Thursday, November 28, 2019
Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Essay Example
Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Paper The IT nits may be distributed according to business donation, geographic location, or both. All or any of the IT functions may be distributed. The degree to which they are distributed will vary depending upon the philosophy and objectives to the organizations management. 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of distributed data processing? Response: The advantages of EDP are: a. Cost reductions b. Improved cost control responsibility C. Improved user satisfaction d. Back up flexibility. The disadvantages (risks) are: a. Inefficient use Of resources b. Destruction of audit trails c. Inadequate segregation of duties . Difficulty acquiring qualified professionals e. Lack of standards 5. What types of tasks become redundant in a distributed data processing system? Response: Autonomous systems development initiatives distributed throughout the firm can result in each user area reinventing the Wheel rather than benefiting trot the work to others. For example, application programs created by one user, which could be used with little or no change by others, will be redesigned from scratch rather than shared. Likewise, data common to many users may be recreated for each, resulting in a high level of data redundancy. This situation has implications for data accuracy and consistency. 6. Explain Why certain duties that are deemed incompatible in a manual system may be combined in a CBS computer-based information system environment. Give an example. Response: The IT (CBS) environment tends to consolidate activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A single application may authorize, process, and record all aspects Of a transaction. Thus, the focus of segregation control shifts from the operational level (transaction processing tasks that computers now perform) to higher. Level organizational relationships within the computer services function. 7. What are the three primary CBS functions that must be separated? Response: The three primary CBS functions that must be separated are as follows: a. Separate systems development from computer operations, b. Separate the database administrator from other functions , and c. Operate new systems development from maintenance. 8. What exposures do data consolidation in a CSS environment pose? Response: In a CBS environment, data consolidation exposes the data to losses from natural and man-made disasters. Consolidation creates a single point of failure. Â The only way to back up a central computer site against disasters is to roved a second computer facility. 9. What problems may occur as a result of combining applications programming and maintenance tasks into one position? Response: One problem that may occur is inadequate documentation. Documenting is not considered as interesting a task as designing testing, and implementing a new system, thus a systems professional may move on to a new project rather than spend time documenting an almost complete project. Job security may be another reason a programmer may not fully document his or her work. Another problem that may occur is the increased potential for program raid. Fifth original programmer generates fraudulent code during development, then this programmer, through maintenance procedures, may disable the code prior to audits. Thus, the programmer can continue to cover his or her tracks. 10. Why is poor-quality systems documentation a prevalent problem? Response: Poor-quality systems documentation is a chronic IT problem and a significant challenge for many organizations seeking SOX compliance. At least two explanations are possible for this phenomenon. First, documenting systems is not as interesting as designing, testing, and implementing them. Systems repossession much prefer to move on to an exciting new project rather than document one just complete The second possible reason for poor documentation is job security. When a system is poorly documented, it is difficult to interpret, test, and debug. Therefore, the programmer who understands the system (the one who coded it) maintains bargaining power and becomes relatively indispensable. When the programmer leaves the firm, however, a new programmer inherits maintenance responsibility for the undocumented system. Depending on its complexity, the transition period may be long and costly. 11. What is RAID? Response: RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks) use parallel disks that contain redundant elements of data and applications. If one disk fails, the lost data are automatically reconstructed from the redundant components stored on the other disks. 2. What is the role off data librarian? Response: A data librarian, who is responsible for the receipt, storage, retrieval, and custody to data tiles, controls access to the data library. The librarian issues data files to computer operators in accordance with program requests and takes custody files when processing or backup procedures are completed. The trend in recent years toward real-time processing and the increased use of direct- access files has reduced or even eliminated the role of the data librarian in many organizations, 13. What is the role off corporate computer services department? How does this differ from other configurations? Response: The role Of a corporate computer services department (IT function) differs in that it is not a completely centralized model: rather, the group plays the role Of provider Of technical advice and expertise to distributed computer services. Tours, it provides much more support than would be received in a impolitely distributed model. A corporate computer services department provides a means for central testing of commercial hardware and software in an efficient manner. Further, the corporate group can provide users with services such as installation of new software and troubleshooting hardware and software problems. The corporate group can establish systems development, programming, and documentation standards, The corporate group can aid the user groups in evaluating the technical credentials of prospective systems professionals, 14, What are the five risks associated with distributed data processing? Response: The Five risks associated with distributed data processing are as a. Inefficient use of resources, destruction of audit trails, c. Inadequate segregation of duties, potential inability to hire qualified professionals, and e. Lack of standards. IS List the control features that directly contribute to the security of the computer center environment. A. Physical location controls b. Construction controls c. Access controls d. Air conditioning e. Fire suppression f. Fault tolerance 16. What is data conversion? Response: The data conversion function transcribes transaction data from paper source documents into computer input. For example, data conversion could be keying sales orders into a sales order application in modern systems or transcribing data into magnetic media (tape or disk) suitable for computer processing in legacy-type systems. 17, What may be contained in the data library? Response: The data library is a room adjacent to the computer center that provides safe storage for the off-line data files, Those files could be backups or current data files. For instance, the data library could store backups on DVDs, CD-Rooms, tapes, or other storage devices, It could also store live, current data lies on magnetic tapes and removable disk packs. In addition, the data library could store the original copies of commercial soft. are and their licenses for safekeeping. 18. What is an ORG Response: A recovery operations center (ROCK) or hot site is a fully equipped backup data center that many companies share. In addition to hardware and backup facilities, ROCK service providers Offer a range of technical services to their clients, who pay an annual fee for access rights. In the event of a major disaster, a subscriber can occupy the premises and, within a few hours, resume processing critical applications. , What is a cold site? The empty shell or cold site plan is an arrangement wherein the company buys or leases a building that will serve as a data center. In the event of a disaster, the shell is available and ready to receive whatever hardware the temporary user requires to run its essential data processing systems. 20. What is fault tolerance? Response: Fault tolerance is the ability of the system to continue operation when part of the system fails due to hardware failure, application program error, or operator error. Implementing fault tolerance control ensures that no single mint of potential system failure exists Total failure can occur only in the event of the failure of multiple components, or system-wide failure. 21. What are the often-cited benefits of IT outsourcing? Response: Often-cited benefits Of IT outsourcing include improved core business performance, improved IT performance (because of the vendors expertise), and reduced IT costs. 