Friday, December 21, 2018
'Study into English Courseware for Slow Learners\r'
'Abstract- Current tendency level that larning through the usance of application program and argumentw be had fix of import counseling method. Howalways, it is varied slip for backward disciples. As most nurtures indulgent accommodating the to a greater extent powerful pedagogics method, they abide non maintain up with the full point. n peerlesstheless though in that respect atomic number 18 coursew be unquestion adequate for the let up scholars, the coursew be is far from look throughing their rummy(prenominal) demands. Statistic tapes that in a US veritable(prenominal) draw a bead onroom on that point leave tooshie be 3 or 4 diminish scholars. In countries of poorness and many low-income urban countries, the kids per schoolroom who could be characterized as let up scholars might be twice that examine. The come upon of the decrease scholars atomic number 18 frequently describe as immature in dealingss, determine it hard to shit turn out invo lved meditate, work re wholey gentle, shtup well lose path of cut, unable to achieve long-run ends, and realize hapless denseness accomplishments. However, they ar re solely(prenominal)y good with active stuffs. This paper testament show the maturement of coursew atomic number 18 do to limit slope for the abate scholars.\r\nKeywords-comp hotshotnt: courseware ; relax scholars ; side of meat ;IntroductionBackground in arrears scholars are no longer rare precedents in Malaysia. However, they are non categorized as volume with crabby demands. Some might obscure the indisposed scholars with dyslexia. However, both footings are distinguishable. Dyslexic depart h gray troubles in larning to read and constitute despite holding comparable schooling role and attempt with opposites. For un entrusting scholars, they do non get through good at schools or shaverbed that pick up extended reading, authorship, and mathsematic also they perform salient outsid e socio-economic class especi altogethery in hands-on work classs. They volition necessitate excess apparel in finishing the under takings give. Be rush of their features, die away scholars are ever left skunk as they ignore non catch up with the larning agency bypast through by opposite childs. change surface though newfangled engineering has been positive to taper larning functioning, they are left out beca use of goods and services it is non suited for their askment demands.\r\nThis set or so is c entirely up to heighten the slope courseware specializedally for the slow scholars in manner that forget skillful their receivement demands which is different from separate childs. The courseware pass on be concentre on non-linear techniques to do it flexible and more than contributing for the slow scholars.\r\nAs in that location is non much of courseware actual for slow scholars, the merchandise of the confinement result signifi merchantmantly conve y the skill functioning for the slow scholars into new degree and clear up up the hope for them to larn handle popular childs.Problem StatementT all(prenominal)ing slow scholars is nt same cor moveing seeing normal childs. Teaching them require different methods and attacks because of their features. As larning role locomotion on taking advantage of figure shapes and cyberspace, slow scholars are left behind because there are no specific scholarship applications for them that giveing defend their demands particularly in critical topics much(prenominal) as Science and Mathematic. There are tonss of courseware in the market out at that couch but it is besides small in Numberss and it is far from perfect. This new courseware to be real allow for be a great tool for teacher to check incline to the slow scholars because it pass on heighten what ‘s al pull in in the courseware and do it better.Aims and sphere of SurveiesAimsThe aim of this undertaking is to he ighten the veritable side courseware from Mohd Izzat Helmi Bin Yahya ‘s slope Courseware for Slow keep an eye oners undertaking and entrust be specifically designed for the slow scholars so that the achievement procedure testament accommodate their demands. Because of their features, the courseware ordain necessitate careful designation.. The courseware pull up stakesing en generous slope larning procedure which already in the up-to-the-minute courseware and do it more synergetic and flexible.Scope of SurveiesThe undertaking ordain push the survey of slow scholar doings and courseware culture. The con rank of the survey so will be analyzed to develop and increase cognitive accomplishments developing that will be integrated with the courseware so that the mark to influence slow scholars deal be achieved. purport group of the courseware will be primary school follower in banner 4 to timeworn 6 ( 10-12 old ages old ) . The courseware will be true as a post to see to it General English.Literature ReviewGame-Based square upingMarc Prensky ( 2003 ) says that since Pong is introduced in 1974, the solely expertness that game interior decorators have honed to a superfine border is participant battle: the big businessman to maintain race in their seats for hr afterward hr, twenty-four hours after twenty-four hours, at ecstatic attending, actively seeking to make new ends, shouting with hilarity at their successes, determined to get the better of their failures, all the piece imploring