility by only partnering with businesss that are also ethically and socially responsible. As a business ethical and social responsibility is a great way to serve the community, advertise and plan ahead for the future. In recent studies it is shown that quite frankly ethical and social responsibility sells. Conclusion In conclusion The Sydney IMAX Theatre is in its maturity phase of the business life cycle, it is a large privately owned proprietary limited business.Its vast array of films caters for a wide variety of target markets therefore increasing entries. The IMAX uses internal influences such as product and financial influences and is faced with external influences such as financial markets and economic factors. IMAX as a whole is slowly working towards gaining the publics respect through ethical and social responsibilities which include pairing up with other ethically and socially responsible businesses, taking consequences for its actions and creating policies that specifically intend to take care of employees and the local community.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Political divide Essay

If we look at the issue of policy-making divisiveness in the United States with the idea in mind that all politics be local, Mike provide is probably correct in his assessment that the issue is ignorance and people who are too aware of their accept opinions. Former Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day OConnor might agree. Gates is a city council member in the small community of West Linn, Oregon, who did not run for re-election because of what he views as a a growing divide within his own community (2008). His reason, he said, is simple. There are bonny too many people engaging in pure political fantasy.They have accumulated to a point where no matchless could possibly respond to all the nonsense, (Gates 2008). In the West Linn case, the issue is one of the governments ability to provide all the desired services that the city residents are demanding and how on the button the government should fund these services (2008). On a larger scale, this is the same debate that faces the n ation as a whole. Many people believe that the United States government should solve all the countrys ills, from global warming and poor economy to the lack of health care.Those who believe that it is the governments state to assure that all men remain equal and therefore have exactly the same things alike believe that to make sure everyone has their need met, we should take from the rich and give to the poor. On the extreme otherwise side of the coin, we have Americans who believe that a person should take individual responsibility for their own needs and not rely on the government. These people oppose higher taxes to stipend for anything. It is a fundamental dissimilitude of opinion that has lead to a deeply divided country.This is the divide Gates observes within his community. The people compliments West Linn to provide more services, but do not want higher property taxes to pay for those services. Complicating the issue is the question of religious freedom versus freedom from religion, as observed by former beau Justice of the Supreme Court, Sandra Day OConnor. In a case regarding the inclusion of the word perfection in the Pledge of Allegiance, OConnor asked whether the schools pledge policy sends a message to nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community.And, in concluding that it does not, OConnor emphasized that the pledge has been employed pervasively without engendering significant controversy and caused no political divisiveness prior to the filing of this lawsuit. (Garnett 2004). The Supreme Court justice essay to argue that a nerve centre of the road approach, where those who disagreed with something simply chose not to participate, was appropriate. Unfortunately, this moderate approach was rejected by people on both sides of the issue.Instead of being happy with a compromise solution, it seems that people are more insistent on getting things their way. More and more, our law seems suspicious of tho se divisions that our Constitution actually protectsthat is, the divisions that turn out when free people contend over difficult questions that matteryet indifferent to the harm do to religious freedom by demands for the privatization of faith and its segregation from civic life (Garnett 2004).In this case, the author argued that removing matinee idol from the pledge was an imposition on the rights of the religious and the case had clearly claimed that the pledges use of immortal was an imposition on the rights of those with other or non-existent religious beliefs. Garnett and others seem more than willing to argue that the middle ground is not sufficient. All sides of an argument now claim moral superiority and believe that they essential be given their way. This unfortunately contributes to a devisiveness from which the country cannot hope to recover.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