22. Define commodity IT asset. Response: Commodity IT assets are those assets that are not unique to a particular organization and are thus easily acquired in the marketplace. These include such things are nonvoter management, systems operations, server maintenance, and help-desk functions. 23. Define specific asset. Response: Specific assets, in contrast to commodity assets, are unique to the organization and support its strategic objectives. Because of their idiosyncratic nature, specific assets have little value outside of their current use. 24, List five risks associated with IT outsourcing. A. Failure to perform b. Vendor exploitation c. Outsourcing costs exceed benefits d. Reduced security e. Loss Of strategic advantage Discussion Questions 1. How is pre-SOX IT governance different from post-SOX IT governance? Response: Prior to SOX, the common practice regarding IT investments was to defer all decisions to corporate IT professionals. Modern IT governance, however, follows the philosophy that all corporate stakeholders, including boards of directors, top management, and department users (i. E. Accounting and finance) be active participants in key IT decisions. Such broad-based involvement reduces risk and increases the likelihood that IT decisions will be in compliance with user needs, corporate policies, strategic initiatives, and internal control requirements under SOX. . Although IT governance is a broad area, only three aspects of IT governance are discussed in the chapter. Name them and explain why these topics were chosen. Response: Although all IT governance issues are important to the organization, not all of them are matters of internal control under SOX that may potentially impact the financial reporting process. This chapter examined three IT governance issues that are addressed by SOX and the COOS internal control framework. These are: a. Organizational structure of the IT function, b. Computer center operations, and Disaster recovery planning. 3. What types of incompatible activities are prone to becoming consolidated in a distributed data processing system? HOW can this be prevented? Response: Achieving an adequate segregation of duties may not be possible in some distributed environments. The distribution of the IT services to users may result in the creation of small independent units that do not permit the desired separation of incompatible functions. For example, within a single unit the same person may write application programs, perform program maintenance, enter transaction data into the computer, and operate the computer equipment. Such a situation would be a fundamental violation of internal control. 4. Why would an operational manager be willing to take on more work in the tort of supervising an information system? Response: Managers are responsible for the success of their divisions, If the benefits to be reaped from a EDP are expected to be great enough, the manager may find it is worth her or his while to expend the extra effort, Some of the benefits the manager may hope will materialize within the divisions are more efficiently run operations, better decision making, and reduced processing costs. Increased customer satisfaction may also result if the DOPE system is more accommodating. 5. HOW can data be centralized in a distributed data processing system? Response: The data is stored centrally, but updated or processed at the local (remote) site. Thus, data is retrieved from the centralized data store, processed locally, and then sent back to the centralized data store. 6. Should standards be centralized in a distributed data processing environment? Explain. Response: The relatively poor control environment imposed by the EDP model can be improved by establishing some central guidance. The corporate group can contribute to this goal by establishing and distributing to user areas appropriate standards for systems development, programming, and documentation. 7. How can human behavior be considered one of the biggest potential threats to operating system integrity? Response: The purpose of segregation of duties is to deal with the potential negative aspects of human behavior including errors and fraud. The relationship between systems development (both new systems development and maintenance) and computer operations activities poses a potential risk that can circumvent operating system integrity. These functions are inherently incompatible. With detailed knowledge of application logic and control parameters and access to the computers operating system and utilities, an individual could make unauthorized changes to the application during its execution. 8. A bank in California has thirteen branches spread throughout northern California, each With its own minicomputer where its data are stored. Another bank has 10 branches spread throughout California, with its data stored on a mainframe in San Francisco. Which system do you think is more vulnerable to unauthorized access? Excessive losses from disaster? Response: The bank that has the data for all of its branches stored on one mainframe computer is at greater risk of access control. All of the firms records are centrally housed. Once a perpetrator gains unauthorized access to the system, the data for all 10 branches are at risk, For the other bank the perpetrator would have to breach security for each of the thirteen branch computers. Thus, the bank with all of data centrally stored on a mainframe is more vulnerable to access control. The primary disasters of concern in California are earthquakes and fires. The bank with a central mainframe in San Francisco is robbery at the greatest risk of damage from both earthquakes and fires. If that system is destroyed, all of the branches lose their processing capability and, possibly, stored data. 9. End-user computing has become extremely popular in distributed data processing organizations. The end users like it because they feel they can more readily design and implement their own applications. Does this type of environment always foster more efficient development Of applications? Explain your answer. Response: Distributed data processing if not properly managed, may result in duplication of efforts. Two or more individual end users may develop similar applications While completely unaware Of each Others efforts. Such duplication is an inefficient use of human resources. 10. Compare and contrast the following disaster recovery options: mutual aid pact, empty shell, recovery operations center, and internally provided backup. Rank them from most risky to least risky, as well as from most costly to least costly. Response: A mutual aid pact requires two or more organizations to agree to and trust each other to aid the other with data processing needs in the event of a disaster. This method is the lowest cost, but also somewhat risky. First, the host company must be trusted to scale back its own processing in order to process the transactions of the disaster-stricken company, Second, the firms must not be affected by the same disaster, or the plan fails. The next lowest cost method is internally provided backup. With this method, organizations with multiple data processing centers may invest in internal excess capacity and support themselves in the case of disaster in one data processing center. This method is not as risky as the mutual aid pact because reliance on another organization is to a factor. In terms of cost, the next highest method is the empty shell where two or more organizations buy or lease space for a data processing center. The space is made ready for computer installation; however, no computer equipment is installed. This method requires lease or mortgage payments as well as payment for air conditioning and raised floors. The risk in this method is that the hardware, software, and technicians may be difficult, if not impossible, to have available in the case Of a natural disaster. Further, if multiple members systems crash simultaneously, an allocation problem exists. The method with lowest risk and also the highest cost is the recovery operations center. This method takes the empty shell concept one step further-?the computer equipment is actually purchased and software may even be installed. Assuming that this site is far enough away from the disaster-stricken area not to be affected by the disaster, this method can be a very good safeguard. 1 1. Who should determine and prioritize the critical applications? How is this done? How frequently is it done? Response: The critical applications should be identified and prioritize by the seer departments, accountants, and auditors, The applications should be prioritize based upon the impact on the short-run survival of the firm. The frequency with which the priorities need to be assessed depends upon the amount and kinds of changes that are made to systems over time. Firms that make changes frequently should reassess priorities frequently. 12. Why is it easier for programmers to perpetrate a fraud than operators? Response: It is much easier for programmers to perpetrate a fraud because they know the code. They know how to get around Some, or most, Of the embedded controls. Better yet, some programmers deliberately program code that gets them around controls and allows them to commit fraud. 