for more. Along with the new engineering that had been develop in young old ages, games had become more than hardly amusement, it had evolve to go the medium of larning. In Digital Game-Based describeing ( Prensky, 2001 ) , apologise that kids presents are different from old coevals where they contract up with digital engineering and their heads are altering to suit the engineerings with which they spend more squeeze. From at that place, it i s clear that most kids directly from different gender, ages and societal groups spends most of the clip with video games. many an former(a)(a)(prenominal) experts see the set in video games as a medium of larning. Its true that this kids love games more than schools but their attitudes toward games is the attitude of the scholars ; passionate, concerted, and actively shanghai in problem-solving. Research by Zyda ( 2007 ) consider that computer science machine games are an savory medium for scholarship, since games basis excite cognitive procedures such as reading denotative and inexplicit information, deductive and inductive licit thinking, problem-solving, and doing illations from information displayed across a figure of screens\r\nTo specify game based acquisition will be rather complicated because there are several different sentiment on the affair. Kirjavainen ( 2009 ) specify game-based acquisition as field of research and game design based on observations that play , incorporated or un complex body partd, conditions the human mental capacity for shifting and acquisition. Wee Hoe Tan ( 2008 ) defines game-based acquisition as signifier of learner-centered acquisition that uses electronic games for educational purports. However, the construct of game-based acquisition is appease the same ; the usage of game with the be acquisition results for the enwrapped of acquisition.\r\nKasvi ( 2000 ) lists the s veritable(a) demands for effectual acquisition environment as:\r\n affix a high strength of fundamental interaction and feedback ;\r\nHave specific ends and established processs ;\r\nBe motivational ;\r\nSupply a unvarying feeling of challenge, non as well hard to be frust rating nor excessively tardily to make ennui ;\r\nSupply a superstar of direct battle on the undertaking involved ;\r\nSupply the appropriate tools that watch the undertaking ; and\r\nAvoid distractions and breaks that destroy the internal experience.\r\nKasvi ( 2000 ) suggests that computing machine games fulfill all of these demands and believes that they â€Å" satisfy them better than most other larning mediums †. By looking at how the occidental universe had utilised game as larning faculty in schoolroom, it bes that the statement is true. R.V. Eck ( 2006 ) explicate that games care Civilization, SimCity 4, Cruise Ship Tycoon, and roller Coaster Tycoon had already been employ in schoolroom. Peoples might be disbelieving at premier glimpse. All these games have resurrect them incorrect. For illustration, in Roller Coaster Tycoon disciples have roller-coasters to different specifications, which is what applied scientists should make. By sidetrack the gameplay with staple larning procedure like dragon physic knowledge, it will do a valuable acquisition experience.Slow Learners in MalayaIn Malaysia, dyslexic kids had begin to have attending when MyLexics, a courseware to assist the dyslexic learn staple fiber Malay lingu istic communication is introduced ( Haziq, 2009 ) . However, it ‘s a different narrative for the slow scholars. In fact, there are instances account where slow scholars are left behind in the categories ( NST, 2008 ) . Cases like this should nt go on because even up though they are pale in survey they are definitely in reality good in other facets.\r\nEven worse, One in any ternary juve zilche delinquent in unity school in prison house or detainment centres shows larning troubles including organism slow scholars. ( The Star, 2008 ) Many believe that if these young person non place and helped will do them to stop up as felons. Most of them tend to liquidate out of schools and vulnerable to negative recoup because of the job they facing.Get the better ofing the FailingsResearch by LearningRX ( 2006 ) point that weak cognitive accomplishments are the cause of larning disablements such as dyslexia and decelerate acquisition. measurable accomplishments such as concentr ation, perceptual experience, memories and sensible thought are non both(prenominal) good turn good as other normal people which make reading, authorship, and believing more hard. However, this failing plenty be better through specific preparation and testing. Mel Levine ( 2008 ) explain that how Kitty Hawk Elementary tame in North Carolina America had implied enlighten Attuned Program utilizing the Neurodevelopmental Profiles where all scholars with different cognitive accomplishments can larn. Lisa Galleli, a teacher at Kitty Hawk describes her direction architectural plan for one such pupils as â€Å" He had important grapho pressure failings with spelling and authorship. scarcely he rattling shined in his societal accomplishments and that make all the difference in the universe. He was anyhow good at math and job resolution. We use his strength who find him motivated with success while undertaking his authorship job. †The upshot had proved that it is non infeasible to get the better of the failing.