How Is Evil Portrayed In Macbeth

In this essay I sh all in all be loo mogul at the way cruel is portrayed in Shakespeares hoyden, Macbeth. I will be concentrating on the characters in the play that contribute to the evil themes of the play. It is clear from the start of the play that the witches are the main source of evil. The witches have an big effect on the play, non only are they evil, but this is emphasised by the upstanding stepings against witches and witchery in Elizabethan times. Convicted witches were regularly tortured and even executed. Most people believed in witches and there was critical opposition against this persecution.This was not helped by the fact hat the king, James 1 was also interested in this superstition, often, he interrogated the accused himself. It is clear from the start of the play that the witches play a key role. The first pellet is the witches planning to meet Macbeth. The setting of this scene is very important they meet on a moor in thunder and lightning. These surroun dings portray an evil throw the moor is a very l angiotensin converting enzymely, innocuous and bleak place, while thunder and lightning associate with evil. So even at the beginning of the play matchless of the themes is known.The witches language includes rhyming couplets that contradict each other and are very powerful. Fair is foul, and foul is reliable Hover through the fog and filthy air This recite tells us about the witches hatred for all things good, and their love for things that are evil. Shakespeare adds rhyme and rhythm to the witches language to emphasise their evilness. The second part of this summons adds to their image of being witches and would have created tension among Elizabethan audiences. The image of old women with cats and the ability to fly would have take aback an audience.The first meeting between Macbeth and the witches is significant as they make two predictions to Macbeth, Hail to thee hane of Cawdor and perhaps more than significantly, That s halt be king hereafter. These proclamations astound Macbeth due to their sudden nature. The witches lure Macbeth into a false sense of security. The witches contain Macbeth and when he tells Lady Macbeth of the predictions, an evil plan is conceived. Ive done the deed. This deed is the worst possible crime, kingship Macbeth has murdered king Duncan in cold blood.Macbeth, the brave warrior at the beginning of the play has been driven by his ambition to be king. However, the source of this evil deed may not have come from Macbeth himself. Look like the innocent rash, But be the serpent undert. Lady Macbeth plants the seed of murdering king Duncan in Macbeths mind. The language Shakespeare uses here is significant, the flower is associated with beauty and goodness while the snake is associated with evil. The association with a snake would have been especially strong because in the bible the serpent is seen as an evil being.These comparisons to bible characters would also have shocked Elizabethan audiences, as they believed in heaven and hell. Perhaps the most famous scene in Macbeth concerns the witches and especially their language. colorful of blaspheming Jew, Finger of birth-strangled babe. These disgusting images are the ingredients of the witches spell. The language used shows the exploitation of innocence and vulnerability by the witches and this cerebrate in with the theme of the desire to bring all good things to evil. The tomography conjured up in the casts is one of pure evil.In the same scene the witches manipulate Macbeth by using three apparitions. The second of these apparitions lulls Macbeth into a false sense of security. Then live, Macduff what need I fear of thee. The apparition, which is a bloody child, tells Macbeth of his fortune, For none of charr born shall harm Macbeth. Shakespeare uses Dramatic Irony as these words confuse Macbeth. It is apparent from these words that Macbeth would feel invincible and that no man could harm him. Ho wever, Macbeth fails to see the contradiction between this and the first apparition.This is because Macbeth is unaware of Macduffs birth he was born after his mother had died. It is only at the end of the play that Macbeth finally discovers his fate. afterwards being told that Macduff had been, Untimely ripped from his mothers womb, describes the witches as Juggling Fiends. Macbeth is accusing the witches of deliberately juggling their words so that he could not understand them. This is a brilliant quote as Macbeth has just realised his life is in ruins, but the audience knew this earlier.The witches have changed Macbeth from a brave warrior to an evil, murderous, traitor. By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. This quote is significant as it illustrates the change in Macbeth throughout the play, now even the witches consider Macbeth to be evil. However, when tone at the path of destruction that Macbeth has left ehind him it isnt very surprising. Just one m an driven by his ambition to be king has led to a chain reaction of murders Stars, hide your fires Let not light see my black and desiresFrom this quote we can see Macbeths true feelings towards king Duncan. It tells us that no one will see the murder due to the darkness and lack of light. His dark intentions have vision due the blackness of the night and evil desires and intentions of Macbeth. The murder of his once best friend, Banquo leads to Lady Macbeth going mad. The brains derriere the relationship who conceived the plan of murdering ing Duncan which started the chaos of the whole play eventually commits suicide as she couldnt handle the guilt.Heres the whole step of the blood still all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. This is a significant quote as although Lady Macbeth did not kill king Duncan it was her idea, and it could be argued that Macbeth wouldnt have murdered king Duncan without the baffle of Lady Macbeth. The fear of the Scottish people is shown in a conversation between Donalbain and Malcolm. Theres daggers in mens smiles. This illustration describes how Donalbain feels he can rust nobody and that everyone is putting on disguises underneath the smiling faces is hatred and evil.The imagery conjures up pictures of the innocent and pleasant man on the outside but on the inside he is a traitor and a murderer. The quote portrays the scenes of anarchy and chaos in Scotland. In conclusion I think it is clear the witches mostly portray evil in Macbeth. Not only are the witches evil themselves but their evilness spreads to other characters throughout the play. I think there is little doubt that without the square up of the witches, Macbeth wouldnt have murdered king Duncan.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Lifestyle Disease