13. Why should an organization centralize the acquisition, testing, and implementation of software and hardware within the corporate IT function? Response: The corporate IT group is better able to evaluate the merits of competing vendor software and hardware. A central, technically astute group such as this can evaluate systems features, controls, and compatibility with industry and organizational standards most efficiently. Test results can then be strutted to user areas as standards for guiding acquisition decisions. 14 Organizations sometimes locate their computer centers in the basement of their buildings to avoid normal traffic flows, Comment on this practice. Response: Locating the computer center in the basement to a building can create an exposure to disaster risk such as floods. The Chicago Board of Trade computer centers systems were located in the basement of a multi-storied office building in Chicago. When the century-old water pipelines burst, part of the first floor and the entire basement flooded. Trade was suspended for several days until system functionality could be restored, causing the loss of millions of dollars. This disaster would have been prevented if the computer center had simply been located on the top floor-?still away from normal traffic flows, but also away from the risk of flood. 15. The 2003 blackout that affected the U. S. Northeast caused numerous computer failures. What Can an organization do to protect itself from such uncontrollable power failures? Response: The decision regarding power controls can be an expensive one and usually requires the advice and analysis of experts. The following, however, are options that can be employed. Voltage regulators and surge protectors provide regulated electricity. Related to the level of electricity (frequency), and clean electricity, related to spikes and other potential hazards. Power outages and brownouts can generally be controlled with a battery backup (known as an uninterruptible power supply). 16. Discuss potential problem with ROCs. Response: Because of the heavy investment involved, ROCS are typically shared among many companies. The firms either buy shares in or become subscribers to the ROCK, paying monthly fees for rights to its use, That situation does provide mom risk because a widespread natural disaster may affect numerous entities in the same general geographic area, If multiple entities share the same ROCK, some firm or firms will end up queued in a waiting line. 17. Discuss two potential problems associated with a cold site. A. Recovery depends on the timely availability of the necessary computer hardware to restore the data processing function. Management must obtain assurances from hardware vendors that the vendor will give priority to meeting the organizations needs in the event Of a disaster. An unanticipated hardware apply problem at this critical juncture could be a fatal blow. B. With this approach there is the potential for competition among users for the shell resources, the same as for a hot site. For example, a widespread natural disaster, such as a flood or earthquake, may destroy the data processing capabilities of several shell members located in the same geographic area. Those affected by the disaster would be faced with a second major problem: how to allocate the limited facilities of the shell among them. The situation is analogous to a sinking ship that has an inadequate number of lifeboats. 8. Discuss three techniques used to achieve fault tolerance. A. Redundant arrays of inexpensive (or independent) disks (RAID), There are several types to RAID configurations. Essentially, each method involves the use of parallel disks that contain redundant elements of data and applications. If one disk fails, the lost data are automatically reconstructed from the redundant components stored on the other disks, b. Uninterruptible power supplies. In the event of a power outage, short-term backup power (i. E. , battery power) is provided to allow the system to shut down n a controlled manner. This process will prevent the data loss and corruption that would otherwise result from an uncontrolled system crash, lag. Explain the outsourcing risk of failure to perform Response: Once a client firm has outsourced specific IT assets, its performance becomes linked to the vendors performance. The negative implications Of such dependency are illustrated in the financial problems that have plagued the huge outsourcing vendor Electronic Data Systems Cop. DES). In a cost-cutting effort, DES terminated seven thousand employees, which impacted its ability to serve Other clients. Following an eleven-year low in share prices, DES stockholders filed a class-action lawsuit against the company. Clearly, vendors experiencing such serious financial and legal problems threaten the viability of their clients also. 20. Explain vendor exploitation. Response: Once the client firm has divested itself of specific assets it becomes dependent on the vendor. The vendor may exploit this dependency by raising service rates to an exorbitant level, As the clients IT needs develop over time beyond the original contract terms, it runs the risk that new or incremental revises will be negotiated at a premium, This dependency may threaten the clients long-term flexibility, agility, and competitiveness and result in even greater vendor dependency. 21, Explain why reduced security is an outsourcing risk, Response: Information outsourced to off-shore IT vendors raises unique and serious questions regarding internal control and the protection of sensitive personal data. When corporate financial systems are developed and hosted overseas, and program code is developed through interfaces with the host companys network, US corporations are at risk of losing control of their information. TO a large degree, US firms are reliant on the outsourcing vendors security measures, data-access policies, and the privacy laws of the host country. 22. Explain how IT outsourcing can lead to loss of strategic advantage. Response: Alignment between IT strategy and business strategy requires a close working relationship between corporate management and IT management in the concurrent development of business and IT strategies. This, however, is difficult to accomplish when IT planning is geographically redeployed off-shore or even domestically. Further, since the financial justification for IT outsourcing upends upon the vendor achieving economies of scale, the vendor is naturally driven toward seeking common solutions that may be used by many clients rather than creating unique solutions for each of them, This fundamental underpinning to IT outsourcing is inconsistent with the clients pursuit of strategic advantage in the marketplace, 23, Explain the role of a ASS 70 report in reviewing internal controls.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Comparing Themes in Bram Stokers Dracula essays
Comparing Themes in Bram Stoker's Dracula essays Perhaps the most entertaining thing about entertainment is deconstruction. To uncover a unifying theme or premise in a story is to understand, to realize the author's vision. In the case of such a classic as Bram Stoker's Dracula, it seems strange to find such difference between text and film. This paper will analyze the unifying theme of both the book and the movie and try to understand, from the creator's viewpoint, the factors that lead to the construction of two very different and equally strong ideas. Bram Stoker's original classic novel takes the reader through a cultural and political time-warp to a highly-educated aristocratic English folk at the end of the 19th century. From the first chapter on it is quite clear that the world has changed since this novel was written. The journal-style narrative gives the reader insight into the minds of characters that are completely different then any modern fiction paperback. It is very easy to see that these characters have a certain cultural pedigree which leaves them with a love of morality, spirituality, community, friendship, and a general faith in the goodness of humanity. These ideas are the real foundation for the story's theme. The obvious good vs. evil storyline is grounded in an epic God vs. Satan struggle for which the heroes fight on the side of the glory of God. In any form of storytelling you have a very clear difference between core themes and content. For a book that is hailed as the centerpiece of early goth literature, it lacks a core theme that identifies clearly as gothic or even negative. It seems that the preoccupation with the details of vampires is simply the content of the novel and not the core. At the beginning and the very end of the novel the core message is incredibly uplifting and spiritual. In the face of sheer evil, every character is shaken to the point where nothing else can guide them but their faith in god. At some point in every character's jour ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