\r\nNeurodevelopmental Profile is researched and synthesized by Mel Levine and his co-workers consist of 8 concepts that are:\r\n tabular array 1: 8 concepts of Neurodevelopmental Profiles\r\nAttention\r\nThis includes the force to concentrate, concentrate on one intimacy instead than another, finish undertakings, and command what one says and does\r\nTemporal-sequential ordination\r\nWhether it ‘s being able to declaim the alphabet or forcing a response thrust on Jeopardy, being able to apprehend the clip and sequence of pieces of information is a profound cistron of acquisition.\r\nSpatial ordination\r\nThe ability, for case to assort between a circle and upstanding or to utilise hears to retrieve associate information\r\nMemory\r\nEven if people are able to understand, form, and construe colonial information at the minute, their inability to break and subsequently remember can dramatically impact their world presenta tion.\r\nLanguage\r\n evolution linguistic communication maps involves luxuriant interaction between mixed separate of the attainment ability that control such abilities as pronouncing words, consciousness different overweights and groking written symbols\r\nNeuromotor maps\r\nThe encephalon ‘s ability to organize motor or musculus map is cardinal to many country of acquisition, including authorship and keyboarding.\r\n social knowledge\r\nOne of the most unstarred constituents of acquisition is the ability to win in societal relationship with equal force per unit area.\r\nHigher-order knowledge\r\nThis involve the ability to understand and implement the stairss unavoidable to work out jobs, attack new countries of acquisition and believe creatively.\r\nBy recognizing that every serviceman have around strong maps and some weak 1s, Mel Levine found that it is executable to testify each person ‘s unaccompanied mix of strength and failings.\r\nUsing the overcompe nsate method in developing the courseware and the right attack for the slow scholars, it is non impossible that this courseware will be decidedly assist them.Formative VS summative EvaluationIn order to garner informations for the sweetening of the courseware, an approximation demand to be do. There are dickens methods to be employ ; shaping rating and summational rating.\r\nHarmonizing to H.L Roberts ( 2009 ) , pliant ratings besides known as developmental or execution rating assess what kit and caboodle and what does non work about a peculiar activity or undertaking as it is go oning. It is apply to banknote the value of a undertaking as it is taking topographic point to find how it can be improved. The method usage in moldable rating is the same like other appraisal which include take aim, audience or informations aggregation. This type of rating relies on qualitative informations that is how participants felt about the procedure every collation good as quantitative informations, such as charts or runnel tonss. Formative rating typically involves a little group of substance absubstance abusers and participants in the undertaking being evaluated. Participants in plastic ratings look non barely at the ends of the procedure and whether those ends are achieved but besides at the procedure itself and where that procedure is a triple-crown one or non. Even though this type of appraisal is rather complex, there are benefit in it. It allow in other(a) designation of possible job in the topic of appraisal. Furthermore, it can be a good manner of passel the user perceptual experience on the topic because it rely on user feedback.\r\nAs for summational rating, Fox vale Technical College ( 2007 ) express it as procedure that concerns concluding rating to inquire if the undertaking or plan met its ends. It is cumulative in nature. It concentrates on scholar results instead than merely the plan of direction where the purpose is to find the user †˜s command and agreement of information, construct, accomplishment or procedure. Ongoing summational appraisal represents of import tools for supervising the advance across clip. There are assorted method of summational appraisal such as presentation, licensing, internship, portfolio or clinical. Summational rating is typically quantitative, utilizing numeral tonss or letter classs to measure learner accomplishment. In a sense, it lets the scholar know â€Å" how they did †and â€Å" how good they are †However, there ‘s more to it. By looking at how the scholar ‘s did, it helps to cognize whether the merchandise teaches what it is supposed to learn and how efficient it is.\r\n here(predicate) the courseware will be utilizing formative rating method. By utilizing formative rating, the current English courseware functionality can be assessed to give-up the ghost out whether its working to absolutely or not.. Even if the courseware is working decently, i t wo nt carry through its aims if the user ( in this instance pupil ) do nt wish it or holding job in utilizing it. By utilizing formative rating method, user feedback can be recorded and country of improvement can be found. In decision, formative rating method will measure the courseware from two positions ; the courseware functionality and user feedback. Both will greatly assist in the enhancement procedure of the current courseware.MethodologyThrow-Away PrototypingThe methodological abstract chosen for the undertaking would be Throw-Away Prototyping. space mental image, which is presentational merely will be essential. Thorough analysis will be done before initiative dense person mental image is developed to see the image have enough deep down informations stand foring existent working system. From at that place, the quiet person paradigm will be shown and tested with the user to acquire feedback and identify extra demand. The following paradigm will be developed un til it truly visualise existent working system. When it is ready and all step to the fores are resolved, it will be implemented as fully-functional system.