Definition of lifestyle disease life-style disease A disease associated with the way a person or group of people lives. Lifestyle diseases include atherosclerosis, content disease, and stroke obesity and type 2 diabetes and diseases associated with smoking and alcohol and drug abuse. fixing carnal activity helps prevent obesity, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, colon cancer, and premature mortality. Lifestyle diseases such as heart disease, some cancers and diabetes, which atomic number 18 no longer a problem just in wealthy nations.Globally 14. 2 million people between the ages of 30-69 years die prematurely each year from these diseases. These diseases have emerged as bigger killers than infectious or heridetary ones. Risk factors for these diseases include tobacco use, unhealthy diets and physical inactivity. Today we allow take look at the most common lifestyle diseases that you need to take care. Some of the diseases which reach are due to the wrong lifestyle.They are mainly due to the drugs, tobacco smoking and chewing, alcohol exercise, drop of physical activities, heavy junk food, over tension, no social life, lot of traveling, no specific alimentation habits and changes in eating hours, etc. It was observed that in many European countries in second fractional of the 20th century, people changed their food habits. They started consuming more and more meat, diary products, Alcoholic beverages they had trim back the consumption of bread, potatoes, rice, and maize flour.This reduced the intake of essential nutrients which were beneficial for the body at the same time they reduced doing physical exercises. This created an increase in Cancer percentage amongst the masses. Due to large consumption of junk food and doing less(prenominal) exercises many started suffering from various heart aliments. Some of the common disorders and diseases amongst the masses due to wrong lifestyle are- 1) Alzheimers 2) Asthma 3) Cancer 4) Type 2 diabetes 5) Heart disease 6) Chronic renal tribulation 7) Depression 8) ObesityLifestyle diseases are known as silent killers. Due to industrialization there was advancement in the life of the people according to that lifestyles changed, they started consuming junk food and did a very little physical activity. In the long run it started creating problems. Prior to 1940s the main causes of deaths were Malaria, typhoid but after that due to changes in lifestyle more and more deaths occurred due to the Cancer, Heart attacks, Diabetes. Can we prevent these diseases? Yes, we can prevent those diseases by changing our lifestyle.Following are the some important steps which can counter-attack the ill-effects of our wrong lifestyle 1) Performing systematic exercises. 2) Balance diet. 3) Reduction in unnecessary food consumption. 4) Avoiding junk food. 5) Proper eating times and habits. 6) on a regular basis doing yoga to refresh your mind and body. 7) Doing Meditation. 8) Sharing your thoughts with yo ur friends Summary Wrong eating habits, less exercises, junk food are the main causes behind the deadly lifestyle diseases. More and more deaths are occurring due to this. Lets change this and venerate a healthy life.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Islam Worksheet Essay