HOW WAS THE TRIPARTITE FINANCIAL SYSTEM CREATED IN THE UNITED KINGDOM AND IT'S ROLE IF ANY IN THE CREDIT CRUNCH (BUSINESS AND LAW SUBJECTS) - Essay Example In fact it is found that the credit crisis is actually the result of poor regulatory process of these countries’ financial systems. This research is all about the Tripartite Financial System which was developed in UK in 1997. Prior to the period of recent financial crisis, it was apparently seemed that the system is quite effective in maintaining the stability in the UK financial system. However once the credit crisis started the actual effectiveness of the tripartite system came out. This research is started with a proper plan. A specific research statement is developed. Aims and objectives of the research are then properly identified. Precise research strategy and philosophy have been followed throughout the research. Data are collected in the pre-defined ways. A well structured literature review includes the detailed description of the topic. Finally the research ends with a proper conclusion. This research mainly focuses on the Tripartite Financial System and its role in the recent credit crunch in UK. The specific research statement is â€Å"how tripartite financial system was created in UK and its part in credit crunch†. The major aim and objective of this research is to identify all those processes and incidents that led to the formation of tripartite financial system. Furthermore the research also aims to find out the significance of this system in the recent credit crisis situation in United Kingdom. Each and every research is based on certain philosophy. In fact researches can be categorized into different types according to their philosophy. There are mainly two philosophical paradigm – phenomenological and positivist. In the first type of research, world is considered as an external object. Furthermore he/she should be independent. Most importantly in this type of research focus should be on facts. Furthermore the researcher should also focus on
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Christina of Markyate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Christina of Markyate - Essay Example Christina was educated which also made her unusual for her time period. Through a unique biography written during her time, Christina has become immortal through literary history in the story of her life and of the many ways in which she fought to hold true to her virtue in order to serve God. The book, The Life of Christina of Markyate: A Twelfth Century Recluse is intended to provide readers an insight into the life of a prioress so that they can live by her example. It is believed that the surviving copy of the book was written near the middle of the fourteenth century, perhaps written at St Albans under the direction of John of Tynemouth for a series on the lives of saints that he was assembling. The original text is available which is written in one persons handwriting, although there are notes on the pages from others, and is said to be quite beautiful (Talbot 1). The manuscript, that came to belong to Sir Robert Cotton and was within the Cottonian collection, was damaged durin g the fire of 1731. However, only the first page and the last page seemed to have sustained any significant damage (Talbot 3). The only things that are known of the one who wrote the biography is that he was a monk in the monastery of St. Albans. It is clear that the biography, in its original form, was written by someone who was close to Christina and who was very familiar with Geoffrey de Gorham, the wealthy abbot of St Albans who offered support to Christina. The writer refers to ‘our monastery’, thus creating the impression that the monastery where Christina made her place, St Albans, is also his monastery (Talbot 6). Through the personalized way in which he describes the lives of the characters in her life, it is probable that he knew them all. Christiana was born into an Anglo-Saxon noble family at the end of the 11th century. Her name was originally Theodora, but she changed her name to Christina. Her family was in danger, however, because of the French occupatio n of England and in this situation, the Anglo-Saxon nobility was almost powerless. Christina went with her family to St Alban to pray and the effect that the visit had on her was to turn her devotion to God. She swore her virginal state to God as a devotion to a life in his service. However, a man decided to marry her and asked her father for permission. Her biography suggests a great many ways in which her parents tried to trick her into losing her virginity to her future husband, but through her own tricks and prayer, she was able to keep sacred her virginity (Amt 139). Christina is portrayed as being very intelligent, an intelligence that is recognized by her parents. One of the aspects of Medieval life for women was in the commoditization of their lives. Women were essentially sold into marriage in exchange for whatever the parents of that woman needed, whether that be political considerations, money, or social prestige. Through Christina, her parents could find a match that wou ld benefit their lives. Talbot translates that her biography states â€Å"For if she remained chaste in love of Christ, they feared they would lose her, and all that they could hope to gain through her†(Talbot 69). As a woman, Christina was intended to be a product rather than a person, an object rather than the subject of her own life. In her refusal to her parents in front of the Fredebertus of the monastery, she states â€Å".
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Geography in the Arab region Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Geography in the Arab region - Essay Example Though contested boundaries and territorial disputes are factors that are not solely typical to Middle East, these factors still assume an immense importance for the region in a strategic context because of the existence of immense petroleum and natural gas resources in this part of the world (Held 1). As per Michael T. Klare, almost 65 percent of the entire world’s unexploited petroleum wealth is located in this region (54). The magnitude of these oil reserves is expected to be approximately 673 billion barrels (Klare 55). So, it is both about money and political clout. Over time, the world is expected to get increasingly dependent on the Middle East oil reserves (Klare 57). As these oil reserves are expected to augment in value over time, many of the powers placed in this region may be tempted to develop hegemony over large tracts of this region through the use of military might (Klare 57). Some of the developed nations may resort to alternate methods to exercise influence o ver this oil wealth by forging alliances with the regional powers, which is readily feasible, considering the existence of multiple non-democratic and authoritarian regimes in the region (Klare 57). The long standing regional rivalries in the region are one more salient factor that has the potential to time and again jeopardize the regional stability. This refers to both Arab-Arab rivalries and the Arab-Israel rivalry. There exists little hope regarding the potential of the outside forces to help the regional enemies negotiate a way out, as most of the important external powers do have economic and strategic interests in the region. The United States tends to have vital economic interests in the region besides having related strategic interests like the survival of Israel and the withholding of regional energy reserves from the other competitive powers (Kemp & Harkavy 7).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Iron Deficiency Anemia And Treatment Health Essay