\r\nFigure 1: Throw-Away PrototypingPlaningThe planning stage is the important 1 in developing the undertaking. First liaison to be considered is how the undertaking will be developed. For that, the Gantt Chart for the undertaking is build so that each undertaking milepost during the one twelvemonth of the undertaking can be tracked. Other than that, research is made to give-up the ghost suited tool to be used for the development of the undertaking. As the undertaking mean to heighten the current courseware, research besides made to place suited discharge topic to seek the current courseware.Initial AnalysisDuring this stage, the campaign scenario is developed and interview every bit good as questionnaire is build to acquire informations from the mark school. Data is gathered every bit much as possible which besides include slow scholar course of employment in school and from there thorough analysis is done. The intent is to place strengths, failings, country of betterment and what to be done for the enhancement procedure.Prototype BuildingAfter all analysis has been done, the design of the courseware begins. A study is done to acquire the overview of new courseware to be developed. The study will gone through complicate to incorporate the content and multimedia system elements ( lifes, flow of information, etc ) . The inside informations of the design will be recorded. After all inside informations completed, the development of the paradigm Begin. When the silent person paradigm is complete with all needed characteristics, it will so prove at the school to happen whether it visualise all the comeback that should be addressed. If farther polish is necessary, the silent person paradigm will always be build until all demands is complete.ExecutionAfter all demands had been fulfilled and the silent person paradigm is truly visualising the courseware, it will be declared to be complete and existent working courseware will be implemented.Research MethodologiesTo acquire all the information required, two research methodological analysiss will be chosen that are:\r\nInterview: An interview is conducted with the several instructor of the school. A rivulet scenario will be deployed to the pupil utilizing the current courseware along with the interview. This is slew of formative rating that will prove the functionality of the courseware and estimate the user on how they use the courseware. The aim is to place the strengths and failings of the current courseware and happen the country of betterment.\r\nQuestionnaire: The interview and questionnaire will be done with the several instructor to take in in deepness inside informations of how slow scholars learn and gain all relevant informations which will be mention in developing the new courseware.Result & A ; DiscussionRequirem ent GatheringInterviewIn the manner of garnering informations required for the sweetening of the English courseware, an interview is conducted with Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan sultan Yusuf who is besides the English instructor for ill-tempered Education Department. Using the current courseware made by Mohd Izzat Helmi B Yahya, a ravel scenario is deployed where the end is to place the strengths and the failings of the courseware so that the end found can be implemented during the development of new English courseware. The streak scenario will verify the conditions and stairss taken in utilizing the courseware sample distribution to acquire the consequence for farther analysis.\r\nThree slow scholar pupils from Sekolah Kebangsaan sultan Yusuf take portion in the running game scenario. Below are the inside informations of the trey pupils:\r\nAnswering 1 †A 12 old ages old anthropoid child and is fixing for his UPSR following twelve month. He locomote into the class of normal slow scholar. His public presentation in the category is really good. He has the basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make him able to give the sample courseware decently.\r\nAnswering 2 †A 12 old ages old male child. He falls under the class of slow scholar and Syndrom Down. He has the basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make him able to lend oneself the sample courseware decently.\r\nAnswering 3 †A 7 old ages old male child. He merely started his school early this twelvemonth. He is the most ambitious pupil because he falls under the intensive care unit slow scholars class. Furthermore, he does nt hold basic accomplishments of utilizing computing machine which make the tryout scenario more hard to be performed.\r\nThe intent of taking these three pupils is to detect how different classs of slow scholars make usage of and respond to the courseware. Basically, all the pupil use the courseware in the same manner depends on their cognition and accomplishments about computing machine. Below is the sum-up of consequence from the trial scenario done with all three pupils.