When studying Islam, it is important to understand the essential elements of the faith, how they ar practiced, and the distinctions among the tercet branches Shiite Islam, Sunni Islam, and Sufism. keep open a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following directives and note where there ar differences among the three branches of Islam.1. inform the meaning of the name, Islam. Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the script, a text considered by its adherents to be the direct word of God, and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last oracle of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.2. Explain the basic concepts of Islam. Is an unerringly monotheistic religion. It enjoins the existence of one God, his prophet Muhammad who is the snuff it Prophet in a long line of prophets sent throughout time and to every civilization, and the Quran as the Word of God revealed to Muh ammad through the angel Jibrael. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the calculate of life is to worship him and to adhere to his word, as laid down in the Quran, and in Sunnah , as closely as possible. They believe that Islam is the final, completed and universal version of a faith revealed too galore(postnominal) prophets before most notably Abraham, Moses and Jesus, but whose message has now been distorted.Describe the practices of Islam. They go to church in cathedral mosques (Jamia), in which sermons are preached and congregational prayers are offered up for the reigning Sultan every Friday. at any rate these there are about one hundred and eighty Muslim oratories or chapels (Mesjd), to many of which schools are attached. Prayers are also frequently said at the grated windows of the little shrines or tomb-houses of celebrated welys, or saints, which are numerous in Damascus. Men of the higher classes rarely go to the mosques except on Fridays, as they stoog e command proper places for ceremonial ablution and prayer in their own houses but to a Muslim of the get down ranks, a large mosque which is open every day from sunrise to sunset or later, is like a second home.3. Describe the goals of Islam. The4. Describe the view of authority in Islam.philosophy, and the arts in the Muslim world. Write a 1- to 2-paragraph response for each of the following questions. Provide examples to illustrate your thinking.1. What is the legal ideal in Islamic law? How does the Quran inform and guide Muslims in attaining this ideal?2. What is the relationship between philosophy and theology indoors Islam? Is it acceptable for Muslims to hold separate philosophical and theological beliefs?3. What artistic themes are regularly expressed in Islamic art and architecture? How are these themes explored? How has the Quran influenced the development of art in the Islamic world?

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Oedipus the King Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Oedipus the King - Essay ExampleAristotle requirement in poetics supports the persona of Oedipus as a humartia be flummox all his characteristics depicts the character of Oedipus as a whole and no one trait supersedes the others. However, Oedipus will become a social misfit in the society after they discover his actions. It is morally injure for him to kill an old man even if he was not motivated by taking his wife. Oedipus is not misdeedy by todays legal standards. Sophocles arranged the play in a port that the events of the play geted tenacious ago before the play. For instance, Oedipus is guilty of incest and killing before the play actually opened. Although Oedipus legitimate a curse form his father many years ago, we cannot link his behaviour with the curse in the play. Additionally, play main events ar not sectionalisation of the prophesy itself. That is most of the actions on stage do not form part of prophesy. According to Jones, Oedipus fault does not bear any rela tions to the actions from which guilt and sufferings flow and and so cannot be punished (Carel 102). In the US a mere guess or suspicion does not amount to enough prove to convict somebody. However, reasonable to believe, reasonable suspicion, probable cause for arrest, some presumptive evidence or substantial evidence will lead to further investigation of a companionship to prove if guilty or not. The fact that one of the men in the transport saw Oedipus killing Laius is enough evidence today to have him investigated and bring the crime to book (joined Nations Cyber School web) In conclusion, the story sheds more light on oracles and predestination. Many believe that something that is predestined to happen will, no matter how further we affect from it. Oedipus parents run from the oracle, Oedipus too run from the... Oedipus is not guilty by todays legal standards. Sophocles arranged the play in a manner that the events of the play happened long ago before the play. For insta nce, Oedipus is guilty of incest and killing before the play actually opened. Although Oedipus received a blaspheme from his father many years ago, we cannot link his behavior with the curse in the play. Additionally, play main events are not part of the prophecy itself. That is most of the actions on stage do not form part of a prophecy. According to Jones, Oedipus fault does not bear any relations to the actions from which guilt and sufferings flow and thus cannot be punished (Carel 102). In the US a mere guess or suspicion does not amount to enough proof to convict somebody. However, reasonable to believe, reasonable suspicion, probable cause for arrest, some credible evidence or substantial evidence will lead to further investigation of a party to prove if guilty or not. The fact that one of the men in the chariot saw Oedipus killing Laius is enough evidence today to have him investigated and bring the crime to book (United Nations Cyber School web)In conclusion, the tale sheds more light on oracles and predestination. Many believe that something that is predestined to happen will, no matter how far we run from it. Oedipus parents run from the oracle, Oedipus too run from the Oracle but were later to catch up on all of them. Additionally, pre destination frees people from worry now that people understand that it is not possible to run from it.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers' Ethics Essay