Iron Deficiency Anemia And Treatment Health Essay This paper explores five sources that report what iron-deficiency anemia is along with how to treat the ailment. More specifically this paper looks at what role vegetables play in treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. All sources remain consistent in the role and how helpful vegetables are in fighting iron-deficiency anemia. Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute will provide that background of what iron-deficiency anemia is and how to treat it. Ross (2002), Johnson and Shinde (2010) all cover the role of food and more specifically the role of vegetables in treatment of iron-deficiency anemia. What is iron- deficiency anemia? According to Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (2010); iron-deficiency anemia is the most prevalent type of anemia on earth. This type makes red blood cells (RBCs) that are below average size, thus the term microcytic is used when referring to them. RBCs are not only smaller in size and amount, but contain a below average amount of hemoglobin, which makes cells pale. Because RBCs are needed to transport oxygen throughout the body, anemia results in lower amounts of oxygen reaching the cells and tissues, disturbing their function. The distinction between iron-deficiency and anemia is important. They often go hand in hand, but people can be iron deficient without being anemic. Iron-deficiency is a reduction of iron storage while anemia refers to the reduction of iron in the RBCs. These reduced RBCs are not able to transport enough oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, causing a shortage in energy being released from the cells and every cell in the body will feel the effect. What causes iron-deficiency anemia? According to Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (2010); iron-deficiency anemia may be caused by the following: diets low in iron due to iron being obtained from foods in our diet. A person unable to have a balanced high iron diet may suffer from some extent of iron-deficiency anemia. An increased iron requirement as well as an increased red blood cell production is required when the body is going through changes such as growth spurts in children and adolescents. Gastrointestinal tract abnormalities, malabsorption of iron is common after some forms of gastrointestinal surgeries. Most of the iron taken in by foods is absorbed in the upper small intestine. Any abnormalities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract could affect iron intake and result in iron-deficiency anemia. Loss of blood can cause a decrease of iron and result in iron-deficiency anemia. Sources of blood loss may include GI bleeding, menstrual bleeding, or injury. What are the symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia? According to Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (2010), the following are the most common symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia: abnormal paleness or lack of color of the skin, irritability, lack of energy, increased heart rate (tachycardia), sore or swollen tongue, enlarged spleen. The symptoms of iron-deficiency anemia may resemble other blood conditions or medical problems. How is iron-deficiency anemia diagnosed? According to Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute(2010), iron-deficiency anemia can be found from general findings on a complete medical history and a physical, like complaints of tiring easily, abnormal paleness or lack of color of the skin, or a fast heartbeat (tachycardia). Iron-deficiency anemia is typically found during a medical examination via a blood test that measures the how much hemoglobin (amount of RBCs) present, as well as the amount of iron in the blood. According to Iron-deficiency anemia treatment from Heart, Lung, and Blood institute (2010), treatment for iron-deficiency anemia: certain treatment for iron-deficiency anemia will be determined by your doctor based on: age, overall health, family and personal medical history, severity of the anemia, cause of the anemia, your opinion or preference. Iron supplements are just one of the many ways to treat iron-deficiency anemia. Supplements can be taken during the duration of several months to raise iron levels in the blood. Supplements may cause agitation of the stomach along with discoloration of bowel movements. Supplements should be consumed on an empty stomach, or with orange juice, to raise absorption levels. According to Ross (2002), other treatments include an iron-rich diet. Eating a diet with iron-rich foods can help treat iron-deficiency anemia. Good sources of iron include the following: meats beef, pork, lamb, liver, and other organ meats also, poultry chicken, duck, turkey, liver especially dark meat. Fish shellfish, including clams, mussels, and oysters, sardines, anchovies. Now letà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s look at what vegetables are good sources of iron. For example, leafy greens of the cabbage family like broccoli, kale, turnip greens, and collards. Also legumes, such as lima beans and green peas; dry beans and peas, such as pinto beans, black-eyed peas, and canned baked beans are good way to get some iron in your diet. And then there are the grains that are high in iron content such as yeast-leavened whole-wheat bread and rolls, iron-enriched white bread, pasta, rice, and cereals. With a vast amount of veggies and fruits around, high iron foods for vegans is abundant. According to Shinde(2010), one should eat the following high iron foods to maintain a healthy life. Food as follows : Freshly baked potato, Cooked Spinach, Green leafy vegetables, Beets, Lima beans, Peas, Broccoli, Turnip greens, Asparagus, Green beans, cooked, Tomato juice, Pumpkin, cooked, Swiss Chard, Canned sweet potatoes, Cooked Bok Choy. Those are mainly just the beans and vegetables that have high iron content to aid in ones high iron diet. Here is a list of high iron fruit: dates, gooseberries, mangoes, apples, papaya, banana, grapes, jack fruit and muskmelon. Since iron from vegetables sources are poorly absorbed by the body, it is important for vegans to take in more amounts of high iron foods and high iron vegetables. According to Johnson (2010), one can increase how fast the iron is absorbed by eating foods high in vitamin C. For optimal iron absorption in these sources in the body, one should ingest a good amount of vitamin C in the eating plan. Vitamin C increases the rate of absorption of iron in the body, so that its potential in the body is reached. Discussion Instead of taking iron supplements, one can get iron through foods high in iron. High iron vegetables and fruits remain the healthiest way to take in iron. All vegetables are packed full of some nutrients, but certain vegetables are specially known to be high in iron. There are plenty of high iron foods for vegans since there are lot vegetables high in iron. Certain vegetables have iron that is easily absorbed. These types of vegetables are very helpful people with iron-deficiency anemia. Knowing which foods are high in iron is half the battle.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Social Construction of Gender and Sexuality Essay -- Gender, argum
According to Johnny Weir, â€Å"Masculinity is what you believe it to be... [it is] all by perception, [I believe] masculinity and femininity is something that is very old-fashioned... [there is a] whole new generation of people who aren’t defined by their race or their sex or who they like to sleep with.†This statement exemplifies the definition of gender as a concept; gender is the expectations of a sex according to the culture of society. Sexuality, within this definition of gender, reflects society’s expectations, which are created in relation to the opposite sex. The variances between cultures means that gender expectations change within different cultures. These expectations put pressure on each member of society to conform and abide by the folkways of their own culture. The creation of gender expectations by society creates a restricting definition of gender roles and sexuality that vary from culture to culture. Society created the role of gender and created an emphasis on the differences between the two genders. Alma Gottlieb states: â€Å"biological inevitability of the sex organs comes to stand for a perceived inevitability of social roles, expectations, and meanings†(Gottlieb, 167). Sex is the scientific acknowledgment that men and women are biologically different; gender stems from society’s formation of roles assigned to each sex and the emphasis of the differences between the two sexes. The creation of meanings centers on the expectations of the roles each sex should fill; society creates cultural norms that perpetuate these creations. Gender blurs the lines between the differences created by nature and those created by society (Gottlieb, 168); gender is the cultural expectations of sexes, with meaning assigned to the diff... ...le or female actually identifies with their prescribed role depends on the socialization process and the way they identify with society’s expectations of them. The social construction of gender and sexuality all rely on the measure that people believe there is a difference between the two sexes, once this emphasis is taken away, is when gender roles will no longer play an integral role in the structure of society. Works Cited Gottlieb, Alma. "Interpreting Gender and Sexuality: Approaches from Cultural Anthropology." Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines. Ed. Jeremy MacClancy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Kilbourne, Jean. Killing Us Softly. Media Education Foundation, 2010. Lancaster, Roger N. Life is Hard, Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992. The Social Construction of Gender and Sexuality Essay -- Gender, argum According to Johnny Weir, â€Å"Masculinity is what you believe it to be... [it is] all by perception, [I believe] masculinity and femininity is something that is very old-fashioned... [there is a] whole new generation of people who aren’t defined by their race or their sex or who they like to sleep with.