Sunday, March 31, 2019
Achievements of Ancient Egypt
Achievements of Ancient EgyptAchievement of Ancient EgyptThe achievements of ancient Egypt can be traced back to the limit between 3000 BC to 31 BC. From advances in mathematics, writings to symbolized achievements in medicine art and knowledge, Egypt has make tremendous advances in regulate the beingness civilization (Winckelmann and Alex, 54). It was a leading Middle Eastern force out in the period of 612 onwards. The emperor of Macedonian conqueror Alexander the bully desired to be crowned pharaoh that indicated that civilization made strides even for semipermanent periods (Smith and Roger, 33).Alexander the Greats general named Ptolemy became an independent ruler in 305BC after being crowned pharaoh, and his line of rule lasted to the famous queen, Cleopatra. She passed on in 31B.C.After this period of time, the Roman Empire were able to capture the Nile V exclusivelyey, and it was ruled by foreigners for oer a period of a thousand course of instructions (Smith and Roge r, 16). These meant that the Egyptian gloss had to change to states of unrecognizable features. Within this paper, there would be a precise analysis of these achievements ranging from agriculture, art to science to applied science.AgricultureLife in Egypt was pertain on the river Nile. Farmers developed long irrigation methods which controlled the flow of water so as to ensure that crop yields were maintained throughout seasons whether dry or rainy. They dissever the year into 12 months,30 days each month and five days of celebration (Smith and Roger, 21). They also made the solar calendar. The rich fertile valleys made it possible for projects such as Pyramids through the surpluses of crops. These surpluses were utilise to fund the sharp lifemodal value for the elite to help in diplomatic and trade relations and to enable wars of conquest were paid for (Winckelmann and Alex, 57).Writing and literatureThe earliest hieroglyph writing dated back to 3000 BC. Hieroglyphs repres ented a word, sound or a silent determinative and the symbol could serve different purposes in reference to a specific context (Wilkinson, 42). Though the majorities were written from estimable to left, the Egyptian ideograms were made up of hundreds of symbols that could be recited in rows or columns or either direction (Smith and Roger, 27). These ideograms were exclusively used in grave accents and on pitfall monuments in Egypt.Anformer(a) form of writing that existed and which was highly accepted by the scribes was the one called hieratic. It uses a cursive script or in other words a joined up writing. It was easy and quicker to use, in comparison to hieroglyphic (Shaw, 32). Towards the end of Ancient Egyptian civilization that is more or less 500 BC a new form of writing emerged called the Demotic. It was phonetic, semi-alphabetic script. literatureMost of the Egyptian hieroglyphic texts are theological or commemorative. Their literature is notably evident in public monumen ts, and walls of temples. Love poetry, proverbs, curses, myths and legends are all found in hieratic and later modified into demotic scripts (Shaw, 22).Stories take away been discovered dating back to the middle Kingdom. One of the famous stories, is the invoice of sinuhe. Another tale is that of Wenamum that proffers an insight into Egypts declining phase (Wilkinson, 37). These stories were said to have style and impact which was based on stories from Reminiscent Arabian nights. The Egyptian stories proven that a lively literary tradition even in the sense impression of humour existed in Ancient Egypt. They may also be used to illustrate the theme of secular versus esoteric literature (Smith and Roger, 41).Religion was an in-chief(postnominal) element of Egyptian literature. Hymns and prayers were written for purposes of praising gods. The Egyptians regarded the Pharaoh as a god, and their positive god was called the Ra. He was the god of the light, and guardian of Egyptian l ives.ArtEgyptian art was a true reflection of their way of life. This was greatly be in temple drawings, and tombs of prominent people. The intention of these drawings was to provide information which the dead person could use while transiting to another level of life (Shaw, 31). It provided instructions to these people, on how they ought to conduct themselves in the other life. Talk of mysteries. Furthermore, pictures of servants, slaves, and food were used to bear on that the deceased would need them, just as they are needed in the physical life (Smith and Roger, 45). In addition, artists used paints (blue, red, orange and white) made from of course occurring minerals. By the time of Ramses, the second, artists gained the capability of shading colors for purposes of achieving a shape effect. Sculptors were also important in ancient Egypt (Wilkinson, 41). Furthermore, Egyptians made statutes of animals, gods, kings, queens etc, for purposes of flattery and worship. Pottery gl azed with minerals was always used to make amulets, pendants, beads, jewelry.Architecturearchitectural achievements in ancient Egypt were built of stone. This stones came from quarries that were notable of supplying granite, limestone, sandstone which were used in building the temples and tombs. This architect did plan how to build, and they did it without mortar so that the stones could fit hardly on one another (Smith and Roger, 47). On the other hand, pillars were used to offer short stone support. Ramps were used to give workers an enabling support to do stones to the top of structures and allow artists decorate the tops of walls and pillars (Wilkinson, 37). It is said that as pharaoh was named tomb construction began, and the construction proceeded throughout their lifetime thereby stopping at their time of demise.PyramidsPyramids were tombs which were used to bury the pharaohs. Egyptians believed that the souls of departed kings enabled kingdoms to remain in successfulness a nd peace and full of blessings (Wilkinson, 33). They mummified the Kings bodies to ensure that during such difficult times equivalent during suppressions the gods could intervene on their behalf so that they defeat the enemy for peace to overtop (Magd, 39).MathematicsEgypt had some mathematical achievements which made it possible for their education to increment tremendously. By the year 2700 BC, the Egyptians had developed the base of 10 enumerations (Shaw, 27). By the year 1300 BC, Egyptians managed to develop two algebraic equations. The innovation in mathematics gave them a cutting edge from the rest of the demesne. In the year 1650 BC, geometry, cotangent one-dimensional and algebraic equations, arithmetic series and geometrics series were developed (Magd, 27).Medicine and scienceEdwin Smith Papyrus, a medical tradition that traces as far as 3000BC was initiated in 1600 BC. Later ancient Egypt saw Ebers Medical Papyrus, traditional sensualism and the Worlds earliest tumors being documented in 1500 BC (Wilkinson, 33). Also, ancient Egyptian doctors gained the skills and capability of stitching wounds, repairing broken bones, and amputating infected limbs. They managed to bandage body cuts by the use of raw meat, and linen, which were soaked in honey (Magd, 31). In science, the world looks at Egyptian astrology as the origin of all galactic knowledge. Ancient civilization of Egypt devoted much time and energy to break down the heavens (Winckelmann and Alex, 59). The information was put to practical use in agriculture, geodesy and the strategy of weights and measures and also to study correspondences between events in the heavens and event on earth.ConclusionAlthough open problems have emerged over the sophistication of Egyptian technology and its adoption of various advances, it cannot go without mentioning that Egypt shaped the Worlds civilization. This is from the Napoleonic conquests, to the modern Egyptology. The world looks at Egypt as the moth er of all civilization. Currently, the country is enjoying better tourism business because of this ancient works. From artistic drawings to mummifications in pyramids to literature and medicine, Egypt has attained perception from the world all over. Works CitedSmith, Miranda, and Roger Stuart. Ancient Egypt. London Kingfisher, 2010. Print.Wilkinson, Toby A. H. The organise and Fall of Ancient Egypt. New York Random House, 2010.Print.Shaw, Ian. The Oxford recital of Ancient Egypt. Oxford Oxford UP, 2000. Print.Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, and Alex Potts. History of the Art of Antiquity. Los Angeles,Calif. Getty Research Institute, 2006. Print.Magd, Zeinab. Imagined Empires a History of Revolt in Egypt. Berkeley U of California, 2013.Print.
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