Engineering Ethics Beyond Engineers Ethics - Essay fountThese concepts are Act Utilitarianism, Rule Utilitarianism, Golden Rule, Rights (Human Rights), moral responsibility mal physical exercise, reasonable care, and moral personality.Basart and Serra begin their word by summarizing the main tenets of conventional engineer ethical motive. Basart and Serra affirm that the conventional engineering Ethics is mostly focus on engineers ethics, in other words, engineering ethics is mainly based on giving the engineers the professional directives on the right conduct in their engineering prrofession. Basart and Serra goes on to explain that, since the recital of engineering involves a complex network of interrelationships between the individual engineers, their employers, organizations, and other groups, there is the need to fox engineering ethics that would act as a guide for all the stake-holders in the engineering practice/profession. In the conventional engineering ethics, the e ngineering ethics that we studied in class, the engineers ethics and the engineering ethics are taken as one and the same thing. The result of this is a holistic ethics that enables the individual engineers to act responsibly as individuals, and to make good moral judgements on whatever ethical dilemma that may arise in their complex relationships in the engineering practice/profession.Having articulated the position of the conventional engineering ethics, Basart and Serra critiqued the traditional engineering ethics and stated that the conventional engineering ethics is not the best engineering approach in the modern interrelated valet (Basart, and Serra, web). Basart and Serra argue that in the modern world, technology has alienated us from nature, thus leading to new ethical challenges that the conventional engineering ethics does not address. For this reason, Basart and Serra argue that the best approach to engineering ethics in the modern world is constant dialogues, among

Monday, May 13, 2019

Letter from the Birmingham Jail Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Letter from the Birmingham poky - Essay ExampleLetter from Birmingham Jail takes a very important place in the history of the movement for human rights and is perfect air of reasoning for non-violent resistance. The author of this letter, Martin Luther King, believed that once injustice occurs, it becomes a threat to justice everywhere.This letter this famous sermonizer wrote in response to the appeal, in which the clergy characterized the activities of black activists as unreasonable and the late, criticized activists for organizing demonstrations, spoke approvingly about the city authorities and the police. Kings letter is a direct response to criticism of his ideas by church service representatives, but in fact, he refers to everyone who does non approve racism, but considers methods of nonviolent struggle to be in any case radical.His letter is full of arguments of a true Christianhe uses many Old and New testament associations and images, quotations, references to Christ s example. Kings main claim is that the main obstacle on the way of human being to freedom is not politicians, but citizens themselves, as often they are more devoted to order than to justice and believe in the myth about time and constantly advise to those who are oppressed to wait for a bettor moment.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

A Critical appraisal of the Torrey Canyon oil spill and the Coursework

A Critical appraisal of the Torrey canon crude spill and the Remediative Response - Coursework Exampledies show that many experts have been wrong to focus on dispersants as the main source of toxins involved in oil spill events, because oil itself has toxic personal effects that can outweigh the dangers of low-level dispersant use (Boyd et al 2001). Oils bioavailability to marine life is executable through four main pathways 1) direct contact with the oil, such when birds dive through oil to fuck off fish 2) ingestion through eating prey c everywhereed with oil or that has recently eaten oil-contaminated food, or through preening their oil covered feathers 3) breathing in fumes or oil particulates suspended in the air, and 4) absorption, whereby toxins leach into the skin of sea creatures or the membranes of plants. Of particular concern is PAH, a highly toxic blend found in almost in all oils that has a known association with cancers in both wildlife and humans. Polycyclic re miniscent hydrocarbons (PAH) are formed when organic compounds are not completely burned off during combustion (Srogi 1997). PAH contamination of the environment occurs through many of our everyday activities both at the personal and industrial levels, such as motor vehicle emissions, asphalt and aluminum production, oil refining, waste burning, and the combustion of fuels in ships and aircraft (Srogi 1997). When in vaporized form, PAHs enter the water system through precipitation and other atmospheric conditions. Oil leaks and municipal and industrial waste and are other sources of aquatic contamination (Srogi 1997). PAH is toxic in both fresh oil and in weathered or decomposed oil that has been exposed to natural atmospheric conditions over time (Neff et al 2011). Researchers have found that oil continues to leach from sedimentation under the waters surface old age after a spill. French, Banta and Swiss... This paper stresses that experience and research are leading the acquis ition community and environmentalists in new directions in terms of oil spill responses. Microbial degradation of oil droplets is one part of research that may lead to more environmentally friendly cleanup procedures. Researchers are aware that all natural environments contain bacteria that degrade bacteria. Microbes adapt to their environment areas with regular spills due to ship transaction have local led developed microbe populations that live off the oils. Many types of these oil-eating microbes work unitedly to break down the diverse compounds found in crude oils and other spilled substances. Researchers have attempted to genetically engineer microbes to enhance their hydrocarbon-eating capacity in future oil spills. This report makes a conclusion that plot of ground the U.S. maintains open-mindedness about the use of chemical dispersants, most of the world, rejects non-chemical oil removal in favor of mechanical methods. It is expense noting that the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited, which produces an annual report on accidental oil spills finds that over the past four decades there has been a decrease in the number of large oil spills. Unfortunately, we look to have far to go in figuring out how to prevent them altogether, however, when we use experience and science to handle spill events more intelligently, we may begin to see less disastrous consequences from our response to spills in the future.