†This statement exemplifies the definition of gender as a concept; gender is the expectations of a sex according to the culture of society. Sexuality, within this definition of gender, reflects society’s expectations, which are created in relation to the opposite sex. The variances between cultures means that gender expectations change within different cultures. These expectations put pressure on each member of society to conform and abide by the folkways of their own culture. The creation of gender expectations by society creates a restricting definition of gender roles and sexuality that vary from culture to culture. Society created the role of gender and created an emphasis on the differences between the two genders. Alma Gottlieb states: â€Å"biological inevitability of the sex organs comes to stand for a perceived inevitability of social roles, expectations, and meanings†(Gottlieb, 167). Sex is the scientific acknowledgment that men and women are biologically different; gender stems from society’s formation of roles assigned to each sex and the emphasis of the differences between the two sexes. The creation of meanings centers on the expectations of the roles each sex should fill; society creates cultural norms that perpetuate these creations. Gender blurs the lines between the differences created by nature and those created by society (Gottlieb, 168); gender is the cultural expectations of sexes, with meaning assigned to the diff... ...le or female actually identifies with their prescribed role depends on the socialization process and the way they identify with society’s expectations of them. The social construction of gender and sexuality all rely on the measure that people believe there is a difference between the two sexes, once this emphasis is taken away, is when gender roles will no longer play an integral role in the structure of society. Works Cited Gottlieb, Alma. "Interpreting Gender and Sexuality: Approaches from Cultural Anthropology." Exotic No More: Anthropology on the Front Lines. Ed. Jeremy MacClancy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002. Kilbourne, Jean. Killing Us Softly. Media Education Foundation, 2010. Lancaster, Roger N. Life is Hard, Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1992.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Cathedral by Raymond Carver
Raymond Carver, the author of Cathedral was born in Oregon in 1938. He came from a poor family. At the age of 40 he was one of the most promising writers of his generation and was also near ruin in everyway from alcoholism. He quit drinking but lung cancer took over- taking his life at the age of 50. He wrote 3 collections of stories: â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†,â€Å" Cathedral†and â€Å"Elephant†, poems and essays. He was considered a minimalist until Cathedral where he started changing his style. Cathedral like many of Carver’s other stories portray individuals isolated from each other for a variety of reasons.In this story he creates a realistic human picture. He wants us to see the narrator’s character as figuratively blind. By the title we think the story is about a cathedral, but it is really about two man who are blind, on physically and the other psychologically. The Narrator looks at life from a very narrow-minded po int of view, for example he seems to believe that the most important thing to women is being complimented on their looks: second he is unable to imagine his wife’s friend as a person, only as a blind man. The narrator does not understand that what blind people cannot see they can experience by feeling and hearing.He does not see what is underneath the skin or what is behind a face. He sees people and things at face value. In Contrast, the blind man sees things with his ears, his hands and his heart. As the story opens the narrator gives a short background about his wife and the blind man’s relationship. We can sense his disgust and unwillingness to understand what it is like to be blind. He feels threatened by the blind man. This story shows that you don’t have to see someone or something in order to appreciate them for who or what they are. This story does follow typical dramatic development, which helps develop the theme.In the beginning, Carver, gives you an idea of what type of characters you are working with. He then forms the rising action with conversation among the 3 characters. The climax is when Robert, the blind man, and the narrator begin to draw the Cathedral together, two hands moving together- one guided by sight the other not, which lead us to the resolution of how the narrator becomes changed and learns a valuable lesson, which is overall the theme of the story. Several things bring out the theme: One is the point of view from which the story is told. The narrator talks from a first person point of view.Throughout the story he describes people by their outer appearance. He is amazed that the blind man has a beard. He only sees people for what they are outside, but is blind to appreciate the true beauty of a person’s inner self. You begin to understand this better when he goes to Pray†Pray that the phone wont ring and the food doesn’t get cold†. Prayers normally are said to show appreciation to al l that God has blessed us with. He prays in a cold type of way because he cannot believe in God if he does not appreciate the beauty of ones inner self, including the soul.The characterization of the story brings out the message too. There are 3 characters: Robert, The blind friend of the wife, who is the most important character. Unlike the narrator Robert can’t physically see, but has a clear vision of appreciating the person’s true inner self. â€Å"Talking about the miserable life the blind man’s wife must have had†. These two characters are complete opposites. The narrator cant understand that Robert probably loved his wife deeply for the person she was inside. The setting also plays a big part in the theme, because tells you about the characters personalities.Once again the narrator describes everything in great detail. Like the part where they are getting ready to watch the tape Robert sent. This shows us the type of character he is. There are two symbols in this story: the cathedral and Robert’s inability to see. The Cathedral is important because even though Robert has never seen the building he still knows the true and special meaning behind it. The narrator starts to change his attitude towards Robert at dinner, when he watches Robert use his fork and knife on the meat.This is when the narrator starts to see Robert for who he is inside instead of just seeing his handicap. At the end the narrator fully appreciates Robert when he learns the valuable lesson: that you don’t have to literally see someone to know how beautiful a person truly is. â€Å"Like the saying says: to never judge a book by its cover†. Cathedral ends with hope, although there is no proof that the narrator will overcome his isolation, for the moment he is in communion with himself and another human being. Robert teaches the narrator to imagine and feel like a blind man.The story is about one man’s prejudice which is overcome by another man’s gift. This story is about revelation and prejudice, but has a unfolding of marital drama. The story tells of how a close outside friendship can threaten marriage by provoking insecurities, creating feelings of invasion of privacy and aggravating communication barriers. The narrator feels jealous that they talk about everything. He feels left out when his wife and Robert recall the years they spent together. The narrator feels that the visit of the blind man is an invasion of his privacy and to his private relationship with his wife.It seems that the couple has a failure of communication Most criticism about this story focuses on how Robert helps the narrator overcome his prejudice, but we can to see that in certain marriages â€Å"outside relationships†can either cultivate or destroy lives depending on the relationship shared by a married couple. The outside Friendship can threaten a couple by provoking insecurities, creating feelings of invasion of pri vacy and aggravating communication barriers. Robert here I believe brings the couple’s marital problems up to the surface. Is Cathedral a religious revelation too? The Cathedral by Raymond Carver Raymond Carver, the author of Cathedral was born in Oregon in 1938. He came from a poor family. At the age of 40 he was one of the most promising writers of his generation and was also near ruin in everyway from alcoholism. He quit drinking but lung cancer took over- taking his life at the age of 50. He wrote 3 collections of stories: â€Å"What We Talk About When We Talk About Love†,â€Å" Cathedral†and â€Å"Elephant†, poems and essays. He was considered a minimalist until Cathedral where he started changing his style.Cathedral like many of Carver’s other stories portray individuals isolated from each other for a variety of reasons. In this story he creates a realistic human picture. He wants us to see the narrator’s character as figuratively blind. By the title we think the story is about a cathedral, but it is really about two man who are blind, on physically and the other psychologically.The Narrator looks at life from a very narrow-minded poi nt of view, for example he seems to believe that the most important thing to women is being complimented on their looks: second he is unable to imagine his wife’s friend as a person, only as a blind man. The narrator does not understand that what blind people cannot see they can experience by feeling and hearing. He does not see what is underneath the skin or what is behind a face. He sees people and things at face value. In Contrast, the blind man sees things with his ears, his hands and his heart.As the story opens the narrator gives a short background about his wife and the blind man’s relationship. We can sense his disgust and unwillingness to understand what it is like to be blind. He feels threatened by the blind man.This story shows that you don’t have to see someone or something in order to appreciate them for who or what they are. This story does follow typical dramatic development, which helps develop the theme.In the beginning, Carver, gives you an id ea of what type of characters you are working with. He then forms the rising action with conversation among the 3 characters. The climax is when Robert, the blind man, and the narrator begin to draw the Cathedral together, two hands moving together- one guided by sight the other not, which lead us to the resolution of how the narrator becomes changed and learns a valuable lesson, which is overall the theme of the story.Several things bring out the theme:One is the point of view from which the story is told. The narrator talks from a first person point of view. Throughout the story he describes people by their outer appearance. He is amazed that the blind man has a beard. He only sees people for what they are outside, but is blind to appreciate the true beauty of a person’s inner self. You begin to understand this better when he goes to Pray†Pray that the phone wont ring and the food doesn’t get cold†. Prayers normally are said to show appreciation to al l that God has blessed us with. He prays in a cold type of way because he cannot believe in God if he does not appreciate the beauty of ones inner self, including the soul.The characterization of the story brings out the message too. There are 3 characters: Robert, The blind friend of the wife, who is the most important character. Unlike the narrator Robert can’t physically see, but has a clear vision of appreciating the person’s true inner self. â€Å"Talking about the miserable life the blind man’s wife must have had†. These two characters are complete opposites. The narrator cant understand that Robert probably loved his wife deeply for the person she was inside.The setting also plays a big part in the theme, because tells you about the characters personalities. Once again the narrator describes everything in great detail. Like the part where they are getting ready to watch the tape Robert sent. This shows us the type of character he is.There are two s ymbols in this story: the cathedral and Robert’s inability to see. The Cathedral is important because even though Robert has never seen the building he still knows the true and special meaning behind it.The narrator starts to change his attitude towards Robert at dinner, when he watches Robert use his fork and knife on the meat. This is when the narrator starts to see Robert for who he is inside instead of just seeing his handicap. At the end the narrator fully appreciates Robert when he learns the valuable lesson: that you don’t have to literally see someone to know how beautiful a person truly is. â€Å"Like the saying says: to never judge a book by its cover†.Cathedral ends with hope, although there is no proof that the narrator will overcome his isolation, for the moment he is in communion with himself and another human being.Robert teaches the narrator to imagine and feel like a blind man. The story is about one man’s prejudice which is overcome by a nother man’s gift.This story is about revelation and prejudice, but has a unfolding of marital drama. The story tells of how a close outside friendship can threaten marriage by provoking insecurities, creating feelings of invasion of privacy and aggravating communication barriers.The narrator feels jealous that they talk about everything. He feels left out when his wife and Robert recall the years they spent together. The narrator feels that the visit of the blind man is an invasion of his privacy and to his private relationship with his wife. It seems that the couple has a failure of communicationMost criticism about this story focuses on how Robert helps the narrator overcome his prejudice, but we can to see that in certain marriages â€Å"outside relationships†can either cultivate or destroy lives depending on the relationship shared by a married couple. The outside Friendship can threaten a couple by provoking insecurities, creating feelings of invasion of privacy and aggravating communication barriers. Robert here I believe brings the couple’s marital problems up to the surface.Is Cathedral a religious revelation too?Minimalist: Movement in art, music, etc. in which only the simplest design, forms, etc, are used often repetiously.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Science Literacy Essays
Science Literacy Essays Science Literacy Essay Science Literacy Essay Science Literacy Assignment Science is everything. Science is what allows everything on the face of the earth to exist. To study science is to study a structures physical and natural behavior. Science is what allows a human being in itself to exist and continue studying how ourselves and everything around us came to be in existence. I believe that for one to be a good scientist, one must posses certain crucial attributes. One of these attributes is determination, for one to be a successful scientist you must have determination to pursue your various hypotheses, no matter how tedious and long enduring they may be, and despite how many times they prove unsuccessful. Another attribute that I believe to be very important is curiosity, you cannot discover and project to find new things without possessing a large amount of curiosity and an exceptional sense of intuition. To be a successful scientist you must posses these critical attributes. A hypotheses is an educated guess of what one expects to happen after observing an experimental phenomena. People may reason many phenomena by proposing different hypotheses. For ones experiment to be successful a hypothesis must be proven right (to whichever extent) or wrong (inaccurate). A hypothesis is a posed statement of, IF this were to happen, THEN this will result. However it is very important to test these hypotheses under different conditions, if you only test your hypotheses under one condition, then in certain circumstances it may be proven incorrect. Hypotheses must be tested under new conditions for many different reasons, one mainly being if your hypothesis is found true only to be tested under one type of condition, it may be proven false under another type of condition. One could very well formulate a hypothesis such as If bread were to be placed in a small dark space for 48 hours untouched, then mold should begin to grow and appear. Now if this hypothesis were tested in a damp condition, then yes it is true that mold should begin to appear after 48 hours hypothetically. However, if this were to be tested in a dry space instead of a damp space this hypothesis may be proven untrue as mold may not grow in said dry condition. This is Just a small example of why hypotheses must be tested in different conditions. Could you imagine if medical ormolus and experiments were only tested under one certain condition? That could result in utter chaos! In the pigeon homing experiment it is necessary to use more then one pigeon for multiple reasons. All experiments should be tested more then once, you cannot base your conclusion off of only one result because it may vary between different living organisms. By testing an experiment more then once it allows the results to become more accurate and allow a scientist to draw a more accurate conclusion. In this experiment some pigeons may have higher amounts or Ron in their olfactory senses which could alter how effective their sense of direction is when homing, as well as vice versa. Sexes of pigeons could also effect how well their homing could be, there are many different factors that could effect the results of this experiment, which is why it is necessary to test this experiment on more then one pigeon. This question I believe can strike up quite a controversial argument, as necessary disprove the existence of God but Just that prayer in itself does not lengthen a humans lifespan. I believe that in no way does this disprove the existence of God, the existence of God in someone life is completely partial to ones personal belief. I believe that you cannot prove or disprove the existence of God. No I do not think it is necessary to have a large expensive laboratory to do scientific research in. You can do research simply from home, you do not need expensive tools do research. You can find science anywhere, many things in society were discovered simply on accident such as penicillin. You can make discoveries Just outside your home, and do research anywhere!