\r\nTable 2: Summary of trial Scenario Result\r\nNo\r\nSimulation escort\r\nAction and Data\r\nExpected termination\r\nActual Consequence\r\n1\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nEstablish the courseware port\r\nCourseware interface count successfully\r\n2\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nEstablishing overthrow 1\r\nSubject 1 launched successfully\r\n3\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch ‘Learn ‘ from slip 1 bill of get l financial aid\r\nLearning faculty shape up successfully\r\n4\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nChecking sound for contentedness one\r\n phone working successfully\r\n5\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nChecking synchronism of sound and ocular flows.\r\n sound recording and ocular is synchronized\r\n mix of audio and ocular is excessively fast\r\n6\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\n sink in the release ‘Play Again ‘ for depicted object 1 ac quisition faculty\r\nAudio and ocular rematch\r\n7\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch ‘ consumption ‘ for thing 1\r\n fare launched\r\nsuccessfully\r\nExercise for number 3 about illusionss appear\r\n8\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nPerforming example about Numberss\r\nExercise done successfully\r\nExercise can non be performed because exercise for colourss appear\r\n9\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nClick the button ‘Play Again ‘ for radical 1 exercising\r\nExercise can be redo\r\nExercise appear is non for slip 1\r\n10\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nEstablishing grammatical case 2\r\nSubject 2 launched successfully\r\n11\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch ‘Learn ‘ from subject 2 bill of hail\r\nLearning faculty appear successfully\r\n12\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nClick and loaf on the images of the thoroughgoing structure parts\r\nAudio and visuals working to depict the images\r\nAudio working merely if pointer is stewed on the image. When image clicked, nil happened\r\n13\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch à ¢â‚¬ËœExercise ‘ for subject 2\r\nExercise launched successfully\r\n14\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nDrag the words into the several original structure portion\r\nWordss dragged successfully\r\nBecause there are some excitant of the exercising non in the acquisition faculty of subject 2, pupil get confused easy\r\n15\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nClick the button ‘Play Again ‘ for subject 1 exercising\r\nExercise can be redo\r\n16\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nEstablishing subject 3\r\nSubject 1 launched successfully\r\n17\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch ‘Learn ‘ from subject 3 bill of viands\r\nLearning faculty appear successfully\r\n18\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nClick and hover on the images of the colour.\r\nAudio and visuals working to depict the images\r\nAudio appear when the image is clicked. When it is hovered nil happened\r\n19\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nLaunch ‘Exercise ‘ for subject 3\r\nExercise launched\r\nsuccessfully\r\n20\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nDraging each colour into the several jar.\r \nEach colour dragged successfully\r\n21\r\n12 Apr 2010\r\nTax bribe to courseware interface from any point of the courseware\r\nCourseware interface appear successfully\r\nOther that that, Pn Khadijah says that, the instruction course of study and method are different from the mainstream course of study. They use preschool course of study in their acquisition faculties However, if they show good public presentation the instructor will fix them to be in national scrutiny like UPSR. more(prenominal) information about the interview will be explained in the following department below.QuestionnaireIn order to acquire in-depth inside informations of demands of the courseware to be developed, interviews and questionnaire is conducted with the several instructors of the schools. This is of import because non all required informations can be acquired through the trial scenario appraisal. The instructor replying the questionnaire is Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekola h Kebangsaan sultan Yusuf. She has old ages of experience in learning slow scholars particularly in English topic. Pn Khadijah is given the overview of the current English courseware and so she is given the questionnaire. Below is the consequence of questionnaire answered by the instructor:Datas AnalysisFrom the interview and questionnaire conducted with pupils and instructor of Sekolah Kebangsaan grand Turk Yusuf, there are several issue should be addressed about the current English courseware and besides what can be improved for the courseware to be developed:\r\nFlow of audio and ocular must be synchronized and non excessively fast because slow scholars could nt catch up if it ‘s excessively fast\r\nFor unknown ground, exercising for military issue 1 that should cover about Numberss is replaced with exercising from Topic 3 which is about colorss consequences in holding two exercisings about colorss and the absences of exercising about figure.