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Implications and advancements of dna (as a medical milestone) in the Essay

Implications and advancements of dna (as a health check milestone) in the future - Essay ExampleSome of the disorders include hemophilia, and sickle cell anemia among others. The detection enables the parents and medical staff to prepare for the upcoming treatments. Genetic counsellors also use the knowledge of DNA to advise couples on their risks of having disabled children (nih.gov).Medical experts are also developing new technologies that can rapidly sequence erect quantities of DNA. The initial sequencing method was called Sanger, but has now undergone automation for it to work faster than before. Other DNA technologies much(prenominal) as STR and RFLP have erupted and will continue to erupt as long studies in DNA do not stop. The next generation sequencing technologies can sequence human DNA in a swindle time and at low costs (nih.gov).Over the last few years, the world has witnessed rapid establish in biotechnology and, in particular, the human genome project. The advancem ent has seen the emergence of complex datasets such as undivided Nucleotide Polymorphisms, microarray expression of cells, and genome sequencing of various species. All this has given rise to bioinformatics, a field with vast applications in the medical field (nih.gov). What the future holds on DNA remains a mystery, and it is only time and lore that can

Friday, May 10, 2019

Compare Dante's Hell to Muslim's Hell and Heaven Essay

Compare Dantes Hell to Muslims Hell and Heaven - set about ExampleHe categorized various sins in according to their degrees of seriousness and produced the image of perdition in parts which nourish an authority to punish the sins of a particular degree.1 According to Dante, there are nightspot circles that constitute the sin and are located within the earth. The religion of Islam has also got a very burnished image of sinning which is explained in great detail in its literature i.e. Quran and Hadith. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is believed to have visited the hell himself when he went on Miraj (Quran 171). Muslims belief in hell is quite different from Dantes hell in many ways. These differences are discussed in the coming paragraphs.The first difference between the cardinal hells is of location. Dantes hell is believed to be within the earth, preferably underground. Muslims hell, on the other hand, is not located within the earth. Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) traveled at more than the speed of light upwards in the sky. That gives us an idea how far the hell is from the earth. He travelled seven skies and it is not possible for normal human beings to go beyond the border of even the first sky while they are alive. Second really important difference is of the constituents of the two hells. Dantes inferno consists of nine circles namely Limbo, lust, gluttony, greed, anger, heresy, violence, fraud, treachery. Muslim hell is a one gargantuan place which is larger than the planet earth. Another distinction between the two c at a timepts is that in Dantes inferno, people who prayed for forgiveness in the beginning their deaths are not found in hell but they labor for their freedom from their sins. Islam teaches that this world is a place of doing good deeds and refrain from sins. Forgiveness is granted in abundance by Allah. even up a person who has committed hundred murders can be forgiven in his life at once if he asks for Allahs forgiveness from the deepe st pit of his heart and does not repeat his sins.The first