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Book Review Of “The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680â€Â
Book Review of â€Å"The Pueblo Revolt of 1680†Discovering the past of North America has been an twisted and dark story of inhumanity and self indulgence. The treatment of others by the European powers has recently been uncovered as a degrading time for the Native Americans. Nobody else in the past five hundred years has faced genocide of this power; albeit, the forces of the Spanish people have created the most horrific stories of domination by one race. To say all the Spanish people were horrible is in fact a nasty thing to say; there were some people under the Spanish crown that wanted fair treatment of the natives. Andrew L. Knaut explores these sides of the Spanish crown during the seventeenth century of their claim to New Mexico. The native peoples of the New Mexican territory would struggle to maintain or gain power back from the Spanish peoples; but the Spanish would find every outlet of exploitation and force new ideas upon these Pueblo Indians. The books intention was to shine new light on the external and interna l struggles of both the Spanish and the Pueblo Indians. The following is a critical review of the facts stated in his book. This is followed up by a review of the book itself. The Native Americans of the New Mexican area before the seventeenth century would face very little outside conflict from foreigners, but by the early 1600’s their freedom would radical change. The Pueblo Indians is a culmination of five major groups: Piro, Hopi, Zuni, Tano, and the Keresan. These groups of people faced challenges everyday living in the conditions that they inhabited, but when the outside force of the Spanish got involved all hell broke lose. The natives faced many power struggles as a nation, both internal and external factors played roles in their every day live style. Disease, famine, and Catholicism all were factors in destroying the Pueblo nation of the southwest. When the Spanish explor... Free Essays on Book Review Of â€Å"The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680†Free Essays on Book Review Of â€Å"The Pueblo Revolt Of 1680†Book Review of â€Å"The Pueblo Revolt of 1680†Discovering the past of North America has been an twisted and dark story of inhumanity and self indulgence. The treatment of others by the European powers has recently been uncovered as a degrading time for the Native Americans. Nobody else in the past five hundred years has faced genocide of this power; albeit, the forces of the Spanish people have created the most horrific stories of domination by one race. To say all the Spanish people were horrible is in fact a nasty thing to say; there were some people under the Spanish crown that wanted fair treatment of the natives. Andrew L. Knaut explores these sides of the Spanish crown during the seventeenth century of their claim to New Mexico. The native peoples of the New Mexican territory would struggle to maintain or gain power back from the Spanish peoples; but the Spanish would find every outlet of exploitation and force new ideas upon these Pueblo Indians. The books intention was to shine new light on the external and interna l struggles of both the Spanish and the Pueblo Indians. The following is a critical review of the facts stated in his book. This is followed up by a review of the book itself. The Native Americans of the New Mexican area before the seventeenth century would face very little outside conflict from foreigners, but by the early 1600’s their freedom would radical change. The Pueblo Indians is a culmination of five major groups: Piro, Hopi, Zuni, Tano, and the Keresan. These groups of people faced challenges everyday living in the conditions that they inhabited, but when the outside force of the Spanish got involved all hell broke lose. The natives faced many power struggles as a nation, both internal and external factors played roles in their every day live style. Disease, famine, and Catholicism all were factors in destroying the Pueblo nation of the southwest. When the Spanish explor...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Kerala tourism board Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Kerala tourism board - Essay Example India, was a tourism destination well known for taj mahal, fatehpur sakri of agra, the Rajasthan palaces as these attractions were maintained to partially towards enthralling the tourist who comes to India. Tourists started searching for something different other than this conventional heritage destinations and Kerala tourism board has shown an alternative for this cause with their vibrant features showcasing Kerala in par with Bali of Indonesia. "We placed less emphasis on comfort, more on environment, experiencing local culture, cuisine, cuisine, history and the way of life of local people" says Jose Dominic ,M.D ,KTDC .The statement was an applied absolutely in practical and due to this uniqueness it was placed at a distinctive level in the tourism map of the world. Taj group of hotels, the "CGH earth2" was instrumental in giving tourism in Kerala a corporate look. It mobilized the business travelers to choose Kerala as a viable destination for both business and leisure. Thus taj group of hotels played in promoting tourism in Kerala .The stark communications pvt ltd; a thiruvananthapuram based communication agency was successful in promoting Kerala as an important tourist destination. The stark communications adopted a variety of marketing mix and actively projected Kerala in various international tourism fairs and campaigns.2Weakness Red tapism and bureaucracy. Lack Integration between various government departments. Lack of adequate infrastructure. Lack of night life. Beverage costs are high. Lack of proper air connectivity. Lack of proper waste management systems. Lack of professional expertise High service charges. Lack of good shopping facilities at tourist attractions. Lack of train connectivity. India being a democratic country, the bureaucracy existed in every part of the governance in most of the states. The developments initiation and implementation is an uphill task the file has to fallow a long hierarchy in various departments. By the time the project initiates the investments costs rises. The service charges on various facilities like river cruises, the accommodation were high. There is no adequate connectivity through train routes as the train route is concentrated along the major cities but not to the tourist destinations in specific. Night life can be seen in five stat hotels only in selected destinations, as this option was not provided due it relevance to eruption of violence at night time .Kerala is not well connected through air route, international tourists has to land at the metro cities like Chennai ,Mumbai ,Delhi. The excise duties are very enough than the other neighboring states Opportunities Heritage tourism: Vast
Friday, November 1, 2019
The most important lessons Catholic school principals should draw from Essay
The most important lessons Catholic school principals should draw from the history of Catholic Church - Essay Example The principals should understand that the most important task of any Catholic School is to maintain continuous strength of the schools. The history of Catholic Church gives out the important lessons that the principals should be aware. Such lessons are; the school should be sustained by gospel witness, have supernatural mission and vision, founded on Christianity, animated by communion and community, and filled with Catholic principals throughout. This essay gives an outline of all these five important lessons that Catholic School Head teachers should be familiar. Supernatural Vision The Catholic Church terms education as the process of transforming children to fix their eyes on heaven. The major purpose of Catholic Church education is to educate students to be good citizens and God-fearing ones. Therefore, the Schools’ Principals should ensure that they produce citizens who have good morals and follow the will of Almighty. Catholic Schools, unlike other institutions such as Government, business, and media, which view education as an instrument for acquisition information to students to improve their living standard and chances of worldly success, Catholic Churches’ vision of education is to help student improve their moral behaviors, be God loving, and become saints of the world to come. Christian Anthropology Foundation The Catholic Churches emphasizes on Supernatural destiny of students meaning that schools should perfect all students to become good images of God. The Catholic history describes that graces depends on the nature of the human beings. Therefore, the Principals should be aware that Catholic School educators should be able to understand the human person. The educators should have both natural and supernatural power of perfection of the students under their care (Stewart, 2008:212). However, the Catholic history emphasizes on schools educational philosophy built on a proper understa nding of what human person is. All the Catholic School educators should teach his lessons with Christianity concept. Therefore, Catholic Schools, unlike other public schools is not a factory of teaching skills to fulfill the skill requirement for business and industry, and must be founded on Christian Anthropology. Animated on Communion and Community According to Catholic History, a school is a community of persons and faith. Due to this emphasis, Catholic Schools are different from public schools and roots to the nature of human being and church reality. Therefore, catholic schools are educational community. Schools' Principals should be aware that Catholic schools are as a community according to the church Council (Stewart, 2008:121). The dimension of this community is a theological perception rather than sociological group. Catholic History defines school in four areas: teamwork of the involved, educators and bishops’ cooperation, teacher-students’ interaction, and physical environment of the school. The principal should ensure that the school adheres to all these aspects for a smooth running of the schools. Schools should be always imbued with Catholic Worldview One of the key factors of a Catholic school is the permeation of Catholicism spirit throughout its curriculum. According to Catholic history, the purpose of education in school is to perfect growth of the students. Education has the main purpose of developing students’ capability by improving his or her physical, psychological, moral standards, and religious capabilities (Stewart, 2008:293). In order for the school to produce integral students, it must have gospel guidance. Therefore, the principals should ensure tha
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