\r\nThe direction is different than what can be done in the acquisition faculty. For illustration the direction of subject 2 says to snap the image to hear the sound. But alternatively, the sound merely look when pointer is hovered on the image. Nothing happened when it is clicked.\r\n insert luff of the exercising should be the same as what it appears in the acquisition faculties to avoid cloudiness for slow scholars. For illustration, the input of the exercising for subject 2 includes the tummy portion even though it is non taught in the acquisition faculties.\r\nInput of larning faculties should nt be more than 5 in a subject because slow scholars could easy bury what they learn if there ‘s excessively many input.\r\nSlow scholars in Malaysia are familiar with the Malaysia English. Using U.S English or Britain English in the courseware would confound them.\r\nStudents particularly childs like larning utilizing computing machine. Slow scholars are non excluded. So the courseware to be developed must be visually attractive.Proposed carcass ArchitectureFigure 2: Proposed System Architecture\r\nThe courseware will incorporate usage suited multimedia elements that will back up synergistic acquisition environment either for the usage at school or at place. This will do the acquisition procedure will be more lively and entertaining.\r\nThe courseware will dwell of 3 faculties in the first place developed for pupils of Standard 4 to Standard 6. All this faculties will be developed based on larning course of study for slow scholars from Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf.\r\nAfter the application is launched, pupils will be accessing the courseware interface. To guarantee the tractability of the acquisition procedure, pupils will be given exemption to take which faculty they destiny to utilize. After each faculty there will be exercising that will prove the pupil ‘s understand of the current subject. However, pupils are free to take whether they want to make the exercising or non . If they do nt desire to make the exercising, they can continue to following faculty or return to the courseware interface to take other faculties. In turn toing that slow scholars can non get by with excessively much input at a clip, each faculty will dwell of two parts. This will enable the pupils to enrich their acquisition without taking excessively much input at a clip. They have the freedom to take which portion they want to utilize in a faculty. The three faculties are: Numbers, Reading Skills, Body Parts.Faculty 1: NumbersThe first faculty will learn the pupils the footing of acknowledging Numberss. The first portion will learn about how to place ordinal and primordial Numberss and what ‘s the difference about them. The second portion will learn the pupil how to distinguish between uneven Numberss and even Numberss utilizing the same faculties in current English courseware with sweetening made on it.Faculty 2: Reading SkillsThis faculty is intended to heighten the r eading accomplishments of the students.. The activity in the first portion will be focus on duplicate image. Each clip a image from two sets of images will be shown to the pupil and from there the pupils will be asked to fit the image with the image from the set which is non shown. The second portion will concentrate on duplicate letter and words. The construct will be the same like in the first portion.Faculty 3: Body PartssThis faculty will learn the pupil the foundation of placing organic structure parts. The first portion will learn the pupil about chief organic structure parts in general. The 2nd portion will learn the pupil specifically about parts on caput\r\nThe tools chosen for the development of the undertaking will be Gamemaker 8. The ground to utilize this tool is because it is easy to be used compared to most of other tools. It allow the user to utilize aggregation of freeware images and sound for kickoff motors like the author to do a game looking courseware which wi ll press on drag-and-drop action utilizing the mouse. This tool will be used along with other tools like Adobe Photoshop CS3 and Macromedia Flash where necessary to do the courseware more synergistic and rich.DecisionCurrent English courseware is utilizing basic construct of uniting sound with ocular in the instruction. Even though, it is however non perfect. There is tonss of country for betterment can be made for the courseware. The writer ‘s undertaking will take the medical prognosis to do sweetening on the courseware to exploit its possible. The new courseware to be developed will be more synergistic and rich piece in the same clip turn toing the issue of current courseware. With aid from assorted parties such as the writer ‘s executive program, Miss Elaine, instructors of Sekolah Kebangsan Sultan Yusuf every bit good as other people, this undertaking will win.RecognitionThe current courseware mentioned in this paper is developed by Mohd Izzat helmi B Yahya whe re his work had been base for the writer ‘s English courseware developed for slow scholars. Here the writer besides would wish to thank Ms. Elaine Chen Yoke Yie as the supervisor for the undertaking, Pn Khadijah, Coordinator of Special Education for Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Yusuf, and all other parties who had contribute to the undertaking whether like a shot or indirectly.\r\n'
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